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ホルモン焼肉 たか家 (ホルモンヤキニクタカヤ) - 伏見/焼肉 | 食べログ - Tabelog.com

ホルモン焼肉 たか家/ホルモンヤキニクタカヤ (伏見/焼肉)の店舗情報は食べログでチェック!京都・伏見の焼肉店◇希少部位◎上質焼肉&ホルモンを破格の価格で腹一杯堪能!ランチも営業中! 【喫煙可】口コミや評価、写真など、ユーザーによるリアルな情報が満載です!地図や料理メニューなどの詳細情報も充実。

About ホルモン焼肉たか家

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Contact ホルモン焼肉たか家

住所 :

Nakajimatoyamacho, Fushimi Ward, 〒612-8455 Kyoto,Japan

電話 : 📞 +87
Webサイト : https://tabelog.com/kyoto/A2601/A260601/26007693/
街 : Kyoto

Nakajimatoyamacho, Fushimi Ward, 〒612-8455 Kyoto,Japan
AKI 。 on Google

I went to lunch around the end of last year. The meat quality was good, and the hormone contained a little liver, but even if I wasn't good at liver, it was so fresh that all the liver was good, and it was quite delicious. But I ordered 300 and 500, but I think they were in one container and there wasn't 800. I think it wasn't enough for about 200. ?? Only there is a regret.
ああ on Google

ランチ利用しています おいしく安かったのですが8月から数百円値上げしていました。コロナのせいですかね 毎回ホルモンの内容がちょっと違うのもまたいいんですよね。美味しいからまたいっちゃいます。 昼のパーキング提携があれば最高です
I am using lunch It was delicious and cheap, but the price has been raised by several hundred yen since August. Is it because of Corona? It's also nice that the hormone content is a little different each time. It's delicious so I'll come back again. It would be great if there was a daytime parking tie-up
魔防11ええこと屋 on Google

I want to tell someone, but I want to keep it secret! Such a shop. (Laughs) Lunch is the best anyway! If you give detailed information, it should be in a queue or something! I'm sorry! ?
肥後橋輝彦 on Google

今夜はちょっと贅沢に焼肉でもどうですか? カウンターで炭火焼肉を食べられ、座敷もあるのでカップルでもファミリーでもバッチリ!漫画もあるのでおひとりさまでも安心です! 値段も街中と比べるとリーズナブルな設定です。是非お待ちしておりますm(__)m
How about yakiniku a little extra tonight? You can eat charcoal-grilled meat at the counter and there is also a parlor, so it's perfect for couples and families! There is also a comic book so you can rest assured! The price is reasonable compared to the city. We are looking forward to seeing you m (__) m
ケツの穴に図星 on Google

京都に住んでいた時に晩ご飯で焼肉と言えばココでした。味、料金設定、店員さんの対応等全体的なバランスはピカイチでした。 特に昼のランチはこの価格でコレ!?ってくらい安いし美味いです!ランチのコスパ良過ぎて連日行くことも。何を食べても美味しかったですが、特にここのセセリは大好きでした。また京都に行った時は是非寄りたいです。
Speaking of yakiniku for dinner when I lived in Kyoto, it was Coco. The overall balance, such as taste, price setting, and clerk's response, was good. Especially for lunch during the day at this price! ? It is cheap and delicious! Lunch cospa is too good to go every day. Everything was delicious, but I especially loved the scallop here. I also want to stop by when I go to Kyoto.
deep space 2045 on Google

I ordered a 300g rib set meal for lunch. The meat felt a little too soft, but it was charcoal and it was delicious. This is 1200 yen cheap!
shi “カキノタネ” on Google

10 minutes from Fushimi station? I can't get there even if I run with all my strength, I recommend the bus from the nearest station, the sauce is sweet and the meat is cut into small pieces, the meat that falls from the gridiron, many, lunch, so I wonder if it is like this
Y M on Google

京都観光で利用しました いちげんさんは利用しずらいかと思いきや、アルバイトのお姉さんは感じが良かったですよ✨ 佐賀にもホルモン専門で食べれるお店あったらいいなぁ! 七輪で食べる焼肉は最高でした! シメのラーメンもスープが美味いです。
I used it for sightseeing in Kyoto I thought it would be difficult for Ichigen-san to use it, but the part-time job sister felt good. I wish there was a restaurant in Saga that specializes in hormones! The yakiniku I ate at Shichirin was the best! The soup is also delicious for the ramen of the shime.

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