九階の滝 - Kitaakita

5/5 に基づく 3 レビュー

Contact 九階の滝

住所 :

Moriyoshi, Kitaakita, 〒018-4511 Akita,Japan

Postal code : 018-4511
Opening hours :
Saturday Open 24 hours
Sunday Open 24 hours
Monday Open 24 hours
Tuesday Open 24 hours
Wednesday Open 24 hours
Thursday Open 24 hours
Friday Open 24 hours
街 : Akita

Moriyoshi, Kitaakita, 〒018-4511 Akita,Japan
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滝壺までの道のりは、非常に険しく、人を寄せ付けないが、到達した者だけが味わえるこの滝独特の神々しさは格別。 正しく「神様の沢」の名に相応しい滝。 特に紅葉の時季は美しく、色とりどりの木々に飾られた穏やかな水面に、ゆらゆらと映る逆さの滝の姿とあいまって、幻想的な景色を醸し出す。 2020,09 天気は曇り時々雨。 目の前には、雨で濡れた絶望的な急斜面が立ち塞がっている。 取り敢えず右岸の高台へと登るが、目の前に広がる滑らかなスラブで覆われた急斜面には、ボルトを打ち込む以外まともな支点の構築は不可能であり、どうやらフリーでしか登攀の方法は無さそうだ。 更に悪いことに、これから辿ろうとする右岸のスラブは、上に行く程傾斜がきつくなっている事に気付く。 「いけるか…?」 先ずは右岸の窪みに僅かに生える草木を辿りつつ登るが、傾斜がきつく滝へのトラバースは困難と判断し、一旦斜面を下り、再度滝へのトラバースをしつつ高度を稼ぐ事とした。 フリーでの登攀を決意した今となっては、無用の長物となった重い登攀具やザックを担いだままの登攀となるが、失敗は許されない。 点在する僅かな草地を繋ぐように、目の前のスラブにある極小さな窪みや出っ張りをホールドとし、滝が流れる右手へと高度を稼ぎつつトラバースするが、途中雨水の流れや、密集した苔に阻まれ、思うように進まず、時間だけが過ぎて行く。 更に時折降る雨は容赦なく目の前の斜面を濡らし、登攀をより困難なものとした。 過度の緊張を強いられながら登り続け、漸く滝近くの一人分程の広さしかない僅かな窪みまで辿り着きほっとしたのも束の間、見上げれば取り付くホールドが殆ど無いヌルヌルと滑る急斜面が続いている事に気付き、唖然とした。 しかし、周囲を見渡せばこれを登りきらなければ九段目(最下段)の落ち口に到達出来ないことは明白であり、今更支点が無いこの場所から50メートル程あると思われる滝下へと降下する事は不可能だ。 意を決して指先だけのホールドを辿りつつ、やや右方向へとソロリソロリと登攀をつづける…と、突然両足が滑り、斜面に大の字にへばりつく格好となった。 身動きがとれない…。 顔面でスラブをホールドしつつ手を這わせ、先程辿り着いた僅かな窪みがある左側へと体を寄せるが手のホールドを得ることは出来ない。 そして、間も無く目の前のスラブが下から上へと流れ始め速度を上げる…もうダメだ…と思った瞬間、止まった! どうやら肩から腰に掛けてあるザイルがスラブと胸との間の摩擦力を増してくれたようで、運良く先程の僅かな窪みへと5メートル程滑落して止まった。 気持ちを落ち着け、再度チャレンジしたが、やはり5メートル程滑落し、またもや運良く停止したが、腕や足、手からは出血し、お気に入りのウェアはボロボロになり赤く染まっている。 三度目の幸運は無いものと思い、今度はザックを下ろし、20メートルのザイルでハーネスとザックを連結し、30メートルのザイルだけを担ぎ、登ることとした。 弾みをつけ、一気に10メートル程の斜面を四肢を使い駆け上がると、漸く9段目の落ち口の下の窪みへと到着し一息入れた後は、更に30メートルのザイルを連結して9段目の落ち口へと到着。 その後ザックを引き上げる事に成功した。 見下ろせば、恐ろしい程の急斜面が眼下に広がり、足下から豪快な音を奏でながら下る水の流れが見える。 正に恐怖と隣り合わせの絶景だ! そしてザイルを束ね、最初の釜の縁を左岸へと渡り、更に上段を目指す。 8段目の脇を難なく登ると、またしてもザックを背負ったままでは取り付けない程の右手が垂直の壁となっている細いバンドの斜面が現れた為、今度はザイルとザックを斜面の上へと放り投げ、空身で体を横にして極細の斜面を登り詰めると、広々とした7段目の落ち口へと到着した。 思わずガッツポーズを決めるが、目の前に広がる絶景に声を失う。 ここからは、しがみつくように植物が生えるすり鉢状のスラブに囲まれながら、階段状に眼下に滑り落ちる水の姿が見え、その先には様ノ沢の穏やかな流れが小さく見える。 そしてそこから目線を上げると、緑に覆われた「天狗の覗き」がある尾根のスカイラインと共に、人を寄せ付けない険しい山々の姿が見える。 正に到達した者だけに与えられる秘境の地の絶景に否応なしに感動を覚え、喜びを一人噛み締める。 雨はいつの間にか止んでおり、相変わらず空にはどんよりとした曇り空が広がっているが、心の中は澄みきった青空が広がり、清々しい風が流れている。
The road to the basin is very steep and keeps people away, but the unique godliness of this waterfall that only those who reach it can enjoy it is exceptional. A waterfall that correctly deserves the name "God's Sawa". Especially in the autumn colors, the calm water surface decorated with colorful trees creates a fantastic view with the swaying upside-down waterfall. 2020,09 The weather is cloudy and sometimes rainy. In front of me is a desperate steep slope wet with rain. I climbed to the hill on the right bank for the time being, but on the steep slope covered with smooth slabs spreading in front of me, it is impossible to build a decent fulcrum other than driving bolts, and apparently there is no way to climb only free of charge. That's it. To make matters worse, the slab on the right bank, which we are about to follow, notices that the slope becomes steeper as it goes up. "Can you go ...?" First of all, I climbed while following the vegetation that grows slightly in the depression on the right bank, but I decided that it was difficult to traverse to the waterfall with a steep slope, so I decided to go down the slope once and gain altitude while traversing to the waterfall again. Now that I have decided to climb free, I will be climbing with heavy climbing tools and backpacks that have become useless, but I can not afford to fail. Hold the tiny dents and bulges in the slab in front of you to connect the small grasslands scattered around, and traverse to the right side where the waterfall flows while gaining altitude, but on the way rainwater flow and dense moss It is blocked by, and it does not proceed as expected, only time passes. In addition, the occasional rain mercilessly wet the slopes in front of us, making climbing more difficult. I continued to climb while being forced to be overly tense, and finally reached a slight depression near the waterfall, which was only about the size of one person. I noticed and was stunned. However, if you look around, it is clear that you can not reach the 9th step (bottom step) unless you climb it, and you will descend to Takishita, which is thought to be about 50 meters from this place where there is no fulcrum now. Things are impossible. While following the hold of only the fingertips, I continued to climb a little to the right, and suddenly both feet slipped and I was dressed to cling to a large letter on the slope. I can't move ... While holding the slab on the face, I crawl my hands and move my body to the left side where there is a slight dent that I just arrived at, but I can not get a hold of my hands. Soon after, the slab in front of me started to flow from bottom to top and speeded up ... the moment I thought it was no good ... it stopped! Apparently, the Zile hanging from the shoulder to the waist increased the frictional force between the slab and the chest, and fortunately it slid down into the slight depression about 5 meters and stopped. I calmed down and tried again, but after all I slid down about 5 meters and stopped again fortunately, but my arms, legs and hands were bleeding, and my favorite clothing was tattered and dyed red. I thought I wasn't lucky for the third time, so I decided to take down the backpack, connect the harness and the backpack with a 20-meter zile, carry only the 30-meter zile, and climb. After gaining momentum and running up the slope of about 10 meters at a stretch using limbs, we finally arrived at the depression under the 9th step, and after taking a break, we connected another 30 meters of Zile and 9 steps. Arrived at the end of the eye. After that, he succeeded in pulling up Zack. Looking down, a terrifying steep slope spreads out below your eyes, and you can see the flow of water descending from your feet while making a lively sound. It's a spectacular view next to fear! Then, bundle the Zile, cross the edge of the first kettle to the left bank, and aim for the upper stage. When I climbed the side of the 8th step without difficulty, the slope of a thin band with a vertical wall on the right hand that I could not attach with Zack on my back appeared again, so this time Zyle and Zack were on the slope. I threw it up, lay down empty and climbed up the very narrow slope, and arrived at the spacious 7th step. I decide on a guts pose, but I lose my voice in the magnificent view that spreads in front of me. From here, you can see the water sliding down the eyes in a staircase pattern, surrounded by mortar-shaped slabs where plants grow clinging to each other, and beyond that, the gentle flow of Sama no Sawa appears small. Then, when you look up from there, you can see the steep mountains that keep people away, along with the skyline of the ridge with the "Peep of the Tengu" covered in green. I am inevitably impressed by the magnificent view of the unexplored region that is given only to those who have reached the right place, and bite the joy alone. The rain stopped before I knew it, and the sky was still cloudy, but the clear blue sky was spreading in my heart, and a refreshing breeze was flowing.
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森吉山の東麓を流れるノロ川赤水沢から、右岸に10m滑滝をかける無名沢に入り、更に左俣枝沢を748mのコルまで登り詰め、展望尾根の踏み跡を向かって右に辿ると、九階ノ滝が遠望出来ます。 通常、秋に遡行される方が多いようですが、最終9段目の主瀑布に美しい雪の輪の様な水紋が現れるのは、比較的水量の豊かな夏場が多いようです。 ですので、オススメの訪瀑期は、晩夏から初秋にかけて、寒気が何度か南下した直後です。盛夏までは虫地獄になりますので、苦行のような遡行になってしまいます。 更に滝壺に行く場合は、本格的な登攀具が必要で、経験者の同行が必須だと思われます。九階ノ滝がかかる様ノ沢は遭難者多発地帯で、半端な装備で入渓すると、まず戻って来れなくなるそうです。 通称「九階滝」。落差は100mですが、一説には135mとも言われており、秋田随一の大瀑にして秘瀑です。
From Akamizusawa, the Noro River that flows through the eastern foot of Mt. You can see the 9th floor waterfall. Usually, it seems that many people go back to autumn, but the beautiful water ring-like water marks appear on the main waterfall on the final 9th ​​stage in many summers when the water volume is relatively large. Therefore, the recommended waterfall period is just after the cold has gone south several times from late summer to early autumn. Until mid-summer, it will be a bug hell, so it will be a retrogression like penance. Furthermore, if you want to go to the waterfall, you will need a full-scale climbing tool, and it is necessary to accompany an experienced person. The 9th floor is like a waterfall Nozawa is a disaster-prone area, and if you enter the valley with odd equipment, you will not be able to come back first. Known as "9th floor waterfall". Although the drop is 100m, it is said to be 135m in one theory, and it is the largest and most famous waterfall in Akita.

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