横濱家系 南大沢らーめん家

4/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact 横濱家系 南大沢らーめん家

住所 :

Minamiosawa, Hachioji, 〒192-0364 Tokyo,Japan

電話 : 📞 +8897
街 : Tokyo

Minamiosawa, Hachioji, 〒192-0364 Tokyo,Japan
kawano on Google

美味しかったです!! 期待した家系ラーメンのスープでした。 修行と仕込みの賜物だと思います。 家系ですが、ごはんは別料金、ラーメンはやや高めの値段設定でテナント料が高いのでしょうか。頑張って頂きたいです。
It was delicious! !! It was the Iekei ramen soup I expected. I think it is the result of training and training. Although it is a family line, is the tenant fee high because the price of rice is extra and the price of ramen is a little high? I want you to do your best.
ai ototo on Google

たまたま寄った南大沢駅にてラーメンが食べたくなり、ふらりと寄ったお店です。 開店したばかりなのかお店は綺麗で、お昼時家族連れやお一人のお客さんが沢山おられる印象でした。 接客もラーメン屋さん!という感じでハキハキとされており、気持ちよかったです☺️ 名物の醤油豚骨ラーメンを硬めで頂きました!こってりラーメンは久しぶりでしたがするすると食べられる一品でした? 南大沢は大学も程近いのでラーメン屋さんも多いのでしょうか?また行ってみたいです。
I happened to stop by at Minami Osawa Station, where I wanted to eat ramen, so I stopped by. The store was beautiful, probably because it had just opened, and I had the impression that there were many families and one customer at noon. The customer service is also a ramen shop! It was said that it was fluttering, and it was comfortable ☺️ We had the famous soy sauce tonkotsu ramen hardened! It's been a while since I've had a rich ramen, but it was a dish that I could eat when I did it ? Since Minami Osawa is close to the university, are there many ramen shops? I want to go again.
Naoto Harada on Google

豚骨醤油らーめんを食べました。 まぁまぁ美味しかったです。 卓上調味料がいっぱいありました。(11種類) カレーの揚げ玉入れたら、かなりカレー味に なってしまうので入れない方が良いです。。 柚子塩らーめんを食べました。 味、普通で注文しましたが、 かなりしょっぱかったです。 序盤は美味しく食べられましたが、 後半厳しいです。 豚骨醤油らーめん大盛、にくめし、ご飯お代わり したら、お腹いっぱいになった。(食べ過ぎ) ご飯はかなり硬めでした。 味の好み普通でスープ残してしまいました。 (濃すぎて、ご飯無しだときつい)
I ate pork bone soy sauce ramen. It was delicious. There were a lot of tabletop seasonings. (11 types) If you add fried curry balls, it will taste like curry. It is better not to put it in because it will be. .. I ate Yuzu Shio Ramen. I ordered the taste normally, but It was pretty salty. It was delicious at the beginning, but The second half is tough. Pork bone soy sauce ramen large serving, nikume, rice substitute Then I was full. (Overeating) The rice was pretty hard. I left the soup because of the taste. (When it's too thick and you don't have rice)
えむ5 on Google

【南大沢 らーめん家】※本牧家系譜 こちらは野猿街道にある831家さんの出身のようです。 831家といえば元たま家野猿街道店の出身。 なので、本牧家→たま家→831家→ここという系譜になります。 南大沢の「パオレ」という商業ビルの中にあります。 ちょっと独特な立地ですね。 厨房内には大寸胴と中寸胴が1つずつ。 ただそこから雪平鍋に移したスープを温めていました。 でももちろんスープはしっかり炊いているようです。 お店奥には酒井製麺の麺箱が。 麺はテボで茹でていました。 5~6分待って着丼しました。 海苔が少し広げ気味に配置されるところは系譜を感じますね。 スープはバランス型です。 鶏油は多めで、 浮いているというよりは層が出来てる感じ。 香りがいいです。 スープは少しトロみがありますが獣感は感じません。 豚骨と鶏のバランスがとてもいいですね。 「濃厚」ではないけど出汁感をしっかり感じるスープはコクがあります。 醤油感は適度に主張してきます。 少し酸味があるというか、 何から来るのかわからないけど香ばしさもあります。 スープ量も多く最後まで熱々でした。 酒井の中太麺は気持ち普通寄りの茹で加減。 ちょうどいい硬さです。 適度にコシを残しつつも、モッチリ感が申し分なく酒井らしい味わい。 スープとも合っていて美味しかったです。 チャーシューは肩ロースで低温調理のローストポーク風。 厚さは無いけどかなり大きめでした。 味付けは控えめでジューシーなしっとりした食感。 家系っぽくはないけど、なかなか良かったです♪ ほうれん草は量は普通。 やわめでしたが本来の味がして美味しかったです。 海苔増しは5枚。 気持ち大きめで厚みもありました。 少し緑色がかった海苔は、 スープに浸すと少し弱め。 磯の香りが強いタイプで風味はなかなか良かったです♪ 薬味のネギは先入れの輪切りが適量。 大きめだったので食感も良く、いい薬味になっていました。 うん。なかなか良かったです。 スープもバランスがいいけど、具材も全体的に美味しかった。 今までたま家の系列では 府中家以外はあんまりいい思いをしたことがなくて… なので過度な期待はしてなかったんだけど、 今まで食べたこの系列の中では好きなバランスでした。 ラーメン+海苔増し。
[Minami Osawa Ramen Family] * Honmoku Family Tree This seems to be from the 831 family on the Yaen-kaido. Speaking of the 831 family, I am from the former Yasaiya Wild Monkey Highway store. Therefore, the genealogy is Honmaki family → Tama family → 831 family → here. It is located in a commercial building called "Paore" in Minami Osawa. It's a unique location. There is one large cylinder and one medium cylinder in the kitchen. I was just warming the soup that was transferred to the Yukihira pot from there. But of course the soup seems to be cooked well. There is a noodle box of Sakai noodles in the back of the shop. The noodles were boiled in Tebo. I waited for 5 to 6 minutes and arrived at the bowl. You can feel the genealogy where the seaweed is spread a little and arranged. The soup is balanced. There is a lot of chicken oil, It feels like a layer is formed rather than floating. It has a nice scent. The soup has a bit of tortoise, but it doesn't feel like a beast. The balance between pork bones and chicken is very good. The soup, which is not "rich" but has a strong soup stock, is rich. The feeling of soy sauce is moderately insisted. It ’s a little sour I don't know what it comes from, but it's also fragrant. The amount of soup was large and it was hot until the end. Sakai's medium-thick noodles are boiled for a normal feeling. The hardness is just right. Sakai-like taste with a perfect moist feeling while leaving a moderate amount of elasticity. It went well with the soup and was delicious. Char siu is a roast pork style cooked at low temperature with shoulder loin. It wasn't thick, but it was quite large. The seasoning is modest and the texture is juicy and moist. It's not like a family, but it was pretty good ♪ The amount of spinach is normal. It was soft, but the original taste was delicious. 5 extra seaweed. It was big and thick. The slightly greenish seaweed Soaked in soup makes it a little weaker. The scent of the rocky shore is strong and the flavor is quite good ♪ For condiment green onions, the appropriate amount is first sliced. Because it was large, it had a good texture and had a good condiment. Yes. it was pretty good. The soup was well-balanced, but the ingredients were delicious overall. Until now in the Tamaya family I've never had a good feeling except for the Fuchuya ... So I didn't expect too much, It was my favorite balance in this series I've ever eaten. Ramen + nori seaweed.
なかた on Google

バッチリ家系です。 ご飯にあうんだろう、白飯頼めば良かった! 味が濃い目なので、ラーメンだけを楽しむときは、味薄めを選択した方が良いです。 なんとも優しい店員さんが、気合の入った一杯を出してくれます。店内は永福町系の大勝軒のような落ち着きがある雰囲気。ご夫婦で来られる方が多いのですね。
It is a perfect family. I wonder if it would go well with rice, I should have ordered white rice! It has a strong taste, so if you only enjoy ramen, you should choose a lighter taste. A very kind clerk will serve you a cup of energy. The inside of the store has a calm atmosphere like the Daishoken of Eifukucho. Many people come as a couple.
Johnny Hata on Google

The Lamen is tasty. You can choose the thickness and hardness of the noodle, and how much oil in the soup you want. They also ask if you want the big portion that is for free. Very kind staff too.
TeamZEON on Google

It was delicious large ball of tonkotsu ramen the soup was great noodles is too manny the sfaffs are very kind helps you if you dont read kanji overall i give this shop 10/10 near the station
Benedict Penawin on Google

Overall, it is good! The noodles and soup are delicious, but the meat is so chewy... Im not satisfied with the meat texture...

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