セオサイクル 大宮・宮町店

3.6/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact セオサイクル 大宮・宮町店

住所 :

Miyacho, Omiya Ward, 〒330-0802 Saitama,Japan

電話 : 📞 +8887
Webサイト : http://www.seocycle.co.jp/
街 : Saitama

Miyacho, Omiya Ward, 〒330-0802 Saitama,Japan
Kameyama H on Google

It seems to specialize in city cycling, cross bikes and folding bikes. I bought a cross bike, but the clerk's knowledge is abundant and it meets the demands of a hobby. I think that aftercare after purchase is a conscientious and good shop.
りぶ on Google

急なパンクで店内に入るも狭い店内で3人。 誰が店員さんかもわからないですが常連さんとなのかお話に夢中です。 一瞥いただいた後数分その場で待ってみましたが話は終わることなく続いていました。 事前予約が必要か一見さんお断りのお店みたいです。 自転車屋さんではなかなか珍しいシステムですね。 紹介していただける常連さんを探せたらいつか再訪してみたいと思います。
Three people are in a narrow store even entering the store with a sudden puncture. I do not know who is a clerk, but I am keen on talking with regulars. I waited a few minutes after a glance, but the story continued without ending. It seems like a shop refused a look whether advance reservation is necessary. It is quite rare system at a bicycle store. I would like to revisit someday if I can find regulars you can introduce.
Nana M on Google

It's a different theo cycle, but we come to the store with a sudden punk. I asked you because I was in a hurry, but the response is Tekitou. Nevertheless, at the time of accounting, "it is better to replace the tires are running out. "When…. A few days ago, I was told that the tires were OK, so I became more distrustful.
依澄かけら on Google

It was my first time to buy a sports bicycle, so when I explained that and my budget, they responded politely and I was very satisfied with the shopping. They kindly respond to questions about necessary parts, clearly tell us what is less cost-effective for the price, and proceed with cheaper and better ones. When I tried to buy it, he clearly told me that I shouldn't buy it. I would love to visit again if I have the opportunity.
かずしげbot on Google

はっきり言って店員の対応は最悪でした。 パンクの修理をお願いしましたが私のクロスバイクを見た瞬間に 「チューブの交換になりますね、料金は3000円前後ですね〜。」と言われました。 自転車に詳しくないので分かりませんがすぐに言われても普通の修理で1000円くらいだと思ってたので戸惑いました。 「んー3000円か…」と悩んでいたら別の作業をしに遠くへ行って、店員同士で会話をしてました。 修理をお願いしたら、全く説明なしに作業を始めて、私はずっとここで待たされるのか、数分後に来ればいいのかわからないのでじっとしてましたが10分くらいで終わりました。 会計を済ました後に、「お待たせしました」も「ありがとうございました」もなしに、店外に自転車を置いて次のお客さんを対応していました。 本当に気分が悪いです。 もう行かないです。
To be clear, the clerk's response was the worst. I asked for repair of the punk, but the moment I saw my cross bike "It will be the replacement of the tube, the fee looks around 3000 yen." I was told. I don't know it because I'm not familiar with bicycles, but I was confused because I thought it would cost around 1000 yen for normal repairs. When I was worried about "N-3000 yen ...", I went far to do another work and had conversations with the store clerk. Once you ask for repair, I started to work without any explanation, I will do much to wait here, but had to sit still does not know what should I come to after a few minutes came to an end in about 10 minutes. After accounting, I left a bicycle outside the store to handle the next customer without waiting for me or thank you. I feel really sick. I won't go anymore.
A. Hiruma on Google

夜間に一度来店して決めかねていた時に 試乗の案内をしていただけたのが嬉しかったです。 試乗もゆっくりさせてくださって、比較をしっかりすることができました。
When I came to the store once at night and couldn't decide I was glad that you gave me a test drive guide. The test drive was also slowed down, and I was able to make a solid comparison.
やまやま on Google

先日クロスバイクを購入。私がすぐ決めきれずにあれこれ迷ってる間もじっと待ってくれました。車体を持ち帰れる状態にしてもらった後で追加でカギとボトルホルダーの取り付けもお願いしたところ、二度手間になるにも関わらず嫌な顔一つせず対応してくださいました。(ほんとすみません笑) アフターフォローについてもちゃんと説明してくださいましたし、またお世話になろうかと思います。
I bought a cross bike the other day. He waited for me while I was at a loss because I couldn't decide right away. After getting the car body ready to be taken home, I asked for an additional key and bottle holder, and despite the fact that it was troublesome twice, he responded without a disgusting face. (I'm really sorry lol) He explained the after-sales follow-up properly, and I would like to take care of him again.
sei yamazaki on Google

JR大宮駅東口で、北の大栄橋先にある自転車ショップ『セオサイクル大宮・宮町』さんに立ち寄りました。 パラつく小雨の中、店を覗いて。前々から新しいママチャリを買いたくて見ていた手頃なやつを、今日は買い求めました。 店員さんは男性ふたり、とても親切に応対してくれたので、即決。1台買ってきました。 長いことここ数ヵ月、前タイヤがパンクしていて使えなくなっていた今までの古い折り畳み式自転車は、明日以降にお店に届ければ(500円で)処分してくれます。 さて今度のママチャリはどれくらいの年月、乗ることが出来るのでしょうか。(笑)
At the east exit of JR Omiya Station, I stopped by the bicycle shop "Theocycle Omiya / Miyacho" at the end of Daiei Bridge in the north. Look into the store in the light rain. Today I bought an affordable bike that I had been looking for for a long time to buy a new bike. The clerk was very kind to the two men, so I decided immediately. I bought one. For a long time, the old folding bike, which had a flat tire on the front and couldn't be used for the past few months, will be disposed of (for 500 yen) if it is delivered to the store after tomorrow. By the way, how long will the next mamachari be able to ride? (Lol)

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