McDonald's - Hatsukaichi

3.4/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact McDonald's

住所 :

3 Chome-1-1 Ajina, Hatsukaichi, Hiroshima 738-0054, Japan

電話 : 📞 +889
Postal code : 738-0054
Webサイト :
Description : Classic, long-running fast-food chain known for its burgers & fries.

3 Chome-1-1 Ajina, Hatsukaichi, Hiroshima 738-0054, Japan
N H on Google

モール?の中だならなのか、期間限定や数量限定のメニューの取り扱いがないことがある。 ベーコンポテトパイが食べたくて行ったが、うちの店舗ではやってないんですと言われました…。 持ち帰りのオーダーも間違えて渡されたことがあり家で開けてから気づきました。 実際頼んだものの方が高いものだったのでガッカリ。
the mall? There may not be a limited time menu or limited number of menus, if it is inside. I wanted to eat a bacon potato pie, but I was told that it wasn't done at our store... I was given a wrong order to take home, so I noticed it when I opened it at home. I was disappointed because the one I actually ordered was more expensive.
白玉善哉 on Google

I like the McDonald's taste, so it's not worth the first level for me, but I'll set it to 2 for convenience and speed of delivery.
武田宏子 on Google

When you ask to take it home, if you do not check the contents before returning home, you will forget to put it in at a considerable rate. I think it will be difficult because it will handle many customers, but it would be helpful if you could pay a little more attention.
木下強 on Google

リ―ズナブルな価格で美味しく頂けます? dポイントも使えてお得感満載?
Delicious at a reasonable price 価 格 You can use d-points and get a good deal 得
King Ras on Google

Finally, the clerk can bring merchandise to the table by mobile order.
川島一葉 on Google

Whether it's after work or during a break, the part-time staff is unsightly as they come and go from the back door on the side in plain clothes. It's a shame that the reception at the cash register is also for men. It is also unsanitary to see the potatoes spilled under the fryer. I think the person in charge should manage the staff more thoroughly. I am surprised that there is too much difference in customer service with my neighbor Mister Donut.
Turow Hats on Google

I have used McDonald's several times so far, but I forgot to put it in for the first time at this store. Moreover, many times. Isn't this the only major company that can do such a proper job of ignoring manuals?
渋谷 on Google

お昼時にいって、そんなに混んでもないのにめちゃくちゃ出てくるの遅い… ポテトLサイズ頼んだら、体感Sサイズぐらいの量しか入ってなかったし冷たかった。 ガッカリした。 【追記】 2回目行ってもこの量だったのでこの店はこれが基準なのかも? Lサイズ他のところはもっと入っている気がするが… 今回も昼時に行ったがポテトはシナシナで一部冷たかった。
It's late at noon and it's messed up even though it's not so crowded ... When I asked for potato L size, it was cold because it contained only the amount of S size. I was disappointed. [Addition] Even if I went the second time, it was this amount, so maybe this is the standard for this store? L size I think there are more in other places ... I went there again at noon, but the potatoes were partly cold in China.

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