Tenguiwa Shrine - Agatsuma District

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Contact Tenguiwa Shrine

住所 :

61 Naganohara, Agatsuma District, Gunma 377-1304, Japan

Postal code : 377-1304

61 Naganohara, Agatsuma District, Gunma 377-1304, Japan
天下泰平 on Google

飯塚もも子 on Google

長野原町大字長野原 地元の 神社です 4月17日と10月17日に お祭りをします
Naganohara-machi, Naganohara, a local shrine. A festival will be held on April 17th and October 17th.
Y K on Google

There is a prominent shrine and an Okunoin in the back of the mountain!
松崎泰教 on Google

I stopped at Unrinji's parking lot and tried to walk, but I couldn't find a way at all when I walked around, so I gave up worshiping when I entered the mountain a little.
しぱしぱ on Google

凄く昔に行ったことがあります。 他の方が参拝の入り口がわからないとのことですが、役場から坂の先の歩道橋へ歩いて行くと、NTTの高い建物の少し手前、右手側に鳥居が見えるのでそこから登れます。少し奥まっていますが道路からも確認できます。 しかしかなりの坂&岩&獣道だったので安易に行かれる事はオススメしません。境内に猿のフンがあったので野生動物もいるかも・・・。 でもここへ来れば長野原の町を一望できますよ。
I've been there a long time ago. It is said that other people do not know the entrance to the worship, but if you walk from the town hall to the pedestrian bridge at the end of the slope, you can climb from there because you can see the torii gate on the right side, just before the tall building of NTT. It's a little deep, but you can see it from the road. However, it was quite a slope, rock, and beast road, so I don't recommend going easily. There was a monkey droppings in the precincts, so there may be wild animals ... But if you come here, you can get a panoramic view of the town of Naganohara.
田中小荷 on Google

御祭神 火之加具土大神 応神天皇 由緒 昭和二十一年(1946)十二月、長野原遠西第五常会内で大火災が発生し、折からの季節風に煽られて十戸十二世帯が全半焼という大惨事が起りました。 その後も再三にわたって小火が頻発し、常会内にも不安な日が続きました。 その頃、常会内から選出されていた婦人町会議員櫻井氏の提唱により、天狗岩に火防の神として浅沼氏の氏神、秋葉神の石宮が祀られていた事から、春秋二回の祭典を行い、常会内無病無火災の祈願をする事に一決し、昭和二十四年(1949)四月春祭りを執行したのが祭典の始まりで、神社名も鎮座地の天狗岩に因み、天狗岩神社と命名しました。 (境内由緒石碑より) 浅沼氏と火防の神 平安時代中期(940)、平将門の乱を平貞盛と協力して平定し、下野・武蔵の国守となった鎮守府将軍藤原秀郷公の直系、佐野氏の初代佐野基綱公の弟、阿曽沼民部丞四郎廣綱は、鎌倉時代初期、寿永の頃(1182~)佐野の阿曽沼郷(現浅沼町)に城を築き、阿曽沼・浅沼・阿曽沼流佐野等諸氏の一祖となりました。 鎌倉時代の史書「吾妻鏡」にしばしば登場し、戦功を立てた阿曽沼は頼朝の絶対の信頼を得ました。 佐野一党では抜きん出た御家人の地位におさまった頃、民部丞廣綱は将軍頼朝の許しを得て、鎌倉から八幡宮を勧請し、城の守護神として祀りました。阿曽沼の氏神であり、栄華の証でもありました。 浅沼八幡宮の主祭神は誉田別命(応神天皇)で、配神は七柱、その中に大塔宮護良親王を祀ったと伝えられる石宮があります。 護良親王は、後醍醐天皇の第一皇子に生まれ鎌倉幕府打倒に尽くされた皇族で、足利尊氏と対立を深めたことで鎌倉に流され、建武二年(1335)に殺害されました。 この時親王のそば近く仕えていた阿曽沼兼綱等七人の武士は秘かに親王の御首を奪い、阿曽沼城に戻り親王の御首を城内に埋葬し、祠を建て祀りましたが、世をはばかり「安蘇宮」と称していました。現在は「大塔宮」と称しています。 南北朝合一後の応永三十二年(1425)の熊野御師文書に浅沼一族の熊野信仰のことが記述されています。 慶長十九年(1614)佐野家改易により浅沼一族も浅沼の地を去り、その一つは長野原にこれらの信仰を持って移住し、長野原城跡秋葉山出丸跡に祀られていた秋葉の神、三尺坊威徳大権現の天狗信仰と共存して、火防開運の神として、近在近郷の人々に尊崇されています。 (サイト「北軽井沢ブルーベリーYGH観光ガイド」より)
Religious deity 之 Hino-Kago earth god Emperor Ojin History In December 1946 (Showa 21), a fire broke out in Naganohara Enishi Fifth Jokai, causing a catastrophic disaster in which twelve households were completely burned by the seasonal wind. After that, small fires continued to occur frequently, and uneasy days continued in the regular meeting. At that time, a two-day festival was held in spring, due to the advocacy of Mr. Sakurai, a lady town council member who was elected from within the ordinary assembly. At the beginning of the festival, the spring festival was held in April 1949, and the shrine was named after the Tenguiwa Shrine. Was named. (From the precious stone monument in the precincts) Asanuma and the fire god In the middle of the Heian era (940), Asanonuma, a direct line of the guardian government general Hideo Fujiwara who became the national guard of Shimotsuke and Musashi, settled the rebellion of Heishomon in cooperation with Sadamori Heira. In the early Kamakura period, Joshiro Hirotsuna built a castle in Asonuma-go (currently Asanuma-cho) in Sano during the time of Toshinaga (from 1182) and became the ancestor of Asonuma, Asanuma, Asonuma-ryu Sano, and others. Asonuma, who often appeared in the Kamakura period history book "Azuma Kagami" and made a successful achievement, gained the absolute trust of Yoritomo. When the Sano party reached the position of a prominent family, Minjo Johirozuna, with the permission of General Yoritomo, invited Hachimangu from Kamakura and worshiped as a guardian deity of the castle. It was a god of Asonuma and a proof of prosperity. The main priest of Asanuma Hachimangu Shrine is Emeritus Hoshina, and there are seven pillars, including a stone palace that is said to have enshrined Otomiya Goro, the royal prince. Emperor Gora was born to the first prince of Emperor Godaigo and was devoted to overthrowing the Kamakura Shogunate. At this time, seven warriors, such as Asonuma Kanesuna, who served near the royal king, secretly robbed the royal head, returned to Asonuma Castle, buried the royal head in the castle, and built a shrine. Was called "Anso Palace". At present, it is called "Otomiya". The Kumano Religious Documents of the 13th year of Onei 32 (1425) after the inter-Korean assemblage describes the Kumano religion of the Asanuma clan. In 1614, the Asano family left the area of ​​Asanuma due to the renovation of the Sano family, one of which moved to Naganohara with these religions and was enshrined at the site of Naganohara Castle Ruins Akihayama Idemaru Ruins In co-existence with the tengu religion of Sanshakubo Weitoku Daigon Gen, it is worshiped by the people of nearby communities as a god of fire luck. (From the site "Kitakaruizawa Blueberry YGH Tourist Guide")

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