ソフマップ イオンモールKYOTO店 - Kyoto

3.6/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact ソフマップ イオンモールKYOTO店

住所 :

ソフマップ イオンモールKYOTO店 イオンモール Sakura Building, 4F 1 Nishikujo Toriiguchicho, Minami Ward, Kyoto, 601-8417, Japan

電話 : 📞 +89888
Postal code : 601-8417
Webサイト : https://www.sofmap.com/tenpo/contents/%3Fid%3Dshops%26sid%3Dkyouto%26utm_source%3Dgoogle%26utm_medium%3Dmap%26utm_campaign%3Dkyoto

ソフマップ イオンモールKYOTO店 イオンモール Sakura Building, 4F 1 Nishikujo Toriiguchicho, Minami Ward, Kyoto, 601-8417, Japan
yousef mohammed on Google

Small but good mall near Kyoto main station
Patrick Quinn-Graham on Google

This is a pretty small Sofmap, but it has an ok range.
Tord Fredriksson on Google

High tech shop with good selection. Ridiculously overpriced though.
Royce Sato on Google

they got stuff, it's pretty good
princepeco on Google

A great selection of electronic goods. Occasionally, the stuff is not able to answer questions about used item, since there are too many inventories.
iCohuo M on Google

Close to Kyoto station, nice supermarket, shoe stores, clothing and even shoe-repair service. In all, very convenient
Iskie Isketerol on Google

Prepare yourself for total sensory overload. This is unlike any other store I have seen at home in Canada or when traveling in the US. It would have been good to have made a wish list before hand as there are so many parts available for computer building. I have never seen literal 100's of headphones before both wired and wireless and in every form factor imaginable. There's definitely a wow factor here!
Anne Van Meeuwen on Google

Not a huge fan of the service in this store It took nearly 15 minutes to end my member card subscription.

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