肉問屋 肉丸商店イオンモール久御山店

2.2/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact 肉問屋 肉丸商店イオンモール久御山店

住所 :

Mori, Kumiyama, Kuse District, 〒613-0024 Kyoto,Japan

Webサイト : https://www.sumibiyakiniku.com/shop15/00148/
街 : Kyoto

Mori, Kumiyama, Kuse District, 〒613-0024 Kyoto,Japan
市川操 on Google

接客態度全くなっていない。注文するのに待っていても店員さん同士雑談をして相手にしてくれない。大声で呼んでやっと来てくれたが、無言のまま注文を聞いてレジを打って終わり。一言もなし。 品物が出来て取りに行っても無言で指差すだけ。最低の接客態度。
There is no customer service attitude. Even if I wait to place an order, the clerk does not chat with each other and deal with me. He called me out loud and finally came, but I heard the order silently and hit the cash register to finish. No word. Even if the item is ready and you go to pick it up, you just point to it silently. The lowest customer service attitude.
SHINYA on Google

肉丸セット 肉2倍 肉吸いついてこの値段は良いが 肉のカットがでかく 良い肉じゃなので噛み切れない。 味は普通 松屋のカルビの方が良い もう少し薄く切って、一口で食べられる大きさにすべき。
Meat round set double meat This price is good because it sucks meat The cut of meat is huge It's good meat so I can't chew it. The taste is normal Matsuya's ribs are better It should be sliced ​​a little more so that it can be eaten in one bite.
守田昭 on Google

初めて見るお店 肉丸セットを注文した。 待機中、お店が出すお盆が少々ゴミだらけ! 拭かないの? と思いながら見てたが、そのままで提供された。 清潔さは残念! の一言 けど、料理はおいしい! 清潔をきちっとしてたら評価は★★★★★だったかな… 次にきたときは改善されてたらいいけど…
A shop you see for the first time I ordered a meat round set. During the waiting period, the trays from the shops are full of garbage! Do not wipe? I looked at it while thinking, but it was provided as it was. Sorry for the cleanliness! A word of But the food is delicious! I wonder if the cleanliness was right, the evaluation was ★★★★★… The next time I hope I can improve ...
Masafumi Furukawa on Google

危険!接客最低、ゴミ屑レベル。 他のレビュー通りのお店でした。 2020年2月16日・午後8時頃来店。 食後のお盆を返却口に持って行ったが、満杯で入らない。その旨を店員に伝え上で、仕方がないので商品提供口に置こうとしたら、「そんな所に置かないで!」と一言。 その後も返却口を整理するでもなく、店員は遊んでる状態。 自分は仕事せずに客に指示するって、どんな教育システムなの?俺はお前の部下ではありませんし、金払って食べに来た客ですよ。 次回50円オフのクーポンが付いていたけどさぁ、 ま、2度と近付かないわ。 味はフツーだが、他のレビュワーのコメントの様に『松屋』でカルビ定食食ってる方が賢いわ。
Danger! Minimum customer service, trash level. It was a shop according to other reviews. Visited the store on February 16, 2020, around 8 PM. I took the tray after meal to the return slot, but it was not full. When I told the clerk that I couldn't help it, I tried to put it in the merchandise outlet, and said, "Don't put it in that place!" After that, the clerk is playing without having to arrange the return opening. What kind of educational system is it to instruct customers without working? I'm not your subordinate and I'm a customer who paid to eat. Next time there was a coupon of 50 yen off, Well, I'll never get closer. It tastes good, but it's wiser to eat a set meal at Matsuya, as other reviewers comment.
s t on Google

石焼ビビンバと肉吸いセット(キムチ付き) 少し量は少ないが◎ お肉から出汁がたっぷり出てる肉吸いが満足感UP
Stone grilled bibimbap and meat sucker set (with kimchi) Although the amount is a little small ◎ Meat sucking with plenty of broth coming out of the meat improves satisfaction
sho -s on Google

I ordered a beef rib bowl. Almost all meat is charred, and even barely unburned meat has a charred taste. The only kimchi was delicious. On the contrary, it seems to be a story, so please try it once.
K S S on Google

スタッフが変わったのか前よりずっと良くなった。 カルビ丼は美味しいのでこのままスタッフも変わらず良くいて欲しい。 タレが美味しいね
Maybe the staff has changed and it's much better than before. The rib bowl is delicious, so I hope the staff will continue to be good. The sauce is delicious
京都人ダックン(ダックン) on Google

I ordered a large serving of white rice, but it looks great. It feels like arranging ragged bytes in the tequito. The meat is also hard and in this case Matsuya's rib meat set meal is higher quality!

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