Dining Bar 中野十一中 - Nakano City

4.6/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Dining Bar 中野十一中

住所 :

Dining Bar 中野十一中 大森ビル, 2F, 165-0025, 1 Chome-34-23 Numabukuro, Nakano City, Tokyo 165-0025, Japan

電話 : 📞 +8879
Postal code : 165-0025
Webサイト : https://www.facebook.com/%25E3%2583%2580%25E3%2582%25A4%25E3%2583%258B%25E3%2583%25B3%25E3%2582%25B0%25E3%2583%2590%25E3%2583%25BC-%25E4%25B8%25AD%25E9%2587%258E%25E5%258D%2581%25E4%25B8%2580%25E4%25B8%25AD-869447113170082/

Dining Bar 中野十一中 大森ビル, 2F, 165-0025, 1 Chome-34-23 Numabukuro, Nakano City, Tokyo 165-0025, Japan
ライトニングあれく on Google

ささりん on Google

Too much sake
Yohei Watanabe on Google

A beautiful bar with a calm atmosphere
齋藤俊 on Google

rereref rain on Google

I had the ramen served at noon. It was delicious.
yasu papa (ヤスオヤジ) on Google

Although the name seems to be a busy shop in the local area, a high-quality space opens up inside. Scotch and bourbon, as well as alcohol at a considerable level. I'm going to make you feel like a bar.
noboru tuba on Google

今は学校併合で緑野中学校というわけの分からない名称になった旧中野区立第11中学校のOBがやっている居心地の良いダイニングバー。 フードもだが、ドリンクもなかなか。リクエストにも応じてくれた。
A cozy dining bar run by an alumnus of the former Nakano Ward No. 11 Junior High School, which has become a name that is now known as Midorino Junior High School. Food is good, but drinks are quite good. He responded to the request.
Isono Tokio on Google

「中野区立第十一中学校」は平成20年に「中野区立 緑野中学校」に統廃合されました。中野十一中を卒業した私は、以前からこのお店が気になっており今回初訪問。お店は連続立体交差工事中の、沼袋駅北口前にあります。階段を登ると広くて落ち着いた雰囲気。バーカウンター一面にウィスキーやジンなどがずらりと並んでいます。 中野十一中卒のオーナーは若い方ですが、話を伺うとお酒の知識が大変豊富、かつ多趣味のようです。先ずはバーボン3種の利き酒をさせてもらいます。アテは内製の燻製ベーコンともつ煮を頂きましたが、どちらも美味しいですね。次に宮崎のHinata Ginを。ひなたのような暖かく柔らかな味わいです。最後にマルス アブサン モン・セールを頂いて閉めました。 リーズナブルなものから、希少なものまで幅広く揃えており、またお邪魔したいですね~U^ェ^U
"Nakano Ward No. 11 Junior High School" was integrated into "Nakano Ward Midorino Junior High School" in 2008. I graduated from Nakano Juichichu and I have been worried about this store for the first time. The store is located in front of the north exit of Numabukuro Station, which is undergoing continuous multilevel intersection construction. Climbing up the stairs gives a spacious and calm atmosphere. Whiskey and gin are lined up all over the bar counter. Nakano Juichi is a young graduate owner, but when I talk to him, he has a lot of knowledge about liquor and seems to be hobby. First of all, I will have 3 types of Bourbon. The ate had in-house smoked bacon and boiled stew, both of which are delicious. Next, Miyazaki's Hinata Gin. It has a warm and soft taste like Hinata. Finally, we received Mars Absinthe Mont Sale and closed it. There are a wide range of items from reasonable to rare ones, and I want to see you again.

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