Kuma Kuma Park - Kitaakita

4/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Kuma Kuma Park

住所 :

Aniutto, Kitaakita, 〒018-4731 Akita,Japan

電話 : 📞 +888
Postal code : 018-4731
Webサイト : http://hahaha.akita.jp/wp/kumakuma/
街 : Akita

Aniutto, Kitaakita, 〒018-4731 Akita,Japan
中小路朋明 on Google

2021年10月の秋田の秘湯めぐりの旅の途中でこちらくまくま園を訪問 かねてから熊の生態には関心があり以前訪れた北海道のベア・マウンテンでリアルのヒグマを初めて目にし感動した記憶が蘇って来るかのようです。 場所は結構な山間 最寄駅といってもだいぶ離れているので徒歩での移動は現実的ではありません。タクシーを使った方がよいと思います。 マイカーやレンタカーでの移動なら難なくアクセスできます。 開園時間9:00に合わせて一番乗りで入園 他に来園者は無く経営を心配しましたがその後グループ客がチラホラとやってきたので安心しちゃいました。 秋田と聞くと別のクマ牧場で事故があり閉園に追い込まれたニュースを聞き心いたたまれなかったのですが、こちらの熊たちは毛並みもよく餌などはしっかり口にしているようです。 ツキノワグマとヒグマを飼育しており餌ヤリができるのはツキノワグマのみ。 エサは小サイズ200円、大サイズ1,000円 熊の固まりの中にエサを放ると血気盛んなオス熊たちが唸り声をあげながら喧嘩するハプニングが!! すかさず係員さんがホースで放水 するとあれだけ荒ぶっていた熊たちがそそくさと離れていきます。 木を模した置物のてっぺんでくつろぐ熊もいて木登りが得意なのは本当なんだなぁと感心しちゃう一面も。 ヒグマ園は別棟になっていていかにも猛獣がいますよというデンジャラスな空気がぷんぷん。 あいにく当日は1頭しか対面できませんでしたが離れていてもわかるその大きさには開いた口がしばらく閉まりませんでした。 屋外に設置されていた二本立ちしたヒグマのパネルの高さは人間の身長を余裕で越す2.3m越え これだけの身長があればNBAでも大活躍できること間違い無しでしょう。 エサやり体験など貴重な体験もできましたがカメラ撮影する際はスマホだけだときついと思います。 光学ズームの可能な望遠レンズを搭載したカメラがないと熊たちを大サイズで撮影することは難しいと思われます。 秋田は遠いですが冬の雪解けに合わせて再園えしたいと思います。
Visit Kuma Kuma Park during a trip to Akita's secret hot springs in October 2021 I have been interested in the ecology of bears for a long time, and it seems that the memories of being impressed by seeing a real brown bear for the first time at Bear Mountain in Hokkaido, which I visited before, are revived. The place is quite mountainous It is not realistic to move on foot because the nearest station is far away. I think it's better to take a taxi. You can easily access it by car or rental car. Enter the park with the first ride at the opening time of 9:00 There were no other visitors and I was worried about the management, but I was relieved because the group customers came with me afterwards. When I heard Akita, I wasn't struck by the news that an accident had occurred at another bear ranch and I was forced to close the park, but these bears seem to have good coat and eat food. Only black bears and brown bears are bred and can be fed. Food is 200 yen for small size and 1,000 yen for large size. When you release food into a mass of bears, the bloody male bears quarrel while groaning! !! A staff member immediately discharges water with a hose Then, the bears that were so rough will move away. There is also a bear relaxing on the top of a figurine that imitates a tree, and I am impressed that it is true that he is good at climbing trees. The brown bear garden is a separate building, and there is a dangerous atmosphere that there are beasts. Unfortunately, I could only meet one of them on the day, but the open mouth did not close for a while to the size that I could see even if I was far away. The height of the panel of the two standing brown bears installed outdoors exceeds 2.3 m, which exceeds the height of a human being. With this height, there is no doubt that you can make an outstanding performance in the NBA. I had a valuable experience such as feeding, but I think it's only a smartphone when shooting with a camera. It would be difficult to shoot bears in large size without a camera equipped with a telephoto lens capable of optical zoom. Akita is far away, but I would like to re-enclose it as the snow melts in winter.
BB FF on Google

Pretty close to bears!
taisakui on Google

Richard Sashigane on Google

A good variety of bears to look at! Great fun feeding the waving bears.
Arianne Solomon on Google

This was hard to witness as they sat in the heat, no grass, only concrete and dirty water in the little pools. Not what I expected. Heartbreaking experience. Terrible.
Phil Chorlton on Google

The Bears are looked so very well. It's great to see rescued animals healthy.
Mark Robert on Google

The bears are very entertaining.
Akita Public Transport on Google

Definitely worth a visit. I've never seen anything like this all over the world! If you are visiting the Utto Spring Hotel, the hotel's staff can come pick you up at Ani-Matagi Station and will take you to the Bear Farm.

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