Kiyojirou - Kyoto

4.4/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

京料理 | 貴与次郎 | 日本 -

京都・二条城近くの京料理・貴与次郎です。京都 老舗旅館柊家で永年修行し、料理長を経てこのたび独立致しました。 古い町家と京懐石との融合で皆様をおもてなし致します。

Contact Kiyojirou

住所 :

91 Sorincho, Nakagyo Ward, Kyoto, 604-8262, Japan

電話 : 📞 +87
Postal code : 604-8262
Webサイト :

91 Sorincho, Nakagyo Ward, Kyoto, 604-8262, Japan
Kosei Sasaki on Google

店主、スタッフさんの接客が最高です。 お部屋に入った時に、心から来てくれてありがとうと伝わるお出迎え。 掘り炬燵から見える木々を一面ガラスから見通すと、まるで絵のようでした。 料理も考えられており、楽しめました。
The customer service of the shop owner and staff is the best. When you enter the room, you will be greeted with a heartfelt thank you. Looking through the trees seen from the digging kotatsu from one side of the glass, it looked like a picture. Cooking was also considered and I enjoyed it.
Osamu on Google

I used a private room. It was very quiet because it was not a downtown area. The food is very carefully prepared. Aside from the shells of the crabs, the thin bones inside were also removed properly. Saikyo-yaki of Spanish mackerel was also thick and skewered with chitin (it is natural). The taste is also elegant and delicious. Of course the service was also polite and good. I used it for lunch, but it seems to be reasonable at night, so I would like to use it again.
AKINORI UEDA (Nicholas) on Google

ご紹介いただき初めてお伺いしました。 噂通りの名店で、お料理全部美味しかったです。 店主1人で料理は切り盛りされているようで、お忙しいようでしたが席までご挨拶いただきありがとうございました! 料理1品1品に細やかな気遣いがあり、温かいものは温かくいただけるようにお皿までしっかりと温めてありました。 私たちは個室を利用しましたが、カウンター席もありオシャレにお食事もできると思います。 また是非お伺いしたいと思います! ご馳走様でしたー!
I visited you for the first time after being introduced. It was a well-known restaurant as rumored, and all the dishes were delicious. The owner seemed to be busy cooking, but thank you for greeting us! There was a delicate consideration for each dish, and the dishes were warmed up so that warm dishes could be warmed up. We used a private room, but there are counter seats so you can have a stylish meal. I would love to visit you again! It was a treat!
康郎 on Google

美味しい京料理がいただけます。 個室を利用したのでカウンターの雰囲気等は分かりませんが落ち着いてゆっくり食事が出来ました。 駐車場はありませんが、近くにコインパーキングが数ヶ所ありました。
You can enjoy delicious Kyoto cuisine. Since I used a private room, I don't know the atmosphere of the counter, but I was able to calm down and eat slowly. There is no parking lot, but there were several coin parking lots nearby.
播磨伸之 on Google

関西おいしいもの食べ歩き 【2013年8月17日訪問】 水とご飯に拘った匠の技が光る京料理 貴与次郎(きよじろう) 油小路三条上がる東側 京都小旅行の夕食は京料理を食べたいと色々探しましたが良いなと思ったらカウンターだけのお店が多いんですよね 京都の美味しい料理を知り尽くした「フードアナリストゆう」さんに紹介した頂いたお店が此方です^^ 子供連れだったので、堀ごたつの座敷もあってゆったり寛げました^^ 二条城前のホテルから散歩がてら歩いて行ける距離 場所は、油小路三条上がる東側 入口はこじんまりしてますが奥行きがあった京都らしい造りです 店内は畳じきの廊下を奥に進むと板張りの廊下に繋がって京都らしさを感じれます お食事はその奥の部屋でいただきます カウンターが右手にあって凛と張りつめた空気の中にご主人の笑顔で迎え入れてくれました こちらの店主は、京都の老舗旅館で川端康成が常宿としていた柊家で腕を磨き料理長を勤められた本物の京都の料理人 期待が膨らみます♪ 電話予約した時も好き嫌いを丁寧に聴いてもらったので鶏肉、豚肉、光り物、幼児二人連れなどワガママもすんなり受け止めてくれました 私たちは部屋の左側にある堀ごたつ3席の真ん中に案内されてスタンバイOK^^ 夜のコースは 5500円、7000円、9000円、12000円の4コースあって7000円の鶴コースをお願いしました 鶴コースは、料理6品、汁物、香の物、ご飯、水物 幼児が居たので最初にご飯出して欲しいとお願いすると、ご主人から焚き置きのご飯は無いので炊き上がったら少し冷ましてお持ちしますとのこと 此方の料理で使ってる水は千利休がお茶の湯に用いた名水「柳の水」で出汁の風味を引き立てご飯も美味しく炊けるんです ご飯が主役ですと言い切ってはりました お酒はお薦めの純米大吟醸の冷酒をお願いしま~す^^ 竹の筒で冷酒も粋ですね 先付けは鱧寿司 椀 鱧とジュンサイのお澄まし ジュンサイの口当たりがよくて澄まし汁が美味しい 器も素晴らしく綺麗です 造り 鱧落とし 鯛 鮪 鱧と鯛は根昆布の出汁でいただきます 鱧落としから食べてくださいと言われて根昆布出汁につけて口に運ぶと温かくてほのかに昆布の香りと旨味が重なってウマウマ(^q^) 焼肴 鮎の塩焼 タデ酢で食べるのが一番美味しいウマーーイ(^q^) 冷酒お代わりお願いしま~す^^ 酢の物 もずく 山芋 ナメコ オクラ ミョウガ さっぱり口直しにピッタリ これお家で真似したいです 炊き合わせ 海老 貝柱 牛蒡 いんげん豆 上品な出汁が染み込んでます 6品のはずが7品目が登場 茄子田楽 白身魚にトウモロコシソース 無花果のゴマソース トウモロコシソースが甘くて美味しい~ 無花果に刷りごまソースを炙ってあるので胡麻の香ばしさが鼻から抜けてた後に無花果の果汁が口じゅうに広がってメチャクチャ美味しいです ご飯 白ご飯 極細素麺 香の物 7秒で湯がける素麺 白ご飯が美味しくて塩おにぎりが食べたくなりました 最後にデザート 生の桃 抹茶の水菓子 山葵のシャーベットだったと思います 旬の食材を活かしきる匠の技に感動です 最後玄関まで店主が見送りに来てくださいました 京料理サイコー また伺います(^q^) Android携帯からの投稿 貴与次郎 (京料理 / 二条城前駅、烏丸御池駅、大宮駅) 夜総合点★★★★☆ 4.5
Kansai Eating delicious food [Visit on August 17, 2013] Kiyojirou, a Kyoto cuisine that shines with the craftsmanship of water and rice, on the east side of Sanjo Aburanokoji For dinner on a Kyoto excursion, I searched for various things to eat Kyoto cuisine, but when I thought it was good, there are many shops with only counters. This is the restaurant introduced by "Food Analyst Yu" who knows all about delicious Kyoto food ^^ Since I was with children, I was able to relax comfortably with the tatami room of Horigotatsu ^^ Walking distance from the hotel in front of Nijo Castle The place is on the east side of Sanjo Aburanokoji The entrance is small, but it has a deep Kyoto-like structure. If you go deeper into the tatami-matted corridor, you will be connected to the wooden corridor and you will feel like Kyoto. Meals will be served in the back room The counter was on the right and welcomed me with a smile of my husband in the dignified air. The owner of this restaurant is a real Kyoto chef who worked as a chef at a long-established inn in Kyoto, where Yasunari Kawabata used to stay at Hiiragiya. Expectations swell ♪ Even when I made a phone reservation, I was asked to listen carefully to my likes and dislikes, so even selfish people such as chicken, pork, shiny food, and two infants accepted it smoothly. We are guided to the middle of the 3 seats of Horigotatsu on the left side of the room and stand by OK ^ ^ The evening course There are 4 courses of 5500 yen, 7000 yen, 9000 yen and 12000 yen, and I asked for a crane course of 7000 yen. The crane course consists of 6 dishes, soup, pickles, rice, and water. Since there was an infant, when I asked for rice first, my husband said that there is no rice left to cook, so when it is cooked, I will cool it a little and bring it. The water used in this dish is the famous water "Yanagi no Mizu" used by Sen no Rikyu for the tea ceremony, which enhances the flavor of the soup stock and makes the rice delicious. I said that rice is the leading role For sake, I would like the recommended Junmai Daiginjo cold sake ^^ Cold sake is also stylish with a bamboo tube The first is sushi Bowl Clarity of conger and water shield Watershield is palatable and the clear juice is delicious The vessel is also wonderfully beautiful Structure Dropping conger sea ​​bream tuna The conger and sea bream are served with the soup stock of root kelp. When I was told to eat it from the pike conger, soak it in the root kelp soup stock and bring it to my mouth. Baked Grilled sweetfish with salt Umaui (^ q ^) is the most delicious to eat with Tade vinegar Please replace the cold sake ^^ Vinegared food Mozuku yam Nameko Okra Japanese ginger Perfect for refreshing your mouth I want to imitate this at home Cook shrimp Adductor muscle burdock Common beans The elegant soup stock is soaked in 7 items are now available instead of 6 items Eggplant Miso Dengaku White fish with corn sauce Fig sesame sauce The corn sauce is sweet and delicious ~ Since the fig sauce is roasted on the figs, the juice of the figs spreads throughout the mouth after the sesame scent comes out of the nose, and it is delicious. rice White rice Extra-fine somen noodles Pickles Somen noodles that can be boiled in 7 seconds The white rice was delicious and I wanted to eat salted rice balls Finally dessert Raw peach Matcha water confectionery I think it was wasabi sorbet I am impressed by the craftsmanship that makes full use of seasonal ingredients. The shopkeeper came to see me off to the last entrance Kyoto cuisine I will visit again (^ q ^) Posts from Android phones Kiyojirou (Kyoto Cuisine / Nijojo-mae Station, Karasuma Oike Station, Omiya Station) Night total score ★★★★ ☆ 4.5
Fausta Fang on Google

cosy atmosphere, impeccable service.
Lu Lu on Google

Cosy environment, very friendly service, warm atmosphere, every dish is sophisticated and well-thought out. We had dinner menu there, the food well captured the essence of kyoto cousins, will revisit again.
Mazz on Google

Restuarant with great tasting Kyoto food. The staff are very attentive and service was really good. If you for for their lunch set, its not very expensive. The one I had cost 6,600 excl tax.

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