
4.3/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact ショコラ・ベア

住所 :

Miyazaki, Miyamae Ward, Kawasaki, 〒216-0033 Kanagawa,Japan

電話 : 📞 +88799
街 : 〒1590 Kanagawa

Miyazaki, Miyamae Ward, Kawasaki, 〒216-0033 Kanagawa,Japan
にごーにごー on Google

小さい時から利用しています。 値段は安くて、でも味は美味しいケーキ屋さんです。 個人的にチョコのケーキが濃厚でおすすめです。
I have been using it since I was little. The price is cheap, but the taste is delicious. I personally recommend the chocolate cake because it is rich.
Hiroka Takahashi on Google

宮崎台駅前、地下にある洋菓子屋さん。このへんで生菓子や焼き菓子を買うなら外せないお店なんだそう。 お店の奥のほうに5席ほどの喫茶スペースがあり、ドリンクとケーキを楽しめる。今回は炭火コーヒーを飲んだが、スッキリしていてケーキによく合うおいしいコーヒーだった。何より、カップがかわいらしくてお気に入り。棚には何種類ものカップが並んでいて、毎回たのしめそう。 夜は21時までやっていて、仕事帰りに一息つきたいときに立ち寄りたい。
A pastry shop in the basement of Miyazakidai station. It's a shop you can't miss if you buy fresh or baked goods at this shop. There is a cafe space with about 5 seats at the back of the shop, where you can enjoy drinks and cakes. I had a charcoal fire coffee this time, but it was a refreshing and delicious coffee that goes well with the cake. Above all, my cup is cute and I like it. There are many kinds of cups on the shelves, and it looks like every time. I work until 21:00 at night and want to stop by when I want to take a break after work.
force P on Google

結果的に 2千円~3千円の買い物をさせて頂きました。 ケーキ自体はそれなりに美味しいお店かもしれませんが お店で対応した「やる気の無さそうなあんちゃん」の対応には辟易としました。 ※どんなに美味しいケーキ・焼き菓子を置いていても あのやる気の無い店員さんが全てをぶち壊してしまいますね。 残念ですが ・・・二度と行きません。
As a result, I made a purchase of 2,000 to 3,000 yen. The cake itself may be a delicious restaurant, I was afraid to deal with the "unmotivated Anchan" that was dealt with at the store. * No matter how delicious cakes and baked goods are placed, that unmotivated clerk will destroy everything. I'm afraid ... I won't go again.
吉田搾菜 on Google

駅前のお手頃なお値段のケーキ屋さん。 安いです。 安いのでそれなりと思ったらちゃんと美味しいです。 ケーキを選ぶ際に、どんな味なのか質問すると、アルバイトの女の子が裏にいる方に聞きに行ったのですが、ラフな会話が丸聞こえで1人なんともいえない気まずい感じになりました。 洗練されたケーキ屋さん!というよりは普段使いできる身近な感じです。 奥でコーヒー(有料)と一緒にケーキを食べられるスペース(カウンター)もありました。
Affordable cake shop in front of the station. It's cheap. It's cheap, so if you think it's reasonable, it's delicious. When I asked what the taste was when choosing a cake, I went to ask the person behind the part-time job, but the rough conversation was heard and it made me feel awkward to say nothing. A sophisticated cake shop! Rather, it is a familiar feeling that can be used everyday. There was also a space (counter) in the back where you could eat cake with coffee (charged).
Sep tember on Google

A cake shop in an old town! I like it as much as I want to deliver a bouquet. The fluffy cream here is the best! I haven't been able to go there lately, but I love the guys who have cream in the whole peaches and the seasonal play cakes.
こんなところの院長 on Google

I bought fresh cream puffs and pudding for takeout. Both were perfect for a snack after returning with just the right amount of sweetness and size. The price was reasonable (440 yen in total), so I would like to buy it again.
Kei Kubo on Google

駅近のリーズナブルなケーキ屋さん。ラインナップはわりとベーシックな物が多く、1つ1つが小ぶりでお値段も手頃。 可愛らしいマドレーヌやフィナンシェ、ハートのクッキーなど焼き菓子もあります。 たまご不使用のものもありました。 今回は洋梨のタルト、マドレーヌ、マカダミアナッツのクッキーを買いました。 タルトは見た目よりも甘過ぎず、美味しかったです。 オシャレなパティスリーもいいけど、こういうお店は心が温まりますね。
A reasonable cake shop near the station. Many of the lineups are relatively basic, and each one is small and reasonably priced. There are also baked goods such as cute madeleines, financiers and heart cookies. Some eggs were not used. This time I bought pear tart, madeleine and macadamia nut cookies. The tart wasn't too sweet and delicious. Fashionable patisserie is good, but this kind of shop warms your heart.
Gowoon Choi on Google

I had strawberry short cake for my child’s birthday and it was very nice. They made us little chocolate birthday msg too. Simple Down to the basic shortcake. Not too milky or light. Choux cream puff was also delicious.

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