Isshin - Hachioji

4/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Isshin

住所 :

3 Chome-35-1 Horinouchi, Hachioji, Tokyo 192-0355, Japan

Postal code : 192-0355
Webサイト :

3 Chome-35-1 Horinouchi, Hachioji, Tokyo 192-0355, Japan
fumiaki kawasaki on Google

Until now, it didn't feel like noodles. People who like it may be addicted to it!
S S on Google

あっさりしているけどしっかりコクがあって 無化調ラーメン好きのわたしにはとてもおいしかったです。 ただ、味は良いんですがスープの量がとても少なくて、スープを節約しながら食べなくてはいけませんでした。 他のレビューを見る限りあえてそうしていると思うのですが理由がよくわからない… 結構値の張る材料を使っていそうですし、料金を抑えるためなのか、それとも残さず全部飲み干して欲しい的なポリシーなのか。 メニューに替え玉もありましたが、このスープの量ではどれだけ節約しても2玉は無理な気が…どうするんだろう?
It ’s light, but it ’s full-bodied. It was very delicious for me, who loves non-genuine ramen. However, although the taste is good, the amount of soup is very small, so I had to eat while saving the soup. As far as I can see from other reviews, I think I dare to do so, but I'm not sure why ... It seems that they are using materials that are quite expensive, is it to keep the price down, or is it a policy that I want you to drink all of it? There was a replacement ball on the menu, but I don't think it's possible to save 2 balls with this amount of soup ... What should I do?
R UM on Google

鯛潮出汁 具材もスープも美味しかったです ただ量が少ないのと、麺がちょっと硬過ぎるかな? お茶漬けは余ったスープをそのままかけて食べるスタイル ご飯に下味が付いていて、鯛のお刺身も美味しかった 限定のノドグロが目玉のようなので、また今度食べに行きたいと思います
Sea bream broth The ingredients and soup were delicious But the amount is small and the noodles are a little too hard? Ochazuke is a style of eating the surplus soup as it is The rice was seasoned and the sashimi of sea bream was delicious. The limited blackthroat seaperch seems to be the centerpiece, so I would like to go to eat again next time.
YP on Google

最初は店主?の威圧に気圧されましたが… つけ麺自体の味はもう最っ高でした! 麺の量を選べる上に麺は細麺で食べやすく、スープ自体もあっさりしていて、それでいてしっかり麺に絡んできました! 自分が一番嬉しかったのはなんと言ってもトッピング…あっさりスープとはうってかわってしっかりとした味付け! 基本があっさりなので凄くいいアクセントになってスルッと食べ終えてしまいました! 今度はお茶漬けとか食べたいですね…絶対美味しい…。
Is it the owner at first? I was pressured by the intimidation of ... The taste of tsukemen itself was already the highest! You can choose the amount of noodles, the noodles are thin and easy to eat, the soup itself is light, and yet it is firmly entwined with the noodles! What I was most happy about was the toppings ... instead of the light soup, the seasoning was solid! The basics are simple, so it's a very nice accent and I've finished eating it! I want to eat Ochazuke this time ... It's absolutely delicious ...
Ted Nono on Google

これは中華そば、ラーメンじゃなかった… 出汁は効いてるし、麺も全粒粉、ラーメンのように不健康じゃなくていい感じでした。たまにはこういうラーメンを食してみるのもいいなと思いました。
This was Chinese soba, not ramen ... The soup stock worked well, and the noodles didn't have to be unhealthy like whole grains and ramen. I thought it would be good to try this kind of ramen once in a while.
羽鳥一吉 on Google

駐車場は裏に二つ 平日昼間に来店 先客無し、その後二組 器が斜めっててオシャレ 店の雰囲気も良いよ 麺が特徴あるね 鯛めしは鯛のぉ出汁がいいね
Two parking lots on the back Visit during the daytime on weekdays No first customer, then two pairs The vessel is slanted and fashionable The atmosphere of the store is also good The noodles are characteristic Sea bream soup stock is good for sea bream
T Baccaro on Google

京王相模原線の京王堀之内駅のほど近くに、魚出汁のラーメン店があると聞いて訪問しました。 麺類のメニューには鯛潮出汁、和節醤油、のどぐろ、昆布出汁塩つけ麺があり、のどぐろは限定150食で提供していない日もあるようなので迷いなく選んでみた。 丼が食べやすいように傾いており、香りが顔を覆うようなものになっており食べることに集中できるもの。 スープは、鼻から抜けるようなのどぐろの上品な香りがたまらない。 麺は全粒粉でコシのあるタイプ。このスープにとてもあうもの。 トッピングで燻製半熟塩味玉を頼んでみたが、これが正解! 量は少ないが、これはご飯を頼んでスープと一緒に雑炊のようにしてたべるものだと理解した。 塩味のラーメンではトップクラスの味。
I heard that there is a ramen shop with fish stock near Keio Horinouchi Station on the Keio Sagamihara Line, so I visited there. The noodles menu includes sea bream soup stock, Japanese-style soy sauce, nodoguro, and kelp soup stock with salted tsukemen. It seems that there are days when nodoguro is offered for a limited 150 meals, so I chose it without hesitation. The bowl is tilted so that it is easy to eat, and the scent covers your face so you can concentrate on eating. The soup has an irresistible scent of blackthroat seaperch that comes out of your nose. The noodles are whole grain and chewy. It goes very well with this soup. I ordered a smoked soft-boiled egg with toppings, but this is the correct answer! Although the amount is small, I understood that this is something that you ask for rice and eat like porridge with soup. Top class taste in salty ramen.
&ひなたこつん on Google

風味豊かで、あっさりだが決して味が薄いわけでなく、しっかりコクがある美味しいラーメン。 おすすめのお茶漬けや、和節醤油、のどぐろも是非頂いてみたいです。
A delicious ramen with a rich flavor, light but not light in taste, and full-bodied. I would love to have the recommended Ochazuke, Japanese-style soy sauce, and Nodoguro.

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