Misaki - Ofunato

4.2/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Misaki

住所 :

Ohama-221 Massakicho, Ofunato, Iwate 022-0001, Japan

電話 : 📞 +8997
Postal code : 022-0001
Webサイト : http://goishimisaki.com/
Opening hours :
Saturday 11AM–5PM
Sunday 11AM–5PM
Monday 11AM–5PM
Tuesday 11AM–5PM
Wednesday 11AM–5PM
Thursday 11AM–5PM
Friday 11AM–5PM

Ohama-221 Massakicho, Ofunato, Iwate 022-0001, Japan
taro turibito on Google

マグロの中落ち丼、限定品で頂きました。とても美味しく店員の対応も良かったです。 場所は碁石のレストハウスに近いです。
I had a limited edition tuna bowl. It was very delicious and the staff was very helpful. The location is close to the Go stone rest house.
大好き小野D on Google

海鮮丼がおいしいかったです いくらが食べ辛かったです? スプーンがあれば…
The seafood bowl was delicious How much was hard to eat ? If you have a spoon ...
nuun on Google

冬に初訪問。 窓から海が見える食堂。 お店の方の親切丁寧な応対が印象的でした。 先のお客さんがお会計を済ませて、その席が空くと温かいストーブの近くが空いたので其方へどうぞ。窓側の海が見える席が空いたのでどうぞ。そんな温かい気配りをして下さるお店です。 お料理はマグロの漬け丼と親子(鮭イクラ丼)を注文しました。 どちらも美味しかったです! 小鉢以外に白身魚のフライまで付いて価格以上のボリュームと味で大変満足です! お客さんが絶え間なく来るのも納得のお店でした⭐︎
First visit in winter. A dining room where you can see the sea from the window. The kind and polite response of the shop staff was impressive. When the previous customer made the payment and the seat became vacant, the area near the warm stove became vacant, so please go there. There is a vacant seat overlooking the sea on the window side, so please. It is a shop that gives such warm attention. For the dishes, I ordered a pickled tuna bowl and a parent and child (salmon salmon roe bowl). They were both delicious! In addition to the small bowl, it comes with fried white fish, and I am very satisfied with the volume and taste that exceeds the price! It was a convincing shop that customers came all the time ⭐︎
ようみっちゃん on Google

I searched for a restaurant on the Sanriku coast that I visited for the first time in 30 years, a seafood bowl that I ate at that time, and a seafood ramen restaurant, but I couldn't find it. When I turned my eyes to the outside while having a delicious meal (Misaki Ramen), my feelings were healed by the deep blue coast and the pine forest of the golden-rayed lily. There is a pine forest walking path nearby, and I went to the cliff coastline and was blown by the pleasant sea breeze. Misaki Ramen is a moderately salty soup with scallops, sea urchin, shrimp, wakame seaweed, etc., full of seafood flavor. The thin curly noodles are for about 1.5 people, and there is a sense of volume. The terrace seats were carefully designed to prevent corona, and the meals while being blown by the sea breeze were exceptional. After a meal, you can walk to the beach or breakwater below. The pebbles that are round and smooth like go stones cover the entire beach, and it is a very scenic place.
spring horse on Google

海鮮丼食べました。 めっちゃくちゃ美味しかったぁ♪ 景色も凄い良くてまた行きたいなぁ…
I ate a seafood bowl. It was really delicious ♪ The scenery is amazing and I want to go again ...
S JUN on Google

2021.8平日昼訪問 碁石海岸に向かうルート上、交通量も少なくお店自体も営業してるのか心配になりましたが、駐車場(公園と共通)は満車。お店もほぼ満席でした。 碁石海岸を望む店外・店外の席があり、今回は店外の席へ。眺望が良く気持ちよく食事ができました。 海鮮丼と海鮮ラーメン蒸しウニ入りをいただきました。 お味美味しかったですし、店主、店員さんも気持ちの良い接客でした。 食後は海岸に降りてみたり、公園に登って灯台を見たり。公園下のトイレも綺麗でした。 海岸を眺めながらの食事、オススメのお店です。
2021.8 Weekday lunch visit On the route to the Goishi coast, there was little traffic and I was worried that the shop itself was open, but the parking lot (common with the park) was full. The shop was almost full. There are seats outside the store and outside the store overlooking the Goishi coast, so this time we went to the seats outside the store. The view was good and I was able to eat comfortably. I had a seafood bowl and steamed sea urchin with seafood ramen. It was delicious, and the owner and clerk were very pleasant to serve customers. After eating, go down to the beach or climb the park to see the lighthouse. The toilet under the park was also clean. It is a recommended restaurant for dining while looking out at the coast.
ny yw on Google

・仙台から三陸道でバイクツーリング。 今回のラーメン屋:岩手県大船渡市「岬」さん 海鮮丼と磯ラーメンメインの定食屋さんです。食堂からは太平洋と碁石海岸を眺めながら食べれます。 ・磯ラーメン(ウニ入り)900円を頂きました。 塩ラーメンにウニ、イカ、ホタテ、ワカメ、エビが入っており、久しぶりに美味しい磯ラーメンに出会えました。 ・多くのお客様が来店されており、人気店のようです。
・ Bike touring from Sendai on the Sanriku Expressway. This ramen shop: "Cape", Ofunato City, Iwate Prefecture It is a set meal restaurant that mainly serves seafood bowls and iso ramen. From the cafeteria, you can eat while looking at the Pacific Ocean and the Goishi coast. ・ I received 900 yen for Iso Ramen (with sea urchin). Sea urchin, squid, scallops, wakame seaweed, and shrimp are included in the salt ramen, and I came across a delicious iso ramen for the first time in a long time. ・ Many customers come to the store, and it seems to be a popular store.
Ricky Chung on Google

I got no choice but have to give a five star. It might not be the best sashimi; but while you compare the quality and the price, you would find a very high CP value. I like the sashimi set. My friend ordered the pork chop set also very nice (He don't take anything raw!). Raman is so so.

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