Kushiya-Monogatari AEON Mall KYOTO

3.5/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Kushiya-Monogatari AEON Mall KYOTO

住所 :

Nishikujo Toriiguchicho, Minami Ward, 〒615-0035 Kyoto,Japan

電話 : 📞 +8797
Webサイト : http://ku2.ffsm.jp/6031/
街 : Kyoto

Nishikujo Toriiguchicho, Minami Ward, 〒615-0035 Kyoto,Japan
夏雨姫 on Google

It is popular in shops that are popular with Jk and others. It's good because you can fried and eat your favorite things. Today's soup was pumpkin soup, which is delicious, but I wish I had miso soup as well.
kenchi 2525 on Google

It felt like the store clerk was energetic and well-educated. It was wonderful that the clerk during the training was trying hard even though he was not used to it yet.
LIN 林 on Google

吃到后来很油腻油腻油腻!小孩子的天堂 作为一个自助餐,价格还是肥肠亲民的。一个人仅需2000日元就可以吃70分钟~ ?串家顾名思义都是串串。几乎所有食材都是串在竹签上的,挑选自己想要的自己油炸。并且配备了小麦淀粉和面包糠,着实体验了一把油炸天妇罗?的赶脚。 ?全是油炸的食品吃到后来就被油腻住了,尤其不能多吃素菜,一口下去一包油…建议和我一样的年纪已经没那么年轻的朋友多吃点肉就好了 tips.喝点生姜饮料解腻效果还行 多放点冰块化化有点甜。可乐也不错哈哈哈哈
It was very greasy after eating! Children's paradise As a buffet, the price is still close to the people. One person can eat for 70 minutes for only 2000 yen~ ?The Chuan family are all Chuan Chuan as the name suggests. Almost all the ingredients are skewered on bamboo skewers. Choose what you want and deep-fry yourself. And equipped with wheat starch and bread crumbs, really experienced a handful of fried tempura ?. ?All fried foods are greasy after they are eaten, especially not to eat more vegetarian dishes, one bite down a pack of oil...I suggest friends who are younger than me to eat more meat. tips. Drink some ginger beverage to relieve the greasy effect. Put more ice cubes to make it a little sweeter. Coke is also good hahahaha
ヤニキ on Google

美味しかったし、レビューで気になってた接客も特に嫌な事なく普通に良かった。 接客が悪いのは時間帯によるものかと、自分が行ったのはお昼でしたが、「いらっしゃいませ」「ありがとうございました」をしっかり言えていたので良かった。バイトの方も頑張ってたのでまた行きたいと思います。
It was delicious, and the customer service that I was interested in in the review was normally good without any particular dislike. I wondered if the customer service was bad because of the time of day, but I went there at noon, but I was glad that I could say "Welcome" and "Thank you". The part-time job was also working hard, so I would like to go again.
Fuji TOMO on Google

コスパ良し、味も良し。 店員さんもきびきび働いてます。 日によってメニューが少ないのが減点。 あとソフトクリームもシャリシャリなのでなめらかに改善してほしい。 某ハンバーガー屋チェーンのように。
Cospa is good and taste is good. The clerk is also working hard. The deduction is that there are few menus depending on the day. Also, the soft cream is crispy, so I want you to improve it smoothly. Like a hamburger chain.
田中知恵 on Google

店員の態度が悪い 仕事だからって仕事優先なのはわかるが、あんな狭い場所なんだからお客に道を譲るべきでは?と思った。 通せんぼ状態が3~4回あり、全て男の店員で同じ人。 全てこちらが避ける。なぜ? しかもなんも言ってこないし。 この店より安い店でも 失礼しましたとかどうぞ?とか言ってくれるのに。 兎に角店員の対応 態度が悪いですね 女性スタッフにも愛想悪い子いますね 仕事なんだから営業スマイルくらいできないの? あと、レジを新人1人で任せないでいただきたい。キッチン入り口で固まってこちらを見て喋るくらいなら助けに行くべき
The clerk's attitude is bad I understand that work is a priority because it's work, but since it's such a small place, should we give way to customers? I thought. There are 3 to 4 times of passing through, all of them are male clerk and the same person. This is all avoided. why? Besides, I didn't say anything. Even if it's cheaper than this one, I'm sorry to say that I'm sorry ?. The response of the corner clerk is bad. The female staff is also unfriendly. Because it's a job, can't you do as much as a business smile? Also, please do not leave the cash register to a newcomer alone. You should go to help if you get stuck at the kitchen entrance and look at this and talk
E T on Google

This has always been my favorite place to go with my sister. Good!
Mark Kleinstra on Google

It's cheap and fast. It's exactly what you'd expect to get for the price.

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