
3.3/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact いわがきレディースクリニック

住所 :

Suehirocho, Kashiwa, 〒277-0842 Chiba,Japan

電話 : 📞 +87
Webサイト : http://www.iwagaki-ladies-clinic.com/
Opening hours :
Saturday 8:45AM–12PM
Sunday Closed
Monday 8:45AM–12PM
Tuesday 8:45AM–12PM
Wednesday 8:45AM–12PM
Thursday Closed
Friday 8:45AM–12PM
街 : 〒1F Chiba

Suehirocho, Kashiwa, 〒277-0842 Chiba,Japan
M A on Google

受付の方、女医さん、看護師の方、みなさんとても優しくて親切でした。 私はものすごく怖がりで痛がりなのですが、検査や採血も優しく丁寧にしてくださり、本当に助かりました。 受付で番号札をもらったあと、 Webページで呼ばれる順番を確認できるので、待合室で長く待たされることもなく、時間を有意義に使うこともできました。 2回目からはWebページで受付を済ませられるため、自分の番号が呼ばれる少し前に病院に行けばいいので1日のスケジュールも立てやすくてありがたいです。 今後ともお世話になります。
The receptionist, female doctor, and nurses were all very kind and kind. I'm terribly scared and hurt, but the tests and blood sampling were kind and polite, which really helped me. After getting the number tag at the reception Since I can check the order in which they are called on the Web page, I was able to use my time meaningfully without having to wait long in the waiting room. From the second time onward, you can complete the reception on the web page, so you only have to go to the hospital shortly before your number is called, so it's nice to have a schedule for the day. Thank you for your continued support.
I O on Google

I have been examined several times, and although the receptionist's attitude has been told, I didn't feel anything in particular. no problem. I didn't feel any discomfort because I felt like I was doing my job. It feels straightforward and easy to understand. It's a pity that I was asked for excessive service even though I was not in the service industry. There was a patient yelling, "I got 600 yen just by talking!" "Isn't there a parking lot tie-up? It cost 1000 yen !!!" I thought it would be harder for me. I felt like I could pay the medical examination fee of about 600 yen, and I stopped at a parking lot that was not affiliated with me and complained that the parking fee was high. I don't know what happened to the patient and the teacher, but when I look at it from the side, it feels like a funny person who is yelling at a good age because of something wrong with the times, so I think it's better to learn how to say calmly. .. There is a problem with some patients, but the teacher explains it in an easy-to-understand manner, it is friendly, and I will go if something happens. The nurses have only given me guidance, but many of them are kind. I will ask you if you have any problems with your physical condition.
山田うどん on Google

受付の方のことが色々書かれていたので不安でしたが普通に感じ良かったです。 予約していったので40分程待ちましたが婦人科はどこも1時間以上待つことが多いので問題ないし。看護士さんも親切です。やはり女医さんの方が安心出来ます。
I was worried because the receptionist was written in various ways, but it felt normal. I made a reservation, so I waited for about 40 minutes, but there is no problem because most gynecologists wait for more than an hour. The nurse is also kind. After all the female doctor can feel more at ease.
すいーとぽてと on Google

以前他の産婦人科でとても嫌な思いをしたので、 こちらの口コミが良かったので伺いました。 女性の先生で、何故月経痛が起こるのかを とても丁寧に説明してくれて、話し方も優しく、安心出来ました。 診察後ピルを処方していただき、看護師さんからの薬の説明を受けましたが、看護師さんもとても親切でした。 口コミで悪く書かれていた受付の方ですが、正直 先生や看護師さんと比べると愛想はあまり良くないですが、自分自身の身体を見てくれるのは先生なので 先生が素敵な方だったので、これからはこちらで 通院したいと思います。
I used to feel very unpleasant at other obstetrics and gynecology departments, so I asked because this review was good. A female teacher, why menstrual pain occurs He explained very carefully, and the way he spoke was kind, so I was relieved. After the examination, I was prescribed a pill and received an explanation of the medicine from the nurse, but the nurse was also very kind. The receptionist was badly written by word of mouth, but honestly It's not very friendly compared to teachers and nurses, but it's the teacher who sees my own body. The teacher was a wonderful person, so from now on, here I would like to go to the hospital.
あき on Google

アフターピルの処方目的でした。 暴力的な無理矢理の行為だったので、 精神的にはかなり落ち込んでいて、 自分の身を守りたくてこちらを利用させていただきました。 先生に最終生理の開始日と終わり日の問診等をされ、 「危険日だから別にアフターピルいらないでしょ。」 と言われました。 しかし望まない妊娠を避けるために、 再度処方のお願いをしました。 しぶしぶ了承頂き処方箋いただきました。 最後、私が診察室から退席する際に、 「今度からちゃんと避妊してくださいよね。」 と捨て台詞の様に言われ、 とても悲しい気持ちでいっぱいになりました。 アフターピルをもらう目的は、 当人同士の認識の甘さだけではなく、 不条理なケースもあります。 まさか権威のある医師に、 ましてや女医さんにこんな発言を されるとは思いませんでした。 危険日だから妊娠しない。 なんて考えが浅はかな事は 素人目でもわかります。 一度も目も合わせず、気だるそうに終始会話していました。 本件からは時間が経っている出来事ですが、 一生忘れられない態度と言葉でした。
It was for the purpose of prescribing after-pills. Because it was a violent and forced act, I'm pretty depressed mentally I used this because I wanted to protect myself. The teacher asked me about the start and end dates of my last period. "Because it's a dangerous day, you don't need an after-pill." They said. But to avoid unwanted pregnancies I asked for a prescription again. I reluctantly agreed and received a prescription. Finally, when I leave the examination room "Please contracept properly from now on." Is said like an abandoned line, I was full of sad feelings. The purpose of getting after-pills is Not only the sweetness of recognition between the people, but also There are also absurd cases. To an authoritative doctor Let alone make such a statement to the female doctor I didn't expect it to be done. I don't get pregnant because it's a dangerous day. What a shallow idea Even an amateur can understand it. I never looked at them and had a conversation from beginning to end. It's been a while since this case, It was an attitude and words that I will never forget.
M E on Google

数ヶ月前からこちらに受診しています。 とても素敵な先生です。説明が丁寧で、わかりやすいです。看護師さんもとても優しいです。白衣の天使です。 人気の病院のようで患者さんが多いため、予約の管理など大変だと思いますが、受付の方がとてもきちんとしているので尊敬します。
I have been seeing this for several months. A very nice teacher. The explanation is polite and easy to understand. The nurses are also very kind. An angel in a white coat. It seems to be a popular hospital and there are many patients, so I think it is difficult to manage reservations, but I respect it because the receptionist is very neat.
なこ on Google

先日、ピルのによる不正出血で初めて伺いました。 過去に別のレディースクリニックで、とても嫌な思いをしたことがあるので、不安だったのですが... 待合室も明るい雰囲気で安心感があり、何より女医のいわがきさんが、とても分かりやすく説明をしてくださって優しい方でした☺️? 知らなかったこともたくさん教えてくれました! (ピルが3時間遅れるだけでもだめなのは知らなかったです?‍?) また何かあればここに来ようと思います。 ありがとうございました✨
The other day, I visited for the first time due to irregular bleeding caused by pills. I was worried because I had a very bad feeling at another women's clinic in the past ... The waiting room also has a bright atmosphere and a sense of security, and above all, the female doctor, Mr. Iwaki, was a kind person who explained in a very easy-to-understand manner ☺️? He taught me a lot of things I didn't know! (I didn't know that just 3 hours late for pills wouldn't work ?‍?) I will come here if there is anything else. Thank you ✨
Rei U on Google

If you are able to figure out this clinic’s impenetrable registration system, you’ll be lucky. You first register your name on the website—no in-person or telephone appointments—and then tap WEB 受付/Registration at the top of the home page. Then, on the dot of 7:00 for a morning appointment or 12:00 for afternoon and not a minute later, you fill in the online form and tap 確認/Confirmation. Then you wait for a confirmation e-mail from the clinic. If you were very lucky and no one typed faster than you, one will come in. There is no instant notification on the site that your time slot has filled. Only the arrival or non-arrival of the e-mail lets you know. By the time you realize one hasn’t arrived, it’s too late to go back and choose another time. The registration page has closed. This is an indication of their unprofessional website that seems to have been designed by someone’s high school kid who loves computers.

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