魚酒場 二つめ

4.4/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact 魚酒場 二つめ

住所 :

Miyacho, Omiya Ward, 〒330-0802 Saitama,Japan

電話 : 📞 +887898
Webサイト : https://www.instagram.com/uosakaba.futatsume/
街 : Saitama

Miyacho, Omiya Ward, 〒330-0802 Saitama,Japan
Y.ぽん太 on Google

お魚やおつまみがおいしい お酒もいろいろあります こじゃれた居酒屋さん
Fish and snacks are delicious There are various kinds of sake Izakaya, a bar
K H (ko-oh-1) on Google

駅から少し離れているがとても美味しい料理がいただける。 一つ一つにこだわりが感じられます。 刺身はもちろん焼き物もとても旨かったです。 お勧めできるお店です。
Although it is a little away from the station, you can enjoy very delicious food. You can feel the commitment to each one. The sashimi as well as the pottery were very delicious. This is a recommended shop.
S Megumi on Google

当日仕入れた旬なお魚、とても美味しいかった‼️ 日本酒(種類豊富)相性もよく、大満足
The seasonal fish procured on the day was very delicious! ️ Sake (rich variety) goes well with it and is very satisfying
on Google

いつだったか見た記事が気になっていたので、3人で訪問。お通しで出てきた小鉢のおでんを食べた瞬間、あ、ここ当たりだ。と確信しました。 お造り、天ぷら、釜飯、一通り頼みましたが、どれもこれも美味しく特に海のものに関しては、海無し県の埼玉で良くここまでのものをと舌を巻きました。 3人で7、8品頼み、お酒も1人3杯くらい呑んでお値段は15000円弱。満足度から言えばもっと払ってもいいと思えるものでした。
I was worried about the article I saw when I was there, so I visited three people. The moment I ate a small bowl of oden that came out through, it is here. I was convinced. I asked for sashimi, tempura, kamameshi, and so on, but all of them were delicious, especially for sea food, and I often wrapped my tongue in Saitama in the sealess prefecture. Three people ask for 7 or 8 items, drink about 3 glasses of alcohol, and the price is less than 15,000 yen. Satisfaction meant that I could pay more.
38 kikusakura on Google

お料理がとにかく美味しいです✨ お刺身盛り合わせと椎茸は絶対に食べてもらいたいです! 大将をはじめ、店員さんが皆フランクで話しやすいので、何度も通いたくなる? 美味しいお料理と日本酒が飲みたい方におすすめです??
The food is delicious anyway ✨ I definitely want you to eat sashimi platter and shiitake mushrooms! All the staff, including the general, are frank and easy to talk to, so I want to go there again and again ? Recommended for those who want to drink delicious food and sake ??
小竹晃平 on Google

お魚と日本酒が美味しい居酒屋です。 大宮で随一の魚へのこだわりを持つお店だと思います。 お酒が呑めなくても、お魚が食べたいんであれば訪れる価値アリです。 お魚の他にも、野菜も美味しいですよ。 日本酒はメニューに載ってるやつ以外でも、オススメを聴いたら色々教えてくれます。 ひとつ難点を挙げるとすれば、席が少なくて満席になりやすいことでしょうか?笑 来店の前に一度電話しておくと良いかもしれません。 予算は大体ひとり4000〜5000円です。
A izakaya with delicious fish and sake. I think it is the best restaurant in Omiya with a commitment to fish. Even if you can't drink, if you want to eat fish, it's worth visiting. In addition to fish, vegetables are also delicious. Other than the ones on the menu, Japanese sake will tell you a lot if you listen to recommendations. The only drawback is that there are few seats and it's easy to fill up? Lol You may want to call once before visiting. The budget is about 4000 to 5000 yen per person.
U Sky on Google

I took the courage to go to a store that I had been interested in for a long time. I sat at the counter, but the staff were all friendly and kind, and the food was delicious no matter what I ate. Alcohol also went a long way. The restaurant is in a difficult situation right now, but I hope that such a good restaurant will always be in Omiya. I support you with a little effort.
taro okamoto on Google

美味しい魚介をいただけるお店です。 お酒の種類も豊富で直送の素材も素晴らしいです。 香水をつけている人はご遠慮くださいの案内があり、それは理解できます。 私の読み落としかもしれませんが、匂いに制限がある割には2階席は喫煙可能でそこはどうなのかなと思いました。 他のお客さんにもよりますが嫌な方は1階席を指定された方がいいです。
It is a shop where you can enjoy delicious seafood. There is a wide variety of sake, and the ingredients sent directly are also wonderful. Those who wear perfume are advised to refrain from doing so, which is understandable. It may be overlooked by me, but I wondered what it would be like to smoke on the second floor seats despite the limited odor. It depends on other customers, but if you don't like it, you should assign a seat on the first floor.

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