Mikasa - Kawasaki

4.2/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Mikasa

住所 :

2 Chome-9-15 Miyazaki, Miyamae Ward, Kawasaki, Kanagawa 216-0033, Japan

電話 : 📞 +8889
Postal code : 216-0033

2 Chome-9-15 Miyazaki, Miyamae Ward, Kawasaki, Kanagawa 216-0033, Japan
Kay on Google

Reservation difficult store. Delicious tempura. I was impressed.
うめうめうめうめ on Google

美味しかったです! 二匹目の海老が中トロトロの海老でお気に入りでした 牡蠣の天ぷらの大根おろしにトリュフ塩かけるのも新鮮でした
It was delicious! The second shrimp was my favorite shrimp in the middle toro It was also fresh to sprinkle truffle salt on grated oyster tempura radish
kh250b katsutoshi on Google

前に何度か伺っていますが、行く度に感動です。 天麩羅も定番の海老、キス、穴子は、いつ行っても美味しく、特にキスの口の中でホロホロと溶けていくのは、これが魚かと感動します。 他に旬の物も頂けて、また、違う季節に来てみたいと思わせてくれます。 お値段は、人によっては高いと思うかも知れませんが、このクオリティーとサービスなら逆に安いとおもいます。 大将、お店の方ありがとうございました。
I've been to you several times before, but every time I go, I'm impressed. The classic tempura shrimp, kisses, and conger eels are always delicious, and the fact that they melt in the mouth of the kiss makes me wonder if this is a fish. You can also get other seasonal items, which will make you want to come in a different season. You may think that the price is high for some people, but I think that this quality and service is cheap on the contrary. Thank you to the general and the shop staff.
HiroLog on Google

レア加減抜群の天ぷらが頂ける日本屈指の名店です。 天ぷら屋さん独特の厳しさのある大将ですが、緊張感のある調理の合間にも会話に応じてくれる気さくな方でした。 何よりこのレベルの天ぷらがこの値段で頂けるのは日本中探してもここくらいでしょう。 味・雰囲気・コスパ揃って日本一で間違いないオススメ案件なので美味しいもの好きの彼女を誘ってぜひ。 詳細なレビューは hattoringo + [店名] で見られるので検索してみてください。
It is one of the best restaurants in Japan where you can get excellent tempura. The tempura shop's unique rigorous general, but he was a friendly person who could respond to conversations during the tense cooking. Above all, tempura of this level can get this price at this price even if you search all over Japan. The taste, atmosphere and cospa are the best in Japan. A detailed review can be found at hattoringo + [store name], please search.
Hiroshi Kita on Google

It was difficult to make a reservation and the tabelog was highly evaluated, so I expected it, but I didn't feel hospitality and ignored the woman who would have been courageous by herself. The apron is dirty and not very professional. It's not so much if the food is calm. There will be no revisit.
Tomomi on Google

【日本を代表する天ぷらの名店でレジェンドの味を食す♡♡火入れを完ぺきに操る匠の技に最後まで感動感激の嵐(⑅•ᴗ•⑅)】 日本を代表する天ぷらの名店 超予約困難店でもある『美かさ』さまへ初訪問⭐️ 何百回と電話をしても取れない予約困難店に キャンセル枠でお伺いをしてきました!! コースは1種類のみで金額は季節や食材によって 変化するみたい。明確なコース料金は不明。。 ——利用時—— 日曜ディナー ——予約—— 予約あり ※電話にてキャンセル待ち ——利用シーン—— 友人と ——費用—— ¥15,000〜¥20,000 ——食事内容—— ▶お造り 鮪の赤身 鮪の赤身たっぷり!! 仄かな酸味を感じながら笑顔でコース開始♡ ▶海老の足 石川芋 ヤングコーン 空豆 トマト スナック感覚で一口ずつ食べられるのが嬉しい!! 石川芋がホクホクでうまだったなぁ♡♡ ▶才巻海老 / 塩 サクサクッとした軽い食感(⑉• •⑉)♡ 海老はぷりっとしていて甘みもあって美味しい? ▶才巻海老 味噌付き / 塩 最初の海老より若干衣がしっとり!! 海老味噌の風味も感じられて良き(⑅•ᴗ•⑅) ▶アスパラガス / 塩 or 天つゆ ジューシーでみずみずしい♡♡ 特に軸の部分はみずみずしさが増すから大好き!! ▶鱚 / 天つゆ ふわっふわで柔らかとろける( ⑉¯ ꇴ ¯⑉ ) 開いたものを閉じて揚げているから余計ほくほく♡ 上品で繊細な味わいが口の中に広がる感じが たまらないଘ(੭ˊ꒳​ˋ)੭✧これめっちゃ好き(⸝⸝o̴̶̷᷄ o̴̶̷̥᷅⸝⸝)❤︎ ▶コシアブラ / 塩 山菜特有のほろ苦さがすごく好き( ´͈ ᵕ `͈ )♡ ん〜まいっ(๑˙꒳​˙๑) ▶シャコ / 天つゆ シャコの天ぷらって食べたことある!? 初めて出逢いました、、きゅんっ(///ω///)♡ めっちゃぷりっぷりなのよたまらんのよ(∩ˊˋ∩)? ▶椎茸 たらこ詰め / 酢橘 塩 熱々ジューシーで一口噛んだ瞬間にじゅわ〜っと 広がる旨み成分が最高( ´͈ ᵕ `͈ )♡ 椎茸にはたらこも詰められてて食感も良き♡ ▶鮎 / 蓼酢 頭部分はほろ苦く、食べ進めるごとに甘みが増していき とても良い感じ!蓼酢もいいアクセントに♡ ▶蓮根 / 天つゆ 香ばしい風味と蓮根のシャクッとした食感が たまらなく美味しいっ(ฅ•.•ฅ) ▶雲丹 / 塩 or 天つゆ 雲丹が濃厚で甘みたっぷり!!! 塩と天つゆどちらでもと言われたけど、 塩の方が甘みが引き立って好きだったかな( ̄▽ ̄)✧ ▶スミイカ / 塩 イカ墨が挟まれているのが面白い( ⑉¯ ꇴ ¯⑉ ) サクッとした歯切れの良さと仄かな甘みを感じながら イカ墨がアクセントの味わいになっててうま♡ ▶無花果 / 天つゆ 無花果をなんと天つゆで食べるの!!! これがなんとも面白い!!! 無花果のとろんっとした感じと、仄かな甘みも ありながら、デザートではない!楽しい♡ ▶渡り蟹 / 天つゆ 天つゆに転がしながらたっぷりつけて♡ 蟹の身がふわふわで甘みもあってうま(○・∀・○) ▶穴子 / 天つゆ 活け穴子を目の前で捌いて、揚げてくれるなんて最高! 更に揚げたてをサクッと箸で真っ二つに割って提供! このパフォーマンスが圧巻です( ⑉¯ ꇴ ¯⑉ ) サクサクした衣とふわふわな穴子のコントラストが 素晴らしすぎて悶絶(⑅•͈૦•͈⑅) ▶天茶 〆ごはんは天丼か天茶!私は天茶を選択!!! 海老のかき揚げってたまらんですやん(⑅•ᴗ•⑅) かき揚げとお出汁とご飯を一気にかき込む感じで♡ 緑茶の風味が強く、さっぱり( *¯ ꒳¯*)✨ ▶抹茶シャーベット 抹茶シャーベットの下には粒餡と黄桃が! 抹茶が超濃厚で激うま!! 70歳を超える店主の土肥氏は今でもご健在で、 素材に合わせて火入れを完璧にコントロールしており 全てが最高に美味しかった(*ˊ˘ˋ*)♪ ——メニュー内容—— ◇お造り 鮪の赤身 ◇海老の足 石川芋 ヤングコーン 空豆 トマト ◇才巻海老 ◇才巻海老 味噌付き ◇アスパラガス ◇鱚 ◇コシアブラ ◇シャコ ◇椎茸 たらこ詰め ◇鮎 ◇蓮根 ◇雲丹 ◇スミイカ ◇無花果 ◇渡り蟹 ◇穴子 ◇天茶 ◇抹茶アイス ——接客—— 大将は寡黙ながらもたまにお話してくれて 女将もとても優しい方だったので、 幸せな時間を過ごすことが出来ました(∩ˊˋ∩)? ——コスパ—— 恐らく都内で食べたら3万円以上はするような 内容だったと思うので、かなり満足!! ——店内雰囲気—— 靴を脱ぐ小上がりタイプのお店。 カウンター10席と個室テーブルがあり、 趣のあるとても素敵な空間。 現在はカウンター6席のみを使用して営業しており、 ゆったりと過ごすことができます。 ——再訪—— ★★★★☆ また季節が変わったタイミングで伺いたい♡
[Eat the taste of legend at a famous tempura restaurant that represents Japan ♡♡ Impressed by the craftsmanship of perfect burning (⑅ • ᴗ • ⑅)] A famous tempura restaurant that represents Japan First visit to "Mikasa", which is also a very difficult shop to reserve ⭐️ At a store where reservations are difficult to get even if you call hundreds of times I have visited you in the cancellation frame! !! There is only one course and the amount depends on the season and ingredients It seems to change. The exact course fee is unknown. .. ——When using —— Sunday dinner ——Reservation—— There is a reservation * Waiting for cancellation by phone --Use scene-- With friends --cost-- ¥ 15,000- ¥ 20,000 ——Meal content—— ▶ Sashimi tuna lean Plenty of lean tuna! !! Start the course with a smile while feeling the faint acidity ♡ ▶ Shrimp legs Ishikawa potato Young corn Broad beans Tomato I'm glad that you can eat each bite like a snack! !! Ishikawa potatoes were so hot ♡♡ ▶ Saimaki shrimp / salt Crispy and light texture (⑉ •• ⑉) ♡ Shrimp is plump, sweet and delicious ? ▶ Saimaki shrimp with miso / salt The batter is slightly moist than the first shrimp! !! It is good to feel the flavor of shrimp miso (⑅ • ᴗ • ⑅) ▶ Asparagus / salt or tempura Juicy and fresh ♡♡ Especially, I love the shaft part because it makes it fresher! !! ▶ Sillaginidae / Tentsuyu Fluffy and soft and melts (⑉¯ ꇴ ¯⑉) I close the open one and fry it, so it's extra fluffy ♡ The elegant and delicate taste spreads in your mouth Unbearable ଘ (੭ˊ꒳ ˋ) ੭✧ I really like this (⸝⸝o̴―̷᷄o̴―̷̥᷅⸝⸝) ❤︎ ▶ Cosiabra / salt I really like the bittersweetness peculiar to wild plants (´͈ ᵕ `͈) ♡ Hmmm (๑˙꒳ ˙๑) ▶ Mantis shrimp / Tentsuyu I've eaten mantis shrimp tempura! ?? I met for the first time, Kyun (/// ω ///) ♡ It's so full, I don't like it (∩ˊˋ∩) ? ▶ Shiitake mushroom stuffed with cod roe / Sudachi salt The moment you chew a bite hot and juicy The umami ingredient that spreads is the best (´͈ ᵕ `͈) ♡ Shiitake mushrooms are packed with tarako and have a nice texture ♡ ▶ Ayu / Tate vinegar The head is bittersweet, and the sweetness increases as you eat. It feels very good! Tate vinegar is also a nice accent ♡ ▶ Lotus root / Tentsuyu The fragrant flavor and the crispy texture of lotus root It's irresistibly delicious (ฅ •. • ฅ) ▶ Sea urchin / salt or tempura Sea urchin is rich and sweet! !! !! I was told to use either salt or tempura, I wonder if I liked salt because of its sweetness ( ̄ ▽  ̄) ✧ ▶ Sumiika / salt It is interesting that squid ink is sandwiched (⑉¯ ꇴ ¯⑉) While feeling the crispness and slight sweetness The squid ink is the accent of the horse ♡ ▶ Fig / Tempura How to eat figs in tempura! !! !! This is really interesting! !! !! The thick feeling of figs and the faint sweetness But it's not a dessert! Fun ♡ ▶ Migratory crab / Tempura Put it on the tempura while rolling it ♡ The crab's body is fluffy and sweet, and it's delicious (○ ・ ∀ ・ ○) ▶ Anago / Tentsuyu It's great to have a live conger eel in front of you and fry it! Furthermore, the freshly fried food is served by splitting it in half with chopsticks! This performance is a masterpiece (⑉¯ ꇴ ¯⑉) The contrast between the crispy clothes and the fluffy conger eel Too wonderful and faint in agony (⑅ • ͈૦ • ͈⑅) ▶ Tencha 〆Rice is Tendon or Tencha! I choose Tencha! !! !! I don't want to kakiage shrimp (⑅ • ᴗ • ⑅) It feels like kakiage, soup stock, and rice are squeezed in at once ♡ The flavor of green tea is strong and refreshing (* ¯ ꒳¯ *) ✨ ▶ Matcha sorbet Under the matcha sorbet, there are red bean paste and yellow peaches! Matcha is super rich and intense! !! The owner, Mr. Dohi, who is over 70 years old, is still alive and well. Perfectly controls the burning according to the material Everything was the best (* ˊ˘ˋ *) ♪ ——Menu contents —— ◇ Sashimi Tuna lean ◇ Shrimp legs Ishikawa potato Young corn Broad beans Tomato ◇ Saimaki shrimp ◇ Saimaki shrimp with miso ◇ Asparagus ◇ Sillaginidae ◇ Cosiabra ◇ Shako ◇ Shiitake mushroom stuffed with cod roe ◇ Ayu ◇ Lotus root ◇ Sea urchin ◇ Sumiika ◇ Fig ◇ Migratory crab ◇ Conger eel ◇ Tencha ◇ Matcha ice cream ——Customer service—— The general talks quietly but occasionally The landlady was also very kind, so I was able to spend a happy time (∩ˊˋ∩) ? ——Cospa—— Probably it will cost more than 30,000 yen if you eat it in Tokyo I think it was the content, so I'm quite satisfied! !! ——Atmosphere in the store—— A small shop where you can take off your shoes. There are 10 seats at the counter and a private table, A quaint and very nice space. Currently, it is open using only 6 seats at the counter. You can spend a relaxing time. ——Revisit —— ★★★★ ☆ I would like to ask you again when the season changes ♡
nao. (nao.) on Google

The appearance of frying tempura silently is just a craftsman. All of the tempura served is delicious without blurring, but the freshly fried conger eel that is fried at the end is especially excellent!
CC Chien on Google

The best tempura in Japan.

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