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Contact 大伴家持の歌碑

住所 :

Kokufuchocho, 〒680-0152 Tottori,Japan

街 : Tottori

Kokufuchocho, 〒680-0152 Tottori,Japan
おぉぉ on Google

菱川良一 on Google

I was deeply moved when I thought that the owner had walked here.
松下明紀 on Google

To put it in an extreme way, there are only stones carved with old waka.
北村勇治 on Google

On the contrary, the monument that stands quietly in a corner of the village makes you feel the atmosphere.
森本正行 on Google

A stone monument engraved with the words "Healthy goodness of snow falling in the early spring of the beginning of the new year" written by Omoie Ichimo (Inaba Kunishu) in the snowy New Year stands, and is excavated and preserved in the immediate vicinity Thoughts on the world in manyyo while visiting the ruins of the agency
西谷廣 on Google

鳥取市国府町庁〔大伴家持歌碑〕には関連する歌碑が4基建っている。 1)大伴家持歌碑 天平宝字三年春正月一日於 因幡国庁賜饗国郡司等之宴歌一首 新年之始乃波都波流能家布敷流由伎能伊夜之家余其騰 右一首守大伴宿祢家持作之 左側面に大正11年(1922)9月と建立年代が記されている。 2)万葉歌碑 読み人知らず 藤浪の散らまくおしみほととぎす今木の丘を鳴きて越ゆなり 3)佐々木信綱歌碑 ふる雪のいやしけ吉事ここにして歌いあげけむ言ほぎの歌 佐々木信綱は万葉集研究の一人者。 4)在原行平歌碑 たちわかれいなばの山の峰におふるまつとしきかば今帰りこむ 在原行平は在原業平の兄で、因幡国司。 東側を流れる〔袋川〕の河川敷にもたくさんの歌碑が建っている。(⇒国府町運動場)
There are four related monuments in the Tontori City Koufu Town Hall. 1) Omochi Family Song Monument Tenping Treasure Character Three Years Spring New Year One Day Inaba National Government Office New Year's Eve Tsunami Hakunoi Shiki Yuka Noi Ito Yaya Right is right behind On the left side, the date of the establishment of September 1929 (1922) is written. 2) Manyo Song Monument Fujinami's scattered Oshi Mito Torigus Ikugi's hill of Ikigi and Yue Yukari 3) Sasaki Shinbunka monument Good snow good luck good luck song here Singing words singing song Sasaki Shinnobu is a person of many leaf study. 4) Arihara Yukihira song monument I'll come back now to the peak of the mountain of Nanabuchi Shuhei Hara is the brother of Shosha Hara, who is Koji Inaba. A lot of monuments are built on the riverbed of [Bubukawa] flowing on the east side. (⇒ Kofu town playground)
田中正典 on Google

本日5月1日より令和元年がスタートしました。? 今年は生誕1300年にあたります。? 大伴家持の歌碑にはよく知られている、因幡の国で迎えた西暦759年の新年を寿ぐ和歌が記されています。? 今年はこの歌が詠まれてから1260年目に当たりますがその「万葉集」から新元号が誕生したのです。?? 半年ぶりに来ました。10台位が駐車可能なアスファルト整備の駐車場には、ごみ一つなく、二本の古木に守られた歌碑周辺にも、小枝やごみ一つない、状態でした。静かに悠久な時間の流れの中で、地元、庁・町屋の方々が懸命に、大切にこの地を護っておられる様子がよくわかります。多くの方々の優しさを感じました。?? 公衆トイレ?の案内掲示板矢印←に従って進み、利用させてもらいました。室内も掃除がしてあり、便座の暖房は6:00~18:00そして節電に協力をお願いしますとして、18:00~6:00は便座の電気は切りますと、丁寧な案内がしてありました。掃除の当番担当が地元の方が順番でしておられるご様子、頭が下がります。? 「大伴家持の歌碑」は大正11年に建立。続く昭和34年この年は大伴家持氏が国府の国司として赴任の翌年、天平宝字3年(759年)にあたります。この年の正月に新年を寿ぐ和歌を歌いました。昭和34年はそれから1200年を迎えたことを記念して、佐佐木信綱氏の歌碑をここに建立して、今現在二つの歌碑が並んでいます。?
Today, the Japanese year of Riwa was started from May 1st. Moth This year is 1300 years old. Moth The famous monument of Otomo Imari has a well-known Waka that holds the New Year of 759 AD in the country of Inaba. Moth This year marks the year 1260 after this song is enshrined, but the New Gengo was born from the "Manyoshu". Moth I came for the first time in half a year. There was no garbage, and there were no twigs or garbage around the monument, which was protected by two old trees, in the asphalt maintenance parking lot where about 10 cars could be parked. You can see how the people of the local government, towns and townsmen are carefully protecting this place carefully in a quiet and steady flow of time. I felt the kindness of many people. Moth We went along according to the notice board arrow ← of the public toilets and used them. The room is also cleaned, and the toilet seat is heated from 6:00 to 18:00 and the power saving is requested. If the toilet seat is turned off from 18:00 to 6:00, a polite guide will be given. It was The head of the house is downed, with the locals in charge of cleaning duty being in turn. Moth The "Otenome Iegami's Monument" was built in Taisho 11. The following year, 1959, is the year following the appointment of Mr. Ohchan Ieochi as Kokushi of Kokufu, Tenping Treasure 3 years (759). On the New Year's Day of this year, I sang a song that will make the New Year a success. In commemoration that 1964 reached 1200, the monument of Nobutsuna Sasaki is erected here, and two monuments are lined up now. Moth
Nao Morimoto on Google

It is a monument inscribed with the last song of the Manyoshu, which was most famous in the history of Kokufu-cho in Tottori City, and was held during the term of the Inaba National Government. The stone monument seems to have been built in the Taisho era. As there is a large parking lot, it is safe to visit by car, but the road is a narrow agricultural road.

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