La Noboutique

4.5/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact La Noboutique

住所 :

Tokiwadai, Itabashi City, 〒174-0071 Tokyo,Japan

電話 : 📞 +8798
Webサイト :
Opening hours :
Saturday 11:30AM–4PM
Sunday 11:30AM–4PM
Monday 11:30AM–4PM
Tuesday 11:30AM–4PM
Wednesday Closed
Thursday 11:30AM–4PM
Friday 11:30AM–4PM
街 : Tokyo

田代明男 on Google

ランチにお伺いしました。魚は舌平目、肉は鶏肉ともに美味しかったです。ランチは1300円、ケーキセットはプラス600円で、9種類のミニサイズから二つを選べます。 ケーキその物はお料理に比べてイマイチでした。でもランチセットはお値段以上なので、また来てもいいなあ。
I visited for lunch. The fish was delicious and the meat was delicious with chicken. Lunch is 1300 yen, cake set is 600 yen plus, you can choose 2 from 9 mini sizes. The cake itself was not as good as the food. But the lunch set is more than the price, so I'm happy to come again.
BB King on Google

ランチで訪問。ステーキと若鶏のソテーを注文。 ステーキは塩味やソースが全くなく薄すぎた。若鶏のソテーはソースはまぁまぁだが肉自体に味が効いておらずプレーンで物足りない。 スープとバケットは美味しかった。 価格と味が全く釣り合ってない印象。
Visit for lunch. I ordered steak and sautéed chicken. The steak was too thin with no salt or sauce. The sautéed young chicken has a decent sauce, but the meat itself doesn't taste good and is plain and unsatisfactory. The soup and bucket were delicious. Impression that the price and taste are not balanced at all.
Satoshi N on Google

A French restaurant located in the residential area from the Tokiwadai rotary. There are courses and a la carte. From appetizers to desserts, they are made very carefully and go well with wine. All the dishes were delicious. The volume per plate is quite large, so next time I wanted to share it with multiple people and eat it. The customer service was very polite and it was a very pleasant shop. Antiseptic solution is prepared on the table, and all dishes are equipped with a plate and cutlery for special use, so infectious disease control is perfect.
pukum puku on Google

今回1年ぶりに再訪、ランチで伺いました。 お肉もお魚も最高に美味しいです。 接客も素晴らしいです。 家から遠いですが、また行きたいお店です。
I visited again for the first time in a year and visited for lunch. Meat and fish are the best. The customer service is also wonderful. It's far from home, but I want to go there again.
Yoichiro Ando on Google

駅から近いフレンチ。 カジュアルな価格だが、クオリティは本格的。 このコロナ禍でも平日の昼は予約なしでは入れない人気。毎日行くタイプのお店ではありませんが、近くにいらしたらおすすめです。
French near the station. The price is casual, but the quality is authentic. Even with this corona, it's so popular that you can't enter without a reservation during the daytime on weekdays. It's not the type of shop you go to every day, but it's recommended if you come nearby.
みぃ on Google

味も美味しかったですが、スタッフさんがとても良かったです。 お祝いで利用しましたが、おめでとうプレートも付けて下さいました。 デザートのケーキは、テーブルに見本を8種類持ってきてくれて、1人2つ選びました。どれも美味しそうで迷います~。追加料金で3つ目もOKでした。 ランチも予約がオススメとのことです。
The taste was delicious, but the staff was very good. I used it for the celebration, but also attached a congratulations plate. For the dessert cake, he brought eight kinds of samples to the table and chose two for each person. Everything looks delicious and I'm at a loss ~. The third one was OK for an additional fee. It is recommended to make a reservation for lunch.
Suzuki on Google

接客が素晴らしかったです!! 若鶏のソテーは見た目と違ってくどくなくあっさり、それでいてジューシーでやわらかくおいしく頂きました! ごぼうのスープもおいしかったです! また行きたいと思います! 人気店なので予約をオススメします
The customer service was great! !! The sautéed chicken wasn't as savory as it looked, yet it was juicy, soft and delicious! The burdock soup was also delicious! I think I want to go again! It's a popular shop, so we recommend you to make a reservation.
Harry Chang on Google


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