割烹料理 西陣はしもと

4.8/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

京都西陣 割烹 - 西陣はしもと - Nishijin-hashimoto.com


Contact 割烹料理 西陣はしもと

住所 :

Kanzecho, Kamigyo Ward, 〒602-8441 Kyoto,Japan

電話 : 📞 +878
Webサイト : http://www.nishijin-hashimoto.com/
街 : Kyoto

Kanzecho, Kamigyo Ward, 〒602-8441 Kyoto,Japan

10年間料理屋で修行して20台で美人の奥様と独立された日本料理店です。調理する水からこだわった最高のだしと最高のお料理を食べる事が出来ます。8席のお店ですが全力投球で真剣勝負のお料理が頂けます。 隠れた名店です。
It is a Japanese restaurant independent of wife of a beauty woman at 20 cars trained at a cooker for 10 years. You can eat the best soup and the best dish that stuck from the water you cook. Although it is an 8-seat shop, you can get a serious game of cooking with full power. It is a hidden famous shop.
イーストグランド on Google

岡山より訪問 若いご夫婦で営んでられる割烹料理屋です。 カウンターのみのお店で非常に店主と距離の近くお見せです。 8000円のコースをお願いしましたが、一品一品素材にこだわって丁寧に造っておられて非常に美味しかったです。 ご夫婦ともにとても感じが良く京都に立ち寄った時には再訪したいと思うお店です。
Visit from Okayama It is a restaurant that is run by a young couple. It is a shop with only counters and it is very close to the owner. I asked for a 8000 yen course, but it was very tasty because it was carefully made with a focus on each item. It is a shop where both the couple feel very good and would like to visit again when they stop in Kyoto.
s k on Google

京都今出川にある西陣はしもとさんに訪問。 場所がわかりにくいが隠れ家的なアットホームな雰囲気の日本料理店。 場所柄舞妓さんのお客さんも多いそう。 こういう知る人ぞ知る的なお店知ってる大人ってモテますよね! お酒も日本酒からワインまで種類が豊富です。 今の季節ハモがオススメ。 予算をあらかじめ伝えておけば合わせてやっていただけます。鮎の塩焼き、ローストビーフや雲丹の磯部揚げ、新鮮なお魚の刺身や炙りなどお腹いっぱいになりました。 コースのデザートは意外でびっくりした。 また、オーナーシェフの親戚に漁師の方がいて冬は幻の間人蟹がリーズナブルなお値段で提供されているみたいなのでぜひ再訪したいです。
Visited Nishimoto Hashimoto in Imadegawa, Kyoto. A Japanese restaurant with a cozy atmosphere that makes it difficult to find a place. There seem to be many customers of the place pattern Maiko. This kind of acquaintance is popular for adults who know a shop! There are many types of sake from sake to wine. Recommended for this season. If you tell the budget in advance, you can do it together. Salmon grilled with salmon, roast beef and sea urchin seaweed, fresh fish sashimi and sashimi filled. The course dessert was surprising and surprising. Also, there is a fisherman who is a relative of the owner chef, and in winter it seems that the phantom is offered at a reasonable price.
はる on Google

I visited for the first time, thank you for the wonderful food and heartwarming customer service ? I will stop by again ?
Oscar Salançon on Google

Un Bijoux, nous y sommes allez sans parler le japonais cela étant compliqué pour comprendre les plats mais nous les avons laisser choisir pour nous et nous avons rêvé pendant 2h. L' accueil est plus que parfaite. Merci à eux ! Un des meilleurs restaurant de ma vie. Je recommande plus que tout Une vrais expérience culinaire
A jewelery, we are going without speaking the Japanese it is complicated to understand the dishes but we let them choose for us and we dreamed for 2 hours. The welcome is more than perfect. Thanks to them ! One of the best restaurant of my life. I recommend more than anything A true culinary experience
まさ! on Google

割烹料理、カウンターのみのお店には初めて伺いました。気さくな大将が迎えてくれて気楽に入れるお店です。 カウンターならではの、目の前での調理と料理説明を楽しむことができます。お値段に見合った料理の準備だと思います。満足しました。 焼き揚げた胡麻豆腐をポルチーニと白味噌のソースで頂きましたが、間違いなく初めての味で、感動モノです。大将のセンスが光ります。 このようなお店では普通なのかもしれないですがメニューもあれば、と思いました。何品出てくるのか?どんなお酒を次は飲むのか?など考えられます。それも会話しながら食事できるようになればいいのか? 自分のレベルアップが必要ですね!
For the first time, I visited a restaurant that only serves Japanese cuisine and counters. It is a shop where a friendly general welcomes you and you can easily enter. You can enjoy cooking and cooking explanations in front of you, which is unique to the counter. I think the food is prepared for the price. I was satisfied. I had fried sesame tofu with porcini and white miso sauce, but it was definitely the first taste and I was impressed. The sense of the general shines. It may be normal in a store like this, but I thought it would be nice to have a menu. How many items will come out? What kind of liquor will you drink next? And so on. Should I be able to eat while talking? You need to improve yourself!
Chun Guan Tan on Google

Delicious!! All the food are so fresh!! So very OISHI
Michelle Aerts on Google

Great little gem! This restaurant is run by a great chef together with his wife. It's a real Japanese culinary experience to eat here, everything is pure and fresh. For the smallest diner menu, you pay 8000¥. You also have more expensive menus or you can order phantom crab à la carte, a real spectacle! The lunch menus are less expensive and probably better value. It's not the cheapest you'll eat in Kyoto, but it's definitely worth it! We were joking with the owners that we wanted to call Michelin, so they could come and rate them. In our opinion probably worth at least one ?!

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