Joshin Kujo Karasuma shop - Kyoto

3.6/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Joshin Kujo Karasuma shop

住所 :

31 Higashikujo Minamikarasumacho, Minami Ward, Kyoto, 601-8041, Japan

電話 : 📞 +8797
Postal code : 601-8041
Webサイト :

31 Higashikujo Minamikarasumacho, Minami Ward, Kyoto, 601-8041, Japan
村谷容子 on Google

京都駅には家電製品販売業者が多数有る為 品数が 少なく 他の店に移動しました?
Since there are many home appliance dealers at Kyoto Station, the number of items is small and we moved to another store ?
他力本願 on Google

I'm listening to value-for-money products, but I don't understand why I've been repeatedly answering and I can't shop. Many elderly people have a high-pressure attitude. You can only buy things that are unpleasant.
masato kawasaki on Google

There is a clerk who is familiar with plastic models and Gunpla. If you're a lover, it's fun to talk to you.
川畑直樹 on Google

アプリで当日、朝に通知で入荷数限りの販売があり長蛇の列にはなっていない。多少は列になるが、何時間も待たなくて良いので良い方法と思う。 それでも転売の輩が来ては居たようだが。 入店前に整理券も配布し店内で急いで走ることもないし、安全に購入することができて良い。
On the day of the app, there was a notice in the morning that there were as many sales as there were in stock, and there was no long line. It's a bit of a line, but I think it's a good way because you don't have to wait for hours. Still, it seems that there were resellers. You don't have to rush to run in the store by distributing numbered tickets before entering the store, and you can buy it safely.
もきらく on Google

九条通西向きからでないと車は入れないのに気を付けて。 品揃えは特に力の入った部門を感じない、まんべんなく揃っている感じです。日用品のコーナーは変わり種ですが、電器用品に絡めたモノが置いてある……?
Be careful that you can only enter the car from the west side of Kujo Dori. The product lineup does not feel like a particularly strong department, and it feels like it is evenly stocked. The corner for daily necessities is a strange kind, but there are things related to electrical appliances ...?
Anne Van Meeuwen on Google

Great store
Eddy Lam on Google

Household items store, major focus on electronics. Has a selection for toy models and facial products.
Gina THE MTL GAL on Google

Like Bic's, but more home/personal care electronics and better lay-out.

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