パーソナルトレーニングジム LINO【八王子店】

5/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact パーソナルトレーニングジム LINO【八王子店】

住所 :

Asahicho, Hachioji, 〒192-0083 Tokyo,Japan

電話 : 📞 +878
Webサイト : https://linopersonal.net/
街 : Tokyo

Asahicho, Hachioji, 〒192-0083 Tokyo,Japan
干川達也 on Google

八王子駅からも近くとても通いやすい立地にあります。 24時間のジムに通ってましたが独学でやっていたのでなかなか上手くいかずパーソナルジムを探していた時にインスタグラムで見つけて通いやすそうな雰囲気だったため入会しました。 通って2ヶ月ですが順調に減量が出来ていて担当の方もいろいろと相談しやすいのでおすすめです。 プロテインもEAAも無料で飲めて、LINEでの食事サポートもありかなりサポートが充実しているなと思います。 減量を考えている方やトーレニングの正しいやり方を知りたいなどの初心者の方にもおすすめできるパーソナルジムだと思います。
It is in a very easy-to-access location near Hachioji Station. I went to the gym for 24 hours, but I was self-taught, so it didn't go well and when I was looking for a personal gym, I found it on Instagram and it seemed like it was easy to go to, so I joined. It's been two months since I went there, but I've been able to lose weight steadily, and it's easy for the person in charge to consult with me, so I recommend it. You can drink protein and EAA for free, and there is also dietary support on LINE, so I think that the support is quite substantial. I think it is a personal gym that can be recommended for beginners who are thinking about weight loss or who want to know the correct way to train.
豚さん on Google

駅から徒歩2分の好立地。電車でも車でも通いやすい。施設も綺麗。車で行った時は駐車料金も一部負担してくれるので良心的です。 値段もパーソナルジムとしてはリーズナブルで 体にあったトレーニングやリリースも行ってくれるので前よりも姿勢が良くなった気がする。 ウェアやドリンク、プロテインも無料で そしてトレーナーさんの質が高い。 知識豊富。愛想もいい。初心者の方でも安心だと思います。 体脂肪も少しずつ減って来て見た目が変わって来たと実感してます。なにより食事のストレスがゼロ。炭水化物を食べながらできているのでこれなら続けていけそうです。 通うのが楽しみです。 引き続き宜しくお願い致します。
Good location, 2 minutes walk from the station. Easy to get to by train or car. The facility is also beautiful. If you go by car, you will be charged a part of the parking fee, so it is conscientious. The price is also reasonable for a personal gym I feel that my posture has improved compared to before because it also provides training and releases that suit my body. Free clothing, drinks and protein And the quality of the trainer is high. Knowledgeable. The amiability is also good. I think that even beginners are safe. I feel that my body fat has gradually decreased and my appearance has changed. Above all, there is no dietary stress. It's made while eating carbohydrates, so I think I can continue with this. I'm looking forward to going there. Please continue to give us your support.
内藤羽衣 on Google

I went there for wedding body make-up and I'm really glad I went! !! The trainer is very cheerful and knowledgeable, so I could trust him. I was looking forward to going there every time, and he gave me a lot of advice on dietary restrictions, so I was able to go without stress. I started going because I couldn't get the dress I wanted to wear, but in the end I was able to wear it beautifully! I had the purpose of a wedding, so I was grateful for the body make-up that made me look beautiful when I wore the dress! !! The price is reasonable and it is a highly recommended gym! !!

元々パーソナルジムには興味がありましたが値段が高いのがネックでした。でも色々調べていたらリーズナブルなこちらに辿り着きました! 毎食の食事も見てくれるし、それに対してアドバイスもあるので助かります。 筋トレってしっかりやれば汗かくんだって知りました笑 毎回楽しく筋トレしてます! 値段と質に満足してます✨ 中々仕事や子どもの都合でコンスタントに通えずですが目標体重、体脂肪率達成できるように頑張ります?
Originally I was interested in personal gyms, but the high price was a bottleneck. But after researching various things, I arrived at a reasonable price! It is helpful because he / she sees each meal and gives advice on it. I learned that if you do muscle training well, you will sweat lol I enjoy doing muscle training every time! I am satisfied with the price and quality ✨ I can't keep going because of my work and children, but I'll do my best to reach my target weight and body fat percentage ?
カネ on Google

以前からダイエットでお世話になっていて信頼できるトレーナーさんです。 丁寧でわかりやすい解説とサポートで効いてるなと実感しながらトレーニングできています。自宅でできるトレーニングやストレッチも教えてくれました。 食事面ではいつでもLINEで相談できます。栄養面にも詳しいです。たくさん質問しても丁寧に答えてくれました。 駅から近いのでとても通いやすいです。
He is a reliable trainer who has been on a diet for a long time. I am able to train while feeling that it is effective with polite and easy-to-understand explanations and support. He also taught me how to train and stretch at home. You can always consult on LINE regarding meals. I am also familiar with nutrition. Even if I asked a lot of questions, he answered politely. It's very easy to get to because it's close to the station.
さここい on Google

トレーナーさんお二人とも、明るくて気さくなのでリラックスしてワークアウトに集中出来ます!説明もとても丁寧でわかりやすいです。メニューも豊富で筋肉に確実に効いてます。食事もPFCバランスなど具体的に相談出来ます。 完全個室、駅近、駐車場一部負担、ワークアウト中のEAAドリンク、後のプロテインは毎回頂けます!味の種類も選べます。毎回消毒清掃されていて、感染対策に配慮してます! 一人ではやり切れない回数もサポートと優しい声掛けで達成できます。大手パーソナルに比べ親切な料金でこれだけのサービスは、全ての方にお薦めです!
Both trainers are cheerful and friendly so you can relax and focus on your workout! The explanation is also very polite and easy to understand. The menu is abundant and works reliably on muscles. You can also consult about meals such as PFC balance. Completely private room, near the station, part of the parking lot, EAA drinks during workouts, and protein afterwards are available every time! You can also choose the type of taste. It is disinfected and cleaned every time, and consideration is given to infection control! You can achieve the number of times you can't do it by yourself with support and gentle voice. This service is recommended for everyone at a kinder price than major personals!
K T on Google

I went to counseling because of my diet and the solution of lack of exercise, and I joined because I thought that the couple had a bright and cozy atmosphere. It's convenient because it's close to the station, and it's easy for me to continue because it's easy to change clothes and drinks. You can exercise with peace of mind because the menu is organized by checking your physical condition every time. Personally, I'm grateful that I can continue without stress because I can't change my diet with just a little ingenuity. We will continue to take care of you so that you can have a healthy body!
A N on Google

It is a gym where professional couples are working hard. It was good that there was a student discount. It was easy to talk about what I was interested in because I taught them kindly. At this gym, I focus on only one person at a time, so I think it's very good compared to other gyms. Please, try it!

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