Mankamerou - Kyoto

4.6/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

萬亀楼|有職料理の伝統と雅な京文化を今に伝える。 -


Contact Mankamerou

住所 :

387 Ebisucho, Kamigyo Ward, Kyoto, 602-8118, Japan

電話 : 📞 +87
Postal code : 602-8118
Webサイト :

387 Ebisucho, Kamigyo Ward, Kyoto, 602-8118, Japan
溜剛 on Google

御所の西、丸太町通りから猪熊通りを上がったところにある、300年以上続く京都を代表する料理店です。 献立は季節感を大切にしているとのこと。目にも鮮やかで、おいしくいたはだきました。
It is a restaurant that represents Kyoto for more than 300 years. The menu values ​​the sense of the season. The eyes were bright and delicious.
chichi on Google

I thought the taste of soup stock was great. I received a bamboo basket, but I think that it is quality above the price. We enjoyed an extraordinary time with attentive customer service.
あきやす on Google

A delicious meal with a nice soup stock ?? Thank you for having a wonderful birthday ???
Hiroshi Kyoto on Google

西陣で一番の料理屋さんがここ萬亀樓さんです。ミシュラン★★です。創業は享保7年(1722年)で、初めは造り酒屋(萬屋)を営み、後に料理屋となり屋号を「萬亀樓」と改め約300年になり、当代で10代目になります。  又、御所ゆかりの生間流式庖丁(当代30代目生間正保)・有職料理を正式に継承しておられます。有職料理とは、京都において、朝廷や宮家等の宮中にて、節会等で食された、雅やかな形式のお料理です。有職料理萬亀樓は、平安中期宮廷の料理方を務め、鎌倉期に源頼朝公より姓を賜り、庖丁方を務め以後豊臣秀吉公の命で、八条ノ宮家、後に京極ノ宮家、有栖川ノ宮家と仕えておりました。式庖丁は皆さんもテレビで包丁と金属のお箸で、鯛や鯉を捌くの見たことがあるでしょう。あれです。現在は、御所ゆかりの有職料理の伝統、技法を踏まえて、他の伝統料理の要素も取り入れながら、今日ある素材を用いて現代風にアレンジして提供しておられます。お昼は8千円~、夕食は20千円~でしょうね。あと西陣では、萬重、天喜、西陣魚新、おかもと、の順でしょうか。 The best restaurant in Nishijin is Mankamerou. It is Michelin ★★. Founded in Kyoho 7 (1722), he first ran a sake brewery (Manya), later became a restaurant and changed the name to "Mankamerou" for about 300 years, and is now the 10th generation. In addition, Ikenma style kitchen knives related to Gosho (30th generation Ikenma Shoho) and employment dishes are officially inherited. Employed food is a graceful style of food that was eaten at a festival in Kyoto, such as in the imperial court or in the imperial family. Mankamero, a professional cook, served as a cook for the court in the middle of the Heian period, and was given a surname by Minamoto no Yoritomo in the Kamakura period. I was serving the imperial family. You may have seen knives and metal chopsticks on TV to handle sea bream and carp. That is it. Currently, based on the traditions and techniques of professional cooking related to Gosho, while incorporating elements of other traditional dishes, we are offering a modern arrangement using today's ingredients. Lunch will start at 8,000 yen and dinner will start at 20,000 yen. In Nishijin, Manju, Tenki, Nishijin Uoshin, and Okamoto, in that order.
The best restaurant in Nishijin is Mankamerou. It is Michelin ★★. Founded in Kyoho 7 (1722), he first ran a sake brewery (Manya), later became a restaurant and changed the name to "Mankamerou" for about 300 years, and is now the 10th generation. In addition, Ikenma style kitchen knives related to Gosho (30th generation Ikenma Shoho) and employment dishes are officially inherited. Employed food is a graceful style of food that was eaten at a festival in Kyoto, such as in the imperial court or in the imperial family. Mankamero, a professional cook, served as a cook for the court in the middle of the Heian period, received a surname from Minamoto no Yoritomo in the Kamakura period, and later served as a scholar, and was ordered by Toyotomi Hideyoshi. I was serving the imperial family. You may have seen knives and metal chopsticks on TV to handle sea bream and carp. That is it. Currently, based on the traditions and techniques of professional cooking related to Gosho, while incorporating elements of other traditional dishes, we are offering a modern arrangement using today's ingredients. Lunch will start from 8,000 yen and dinner will start from 20,000 yen. In Nishijin, Manju, Tenki, Nishijin Uoshin, and Okamoto, in that order. The best restaurant in Nishijin is Mankamerou. It is Michelin ★★. Founded in Kyoho 7 (1722), he first ran a sake brewery (Manya), later became a restaurant and changed the name to "Mankamerou" for about 300 years, and Is now the 10th generation. In addition, Ikenma style kitchen knives related to Gosho (30th generation Ikenma Shoho) and employment dishes are officially inherited. Employed food is a graceful style of food that was eaten at a festival in Kyoto, such as in the imperial court or in the imperial family. Mankamero, a professional cook, served as a cook for the court in the middle of the Heian period, and was given a surname by Minamoto no Yoritomo in the Kamakura period. I was serving the imperial family. You may have seen knives and metal chopsticks on TV to handle sea bream and carp. That is it. Currently, based on the traditions and techniques of professional cooking related to Gosho, while incorporating elements of other traditional dishes, we are offering a modern arran gement using today's ingredients. Lunch will start at 8,000 yen and dinner will start at 20,000 yen. In Nishijin, Manju, Tenki, Nishijin Uoshin, and Okamoto, in that order.
羽溪了 on Google

My mother said she wanted to experience "working cooking" in advance. In the name of the 90-year-old celebration, the whole family visited us with the thought of jumping off the stage of Kiyomizu, thinking that it would not be possible to do so because of such an experience.
N. Adachi on Google

まもなく三百年を迎えるという有職料理の老舗。懐石とは少し違った設えで、驚きの連続。お料理が美味しいのはもちろんですが、経験としてもとても素晴らしいものでした。 器やお料理の説明など、女将さん、そして中居さんもとても親切でした。 機会があればぜひまた伺いたいですし、京都ならではのお店ということで、お料理の好きな方にはぜひお勧めしたいと思います。
A long-established store of professional cuisine to have 300 years to come. It is a little different from Kaiseki, a series of surprises. Of course the dish is delicious, but also as an experience it was very wonderful. Descriptions such as descriptions of dishes and dishes, female general, and Nakai were very kind, too. If there is opportunity, I would like to ask again and I would like to recommend it to those who like cuisine as it is a unique shop in Kyoto.
吉本由美子 on Google

流石の超老舗料亭です。 竹籠ランチが個室でいただけます。さらりとした接客が心地よく美味しく頂けます。 後日、友人との会食にお弁当をデリバリーしていただきました。大満足でした。
It is a long-established restaurant with a long-established restaurant. Bamboo basket lunch is available in a private room. You can enjoy the smooth customer service comfortably and deliciously. At a later date, I had my lunch delivered to me for a dinner with a friend. It was a great satisfaction.
Ochi A on Google


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