一戸町観光天文台 銀河牧場

4.1/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact 一戸町観光天文台 銀河牧場

住所 :

Mega, Ichinohe, Ninohe District, 〒028-5302 Iwate,Japan

電話 : 📞 +89
Webサイト : https://www.okunakayamakogen.jp/green-season/observatory/
Opening hours :
Saturday 6–10PM
Sunday 6–10PM
Monday Closed
Tuesday Closed
Wednesday Closed
Thursday Closed
Friday 6–10PM
街 : Iwate

Mega, Ichinohe, Ninohe District, 〒028-5302 Iwate,Japan
Atsushi Anakubo on Google

Top class in Japan! The building is an old observatory where you can see the old but the best starry sky. It is a place that is easy to be influenced by the weather, and it is a place that looks so beautiful that stars may fall from the sky at night when the weather is fine. As there are few mountains and trees that disturb you in your eyes, you can see the starry sky from the height of your eyes.
Ken H on Google

森林や牧場が広がる高原にあります。農道が入り組んでおり、分かれ道が多くて目印も殆ど無いので、特に夜は迷いそうになる。慣れた地元の方以外は、夜や濃霧時など、カーナビが無いとちょっと大変だと思った。 大口径の天体望遠鏡がありますが、骨董品級のPC-9801で制御していました。(現在故障中のようです)
It is in the plateau spreading forests and ranches. As farm roads are complicated, there are many branches and there are few markers, so it seems to be lost especially at night. Apart from familiar local people, I thought it was a bit tough if there was no car navigation, such as night or heavy fog. There is a large diameter astronomical telescope, but it was controlled with antique grade PC - 9801. (It seems that it is currently out of order)
わだのぶよし on Google

星もよく見えて天体観測するにはいい! けども、ここまでの道といい天文台周辺といい個人的に一人で行くには怖いかな....
It's good for observing stars with good visibility of stars! But I'm afraid to go alone and to the road so far and around the good observatory ...
藤原孝幸 on Google

The air and scenery are good. The night sky is wonderful in this place ❗
日陰山葵 on Google

天文台はしまっていましたが風力発電の風車が沢山並んでます。 やませをエネルギーに変えているのではないでしょうか。 天気の良い日はとても見晴らしが良い。
The observatory was closed, but there are many windmills for wind power generation. Isn't it turning Yamase into energy? The view is very good on a sunny day.
taka (taka) on Google

夜の星空はかなり綺麗。だが、途中の道は街灯が無く道も広くないため、初めての方は注意。 隣に風力発電所が建設され、二階が展望台となっている。天気の良い日は、風車が立ち並ぶ風景が見られる。
The night starry sky is pretty. However, there are no street lamps and the streets are not wide on the way. A wind farm is built next door and the second floor is an observation deck. When the weather is nice, you can see a landscape with windmills.
Hiromi Ito on Google

何もないところですが、高原の景色を一望できます。道路が狭いので車のすれ違いには注意しましょう。 風力発電の土地として利用されてるようです。 道中公衆トイレがありますが、かなり汚れている印象です。その隣のレストハウスも今や廃墟になっているようです。 トイレットペーパーが置いてあったけど、公衆トイレの補充用かな? 人の管理は一応ある様子です。 景色は見事なのでリラックスしたい方はぜひ。 訪問日 2019/8/25
There is nothing, but you can get a panoramic view of the plateau. Be careful of passing cars because the road is narrow. It seems to be used as land for wind power generation. There is a public toilet on the way, but it looks pretty dirty. The rest house next to it seems to be ruined now. Toilet paper was placed, but is it for supplementing public toilets? There seems to be some management of people. If you want to relax, the scenery is amazing. Visit date 2019/8/25
t観光 on Google

年で遊びにいってないのですけど、すでに二けた以前の記憶。帰省のたびに行こうと思うのですが、深夜だったり早朝だったりで開館時間には通らないという悩ましさ。 プラネタリウム、楽しめますよ。 そして建物こちら、デザイナーズ物件だそうです。 館長さんも、野外活動ポスターで時々お見かけします。 お話し聞きたいわぁ。 また遊びに行きますね。
I haven't been to play in my age, but I already remember it before it was double digits. I'm thinking of going home every time, but I'm worried that I can't go to the opening hours because it's late at night or early in the morning. You can enjoy the planetarium. And this building is a designer property. The director also sometimes sees them on outdoor activity posters. I want to hear from you. I'm going to play again.

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