Mitakara Dam - Tamba

3.5/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Mitakara Dam

住所 :

Kasugacho Kamiminosho, Tamba, Hyogo 669-4251, Japan

Postal code : 669-4251

Kasugacho Kamiminosho, Tamba, Hyogo 669-4251, Japan
ToS ™ on Google

Many Genji fireflies fly over the river flowing from the dam, so the scenery is very beautiful.
覚山内 on Google

A place to visit the dam. There is no store. The scenery is nice
Yuichi Kawamata on Google

Although it is a small gravitational concrete dam, it is a rare dam where you can climb stairs for dam management. The dam lake orbit is compact, about 1.2km. Toilet and parking
羽田俊雄 on Google

It's a quiet and beautiful place. Some wild plants are growing somehow. It's not enough to take it home (^ _ ^;)
* Junko on Google

お盆期間にダム見学のイベントがありました。 2年前に初めて参加して、今年で2回目の参加でした。(日にちについては調べてください) 参加は申し込みの必要もなく、無料で参加できます? ダムの手前の駐車場に車を停めて、受付をすると、クイズの解答用紙(全部で4問)と500mlの冷えた飲み物がもらえました。 左手奥の階段を上がると、係りの方がいて、ドローンでダムをバックに写真を撮ってもらえました。(帰りにプリントアウトしたものをもらえます) そこにQ1がありました。 そこからぐるっとダムの外周を回り一番奥辺りに広場があり、そこにQ2がありました。 外周を歩いて行くとQ3があり、ダムを塞き止めている上の通路の手前にQ4がありました。 ダムの周りを20分ほどかけて1周して、写真をもらい、初めに登った階段を下りると扉があり、係りの方がいるのでその扉からダムの内部に入っていきました。 中はコンクリート張りの通路なのですが、とっても涼しいぃ~更に階段を下ると寒いほどひんやりしていました。 通路途中は水たまりがあちこちにあります。 涼みながら進んでいき、階段を上がると、受付の辺りに出てきました。 そこでクイズの答え合わせをして、景品がいただけました。 子供はお菓子数種(去年は明治製菓、今年はグリコ提供でした)と風船。 大人もタオルとボールペンとお菓子1つ入ってました。 ダムの周りを歩くのはかなり暑いですが、最後は天然のクーラーで涼めて、ダムの勉強も出来ていい体験ができました。 ダムの周囲をクルッと一周するのは、いつでもできそうですが、内部に入れるのはこの時だけだと思います。
There was a dam tour event during the Obon festival. I participated for the first time two years ago, and this was my second participation this year. (Check for dates) You don't need to apply to participate, you can participate for free ? When I parked my car in the parking lot in front of the dam and received the reception, I received a quiz answer sheet (4 questions in total) and 500 ml of cold drink. When I went up the stairs on the far left, there was a person in charge who took a picture with the dam in the background with a drone. (You can get a printout on your way home) There was Q1 there. From there, I went around the outer circumference of the dam, and there was a plaza in the innermost part, where Q2 was. When I walked around the perimeter, there was Q3, and there was Q4 in front of the upper passage that blocked the dam. I took about 20 minutes to go around the dam, got a photo, and when I went down the stairs I climbed at the beginning, there was a door, and there was a person in charge, so I went inside the dam through that door. The inside is a concrete passage, but it's very cool. When I went down the stairs, it was colder. There are puddles here and there along the passage. I proceeded while it was cool, and when I went up the stairs, I came out near the reception. So I answered the quiz and got a prize. Children have several kinds of sweets (Meiji Seika last year, Glico provided this year) and balloons. Adults also had a towel, a ballpoint pen and a candy. It's pretty hot to walk around the dam, but at the end I was able to cool off with a natural cooler and have a good experience studying the dam. It seems that you can always go around the dam, but I think that it is the only time you can put it inside.
一般人 on Google

久しぶりにこちらのダムの様子を見に来たら、コロナの影響なのか、最近は公園部分が全く整備されておらず草が伸び散らかっています。 ブラックバスもまだいるようで、釣りも楽しめそうです。 かなり大きいサイズも泳いでいたので、今では貴重な場所です。 2021年7月に確認した情報でした。
When I came to see the state of this dam for the first time in a long time, probably because of the influence of the corona, the park part has not been maintained at all recently and the grass is scattered. It seems that there is still a black bass, and you can enjoy fishing. It's a precious place now because I used to swim in a fairly large size. It was the information confirmed in July 2021.
雲ちゃん on Google

ダムの下の小さなグラウンド横にも、 ダムの上にも御手洗があります 山水だけ流れ込んでいるキレイな水の小さなダムで 水辺に降りて行ける階段になっていてベンチもいくつかあります 春には鯉がよく跳ねています 摘みどきのヨモギがたくさん出ていました
Next to the small ground under the dam There is also Mitarai on the dam In a small dam with clean water that only flows into the mountain water It is a staircase that allows you to go down to the waterside, and there are several benches. Koi often bounce in spring There were a lot of picked mugwort
Kontan on Google


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