ステーキ食堂 正義 西院店

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ステーキ食堂 正義 西院店【公式】 - Masayoshi-saiin.owst.jp

西院の創作料理、ステーキ食堂 正義 西院店のホームページです。お店の基本情報やおすすめ料理の「世界三大牛の「アンガスステーキ」(150g)」「テイクアウトメニュー始めました♪ステーキ食堂正義の味をご家庭でも味わえる♪お気軽にご連絡ください!」「【ランチセット】アンガス牛ステーキ 150g1000円(税込)」をはじめとしたメニュー情報などをご紹介しています。

Contact ステーキ食堂 正義 西院店

住所 :

Mibusennencho, Nakagyo Ward, 〒604-8854 Kyoto,Japan

電話 : 📞 +878889
Webサイト : https://masayoshi-saiin.owst.jp/
街 : Kyoto

Mibusennencho, Nakagyo Ward, 〒604-8854 Kyoto,Japan
和羽 on Google

お酒が原価販売と言うだけありめっちゃ安くて次は車ではなく公共交通機関で来ようと思いました。 食べる物もロコモコ丼風やカレーステーキ、アンガス牛ステーキのgが三種類位あり僕的には値段もリーズナブルだと思いました。 家族で行きましたがみんな納得の満足でした。
The following is hella cheap and only drink say the cost of sales thought I'd Koyo by public transport rather than the car. There were about 3 kinds of foods, such as loco moco-don style, curry steak, and Angus beef steak, and I thought that the price was reasonable for me. I went in the family was the satisfaction of everyone convinced.
N MOTOKI on Google

ステーキはとても美味しく、値段もリーズナブル! 家族3人で行きましたが、家内は食べ切れないほど、ボリュームも満足でした。 テーブルにステーキソースをはじめ、醤油・ワサビ、塩・胡椒が備わっており、好みで味付け出来るのもグッド! 今回、アンガスの400gを頂きましたが、そのおかげで、最後まで飽きることなく、美味しく頂けました。 それ程広い店内ではないですが、人手が足りてないのか、店員さんを呼んでも、すぐに来て頂けない事があったのが、少し残念。。 ただ、接客は丁寧で、とても気持ち良かったです。 また絶対に行くと思います。
The steak is very delicious and the price is reasonable! I went with three family members, but my wife was so satisfied with the volume that I couldn't eat it. The table is equipped with steak sauce, soy sauce / wasabi, salt and pepper, and it is good that you can season it to your liking! I received 400g of Angus this time, and thanks to that, I was able to enjoy it without getting bored until the end. It's not that big, but I'm a little disappointed that there weren't enough people, and even if I called a clerk, I couldn't come right away. .. However, the customer service was polite and very comfortable. I will definitely go again.
あへ坊 on Google

昼間に西院駅周辺をブラブラする機会があって、そういや駅東側は未開拓やったことを思い出して探していたら見つけたお店。 久しくがっつりした肉食ってなかったんでA(^^;、さっそくお邪魔します。 通常メニューに加え、お昼にはステーキロコモコ丼とステーキカレーの2種類やってはるそう。 そんな中でおいらが選んだのは 「ステーキカレー:\880(税込)」 出てきた料理、確かに角切りになったステーキたっぷりやし、カレーもまたおいしそう。 サラダとお味噌汁(珍しく赤だし)がついてきてこの値段は、まあええ感じかなと。 さっそく食しますが・・・なんか違う(-_-) 肉の焼き加減は強めのミディアムで、十分食感は楽しめるし、確かに牛肉なんでしょうが、とにかく、なんかそれと感じさせる要素が少ないんです・・・ お店のうたい文句としては、赤身の多いオージービーフを使ってはるこということ。 せやから値段もリーズナブルやし、健康志向の中ええとは思うんですが、いちおう本場オーストラリアでも何度かステーキ等食したことのあるおいらにとっては、ちょっと食材の質を「?」と思ってしまいましたね。
I had a chance to wander around Saiin station in the daytime, and I remembered that the east side of the station was undeveloped, and I found it when I was looking for it. I haven't eaten meat for a long time, so A (^^ ;, I'll bother you right away. In addition to the regular menu, there are two types of steak loco moco bowl and steak curry for lunch. Under such circumstances, I chose "Steak curry: \ 880 (tax included)" The food that came out, surely diced steak, and the curry looks delicious. It comes with salad and miso soup (rarely red), and I think this price is pretty good. I'll eat it right away, but ... something different (-_-) The degree of grilling of the meat is strong and medium, you can enjoy the texture enough, and it is certainly beef, but anyway, there are few elements that make you feel it ... The main complaint about the restaurant is that it uses Aussie beef with a lot of lean meat. The price is reasonable and I think it's health-conscious, but for me who have eaten steak etc. several times in Australia, I thought the quality of the ingredients was a little "?" It's gone.
zou zou on Google

It’s cheap, plenty of food, and the taste is very good ?I came here for the first time. I ate the recommended lunch set meal. The meat and meals are all available. The nutrition is enough. A bowl of miso soup is also given for only 820 yen. Satisfied, the beef is very tender and tasty. The wine in this restaurant is also very cheap. You can buy a glass for 70 or 80 yen, which is much cheaper than an izakaya. If you come next night, you must drink. The location is very close to Xiyuan Station, about 1 minute walk, the door face is relatively small, be careful not to walk by.
c on Google

西院駅からさすぐにあり便利です。ランチで アンガスステーキ150g1000円税込 ステーキに、サラダとスープとごはんと漬物がついてます。 ドリンクも安く100円以下でチューハイ飲めたりします。 ボリュームあって満足です。
It is convenient because it is right next to Saiin Station. At lunch Angus steak 150g 1000 yen including tax The steak comes with salad, soup, rice and pickles. Drinks are also cheap and you can drink chu-hi for less than 100 yen. I am satisfied with the volume.
まきまき on Google

I ordered 150 grams of Harami steak, rice and soup set. I didn't drink alcohol because it was lunch, but it's a very cheap menu.
1999 coffee on Google

It is a steak specialty store. You can eat meat at a reasonable price. If you eat 200 grams or 300 grams, you will get a better menu at a reasonable price.
Suaun Lee on Google

Good steak and priced reasonably.

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