Kubonoya Obstetrics And Gynecology - Kashiwa

3.1/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Kubonoya Obstetrics And Gynecology

住所 :

2 Chome-2-12 Central, Kashiwa, Chiba 277-0023, Japan

電話 : 📞 +87
Postal code : 277-0023
Webサイト : https://www.kubonoya.or.jp/
Opening hours :
Saturday 8:30–11:30AM
Sunday Closed
Monday 8:30–11:30AM
Tuesday 8:30–11:30AM
Wednesday 8:30–11:30AM
Thursday 8:30–11:30AM
Friday 8:30–11:30AM

2 Chome-2-12 Central, Kashiwa, Chiba 277-0023, Japan
あちゃもん on Google

1年前に出産しました‼ 初産だし産婦人科も初めてだったので何処かとくらべることは、出来ませんが私は退院前もこの産婦人科の看護師さん、助産師さん、担当の先生とのお別れが辛くて泣いてました!笑 それぐらい、感謝と優しさが染みました。 つわりが酷く入院、切迫で入院、予定日通り越してバルーン促進剤で計画分娩、子宮口全開からの微弱陣痛。私は初産でフルコースでした。 大変だったけど、どの時の入院もお母さんのようにみなさん優しくて、担当の先生も「帰りたいよね。でも、僕はお母さんと赤ちゃん守りたいからもう少し頑張れる?」っと。 もちろん中には、無愛想だ!って思う看護師さんも居ましたが、私の何回かの入院と犬の話などで私を覚えててくださる先生方が多くて、その無愛想!って思う先生も出産の時の私の名前を呼んで、「〇〇ちゃんは頑張ってる!手を握ってるから頑張れ!」っと。他の助産師さんも看護師さんもたくさん居ましたがみんなで微弱陣痛の私をサポートするようにお腹を押してくれてみんなで頑張りました!笑笑 確かに待ち時間長いです。 4時間待たされたこともあります‼ 2人目を妊娠した今とても迷ってます。待ち時間のことだけが理由で。 でも、口コミを書いてたら1年前のこと思い出してまた、ここで産みたいと思いました!笑 ご飯も美味しくてたくさんあります‼ 高級ホテル?ってぐらいキレイです‼ 一部の参考として下さい。
I gave birth a year ago! It's my first birth and it's my first time in obstetrics and gynecology, so I can't compare it to somewhere, but even before I was discharged, I cried because it was hard to say goodbye to the nurse, midwife, and teacher in charge of this obstetrics and gynecology department. I did! smile That's how much appreciation and kindness was soaked in. He was hospitalized with severe morning sickness, was hospitalized due to urgency, planned delivery with a balloon accelerator after the scheduled date, and weak labor pain from the full opening of the uterine ostium. I had my first birth and had a full course. It was difficult, but every time I was hospitalized, everyone was kind like my mother, and the teacher in charge said, "I want to go home, but I want to protect my mother and baby, so can I do my best?" Of course, some are unfriendly! There were some nurses who thought that, but there were many teachers who remembered me through my hospitalization and talking about dogs, and that was unfriendly! The teacher who thinks, called my name at the time of childbirth and said, "OO-chan is doing her best! Do your best because she is holding her hand!" There were a lot of other midwives and nurses, but they all pushed me to support me with a slight labor pain and everyone worked hard! LOL Certainly the waiting time is long. I've been waiting for 4 hours !! Now that I'm pregnant with the second person, I'm very confused. Just because of the waiting time. But when I wrote a review, I remembered a year ago and wanted to give birth again! smile The rice is delicious and there are many! Luxury hotel? It ’s so beautiful! Please use it as a reference.
もも on Google

2020年に出産。はじめての出産でしたが、こちらで産んで本当によかったと思います。 待ち時間が長いのは仕方ない。私も初期の頃は14時に予約して、18時に診察なんて事もありました。 ポイントとしては、絶対に朝イチに予約すること。10時とかではなく、9時とかです。 8時半には来院し、体重と血圧は8時45分までに済ます。これで私は妊娠中期から後期まで待ち時間がほぼなしでした。 ただ、産婦人科なので緊急性の高い妊婦が優先です。切迫で緊急入院になる人、緊急帝王切開になってしまう人、様々です。 実際私が予定日超過して2日ほど入院→緊急帝王切開になりましたが、先生は朝の通常診察前から入院してる妊婦さんの様子を見たり、お昼休みも休む暇なくケアしてくださってます。 病院なのでどうしても待ち時間が出てしまいますが、その裏で先生や看護師さん、妊婦さんが大変な思いをされている事を忘れないでください。 私事ですが、通常分娩で我が子を産む事が出来ず、帝王切開になってしまった時に手術台でしょげていたら「あなたのせいではないよ」と慰めてくださいました。その後もお腹の傷が痛んで痛んで仕方なかった時や、今後の育児が不安で新生児室で泣いてしまった時に慰めてくださった助産師さんと看護師さんにも大変に感謝しております。 そして何よりご飯がとてもとても美味しかった。笑 退院後もすごもりにてお世話になりました! やっぱり皆さん優しくて産後ホルモンのせいで ボロボロ泣きっぱなしでした。 本当に本当にありがとうございました。 子は元気ですくすくと育っております。
Birth in 2020. It was my first time to give birth, but I'm really glad I gave birth here. It can't be helped that the waiting time is long. In the early days, I made a reservation at 14:00 and sometimes had a medical examination at 18:00. The point is to make a reservation in the morning. It's not 10 o'clock, but 9 o'clock. I will come to the hospital at 8:30 and my weight and blood pressure will be finished by 8:45. With this, I had almost no waiting time from mid to late pregnancy. However, since it is an obstetrics and gynecology department, priority is given to pregnant women who are highly urgent. There are various people who will be hospitalized urgently and those who will have an emergency Caesarean section. Actually, I was hospitalized for about 2 days after the scheduled date → I had an emergency Caesarean section, but the teacher watched the pregnant woman who was hospitalized before the regular examination in the morning and took care of her during lunch break. Thank you. Since it is a hospital, there is always a waiting time, but please remember that the teachers, nurses, and pregnant women are having a hard time behind the scenes. Personally, I wasn't able to give birth to my child by normal delivery, and when I had a Caesarean section, if I was on the operating table, he comforted me, "It's not your fault." I am also very grateful to the midwives and nurses who comforted me when my abdominal wounds hurt and I couldn't help it, and when I was worried about my future childcare and cried in the neonatal room. .. And above all, the rice was very, very delicious. Lol I was taken care of even after I was discharged from the hospital! After all everyone is kind and because of postpartum hormones I kept crying tattered. I really thank you. The child is healthy and growing up.
Suama x on Google

パートナーが薬を処方され 再度、通院した際検査結果のみ 内診無し。結果が大丈夫だから とかでは無く… 一応、薬を処方してるであれば 経過観察くらいしてくれてもいいのでは 内診無しとは不安でしかない。 結果も大丈夫ならまず なんの処方だったのか? 2度と行くな。と伝えました。
Partner is prescribed medicine Only the test results when I went to the hospital again No pelvic examination. Because the result is okay Not like ... If you are prescribing medicine I think it's okay to follow up No pelvic examination is just anxiety. If the result is okay, first What was the prescription? Don't go again. I told you.
cheeze c on Google

他の方のクチコミにもあるように、こちらから質問しないと、教えてくれないことがたくさんあります。 初産なので、何がわからないかもわからないのに、妊婦健診の時に「質問はありますか?」と聞かれ無ければ淡々と終わります。 入院時の説明も、何月何日の何時に来てください、だけで流れなどの説明は一切なし。 先生によって当たり外れかなり有。 悪阻にも寄り添って薬など提案してくれる先生もいれば、みんな我慢してるんだからと処方してくれない先生もいます。 施設の綺麗さと、受付の方の対応、看護師さん助産師さんの対応はとても良いですが、それ以外(上記のような部分の)満足度が低く値段に見合っていないと感じたので星1つにしました。
As in the reviews of other people, there are many things that will not be told unless you ask a question from here. Since this is my first birth, I don't know what I don't understand, but if I don't ask "Do you have any questions?" As for the explanation at the time of admission, please come at what time of the month and day, but there is no explanation about the flow. It's quite a hit depending on the teacher. Some teachers will help you with morning sickness and suggest medicines, while others will not prescribe it because everyone is patient. The cleanliness of the facility, the response of the receptionist, and the response of the nurses and midwives are very good, but other than that, the satisfaction level (in the above part) is low and I felt that it was not worth the price, so 1 star I made it.
Pu san on Google

低評価の口コミ通りです。 産んだら他の妊婦さんの為にも絶対口コミを書こうと決めて投稿しました。 こちらで出産しましたが、本当に院長が高圧的で、気が弱い妊婦さんなら泣いてしまってもおかしくなですし、実際そう書かれた口コミもありますね。 私はひたすら腹が立って、言い返したくて仕方ありませんでしたが、院長を指名し始めた時には既に他の病院に移れる週数ではありませんでしたし、ハイリスクだったので赤ちゃんの為に…とひたすら耐えました。 院長の言う事を、何の質問もなくハイハイと聞ける方には優しいと思いますが、かなり言葉を選び、気を遣ってごく一般的な質問してももの凄く嫌味ったらしく、突き放される言い方をされます。 1番人気のある先生は優しいですが、帝王切開の時にミスをされた友達に聞きましたし、他にも感じの悪い先生も多いです。 また、健診のエコーは先生は見ず、エコー技師の方が見ます。 院長と人気の先生を指名し、中期以降の妊婦はそういう決まりらしいです。 そう言った病院は初めてで、医師に診てもらいと申し出ても忙しいのでと断られました。 入院中の看護師の対応も人による感じで、とても優しい方が夜勤の日は新生児室はいっぱいになり、厳しい看護師さんの時はほぼ預かってもらえないので新生児はがらがら。 術後の痛みが辛いと訴えても事務的な対応でしたし、悪露の取り替えも雑で本当に痛かったです。 かなりばっちりメイクな大柄な看護師さんです。 待ち時間も朝一の予約でも2時間待つ事も多く、行く度に受付で色々な方がクレームをつけていました。 毎回緊急手術がと言っていますが、私の予定帝王切開の日の手術時間帯も、普通に予約が取れるようになっていて、あぁこういう事かと思いました。手術が事前にわかっていてもその時間に予約を受けるのおかしくないですか? お料理は本当に美味しいですし、ホテル並みの綺麗さですが、二度とこちらでは産みたくないです。
It is a low-rated word-of-mouth communication street. When I gave birth, I decided to write an absolute review for other pregnant women and posted it. I gave birth here, but the director is really high-pressure, and if you are a weak pregnant woman, it would be strange to cry, and there are also reviews that actually say so. I was so angry that I couldn't help but say back, but when I started appointing the director, it wasn't the number of weeks I could move to another hospital, and it was a high risk, so I just said for my baby ... I endured it. I think it's kind to those who can hear what the director says high and high without any questions, but he seems to be very sarcastic even if he chooses a lot of words and asks a very general question with care, and he is thrown away. increase. The most popular teacher is kind, but I asked a friend who made a mistake during the Caesarean section, and there are many other teachers who feel uncomfortable. Also, the echo of the medical examination is not seen by the teacher, but by the echo engineer. It seems that such a rule is used for pregnant women after the middle term by appointing a director and a popular teacher. It was the first time for me to say that, and I was refused because I was busy even if I offered to see a doctor. The response of the nurses in the hospital is also human-like, and if you are very kind, the newborn room will be full on night shift days, and if you are a strict nurse, you will not be able to take care of the newborn baby. Even if I complained that the postoperative pain was painful, it was a clerical response, and the replacement of lochia was also rough and really painful. He is a large nurse with a pretty perfect make-up. Even if I made a reservation for the first time in the morning, I often waited for 2 hours, and every time I went, various people complained at the reception. I say that I have an emergency operation every time, but I was able to make reservations normally during the operation time on the day of my scheduled Caesarean section, so I thought that was the case. Isn't it strange to get an appointment at that time even if you know the surgery in advance? The food is really delicious and as beautiful as a hotel, but I don't want to give birth again here.
みみ on Google

担当の先生がとても良い先生でした。 漢数字が苗字に入る先生です。 初産でしたが、安心して妊娠期間を過ごせたのも、無事に息子が産まれすくすくと育っているのも先生のおかげです。 最初は冷たい印象もあるかもしれませんが、話し方も声も優しくて丁寧で親身になってくれる先生です。 今後も自宅や職場から少し離れてはいますが、この先生が在籍されている限りは、第二子、第三子妊娠時や婦人科としても利用させていただきたいです。 看護師さんは丁寧な方もいれば少し雑な方もいます。 超音波の検査をしてくださる技師さんは、口コミどおりで、この日は行きたくないなぁと思うほどに冷たいです。 待ち時間はかなり長いです。先生を指名しなければ、少しは短くなると思います。 食事は毎回とても豪華です。メニュー表を見て食事を楽しみにしていました。 お部屋もとても綺麗でした。 コインランドリーは運が良くないと、基本的に他の人が使用中なので、多めに服を持って行った方がいいかもしれません。
The teacher in charge was a very good teacher. A teacher whose surname is a Chinese numeral. Although it was my first birth, I was able to spend my pregnancy with peace of mind, and it is thanks to my teacher that my son was born and grew up quickly. At first, it may seem cold, but he is a teacher who speaks and speaks gently and is polite and friendly. I will continue to be a little far from my home and work, but as long as this teacher is enrolled, I would like to use it as a second child, a third child when pregnant and as a gynecologist. Some nurses are polite and some are a little sloppy. The technician who inspects the ultrasound is as word-of-mouth, and it's so cold that I don't want to go on this day. The waiting time is quite long. If you don't appoint a teacher, I think it will be a little shorter. Every meal is very luxurious. I was looking forward to the meal by looking at the menu table. The room was also very clean. If you're unlucky with a laundromat, it's basically being used by someone else, so you might want to bring more clothes.
ふたば on Google

昨年の春、こちらで出産しました。 院長先生以外は最高の病院です。院長先生は気分屋で冷たい印象です。通常妊婦には無痛分娩おすすめしないようです。和痛分娩で麻酔を使いすぎて分娩に時間がかかったせいで子供の頭がかなり長くなったと言われてショックでした。 他の先生、スタッフは優しくて大好きです。残念なのは二人目を産む時にはここじゃ待ち時間が長すぎて無理だろうなと思います…。 写真載せました。ご飯が最高に美味しいです(^^)
I gave birth here last spring. It is the best hospital except the director. The director is a mood shop and has a cold impression. It seems that painless delivery is not usually recommended for pregnant women. I was shocked to hear that my child's head became quite long because he used too much anesthesia for delivery and it took a long time to deliver. The other teachers and staff are kind and I love them. Unfortunately, when I give birth to a second person, I think it's impossible because the waiting time is too long here ... I posted a photo. The rice is the best (^^)
Pandalokal on Google

Very friendly staff. Muslim friendly..

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