Kohaku Udon - Chikuma

3.7/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Kohaku Udon

住所 :

1 Chome-44-4 Kamiyamadaonsen, Chikuma, Nagano 389-0821, Japan

電話 : 📞 +8898
Postal code : 389-0821
Webサイト : https://s.tabelog.com/nagano/A2001/A200103/20004963/
Opening hours :
Saturday 6–11PM
Sunday 6–10:30PM
Monday 6–11PM
Tuesday 6–11PM
Wednesday Closed
Thursday 6–11PM
Friday 6–11PM

1 Chome-44-4 Kamiyamadaonsen, Chikuma, Nagano 389-0821, Japan
ささきゆう on Google

I ate the shiobori udon, but it was too hot and tears came out. I will never eat the sushi udon here again. I eat the shiotori udon which seems to be hot and delicious in other stores.
mu shike on Google

信州の『おしぼりうどん』がいただける戸倉上山田温泉にある居酒屋さんです。 おしぼりうどんは辛い地大根の絞り汁に味噌汁で味付けして、うどんを食べるもの。 家でも出来ますが、本場の味を一度お試しあれ。
Izakaya at Tokura Kamiyamada Onsen where you can enjoy Shinshu's “Oshibori Udon”. Oshibori udon is spiced ground radish juice seasoned with miso soup and eats udon. You can do it at home, but try the authentic taste.
yuki ok on Google

おしぼりうどん辛いです。味噌が甘いので調節しても辛かった。 郷土料理と思えば納得できます。 「馬刺し」と「地鶏のたたき」は新鮮で超うまかった。 また食べに行きたいです。
It is spicy udon spicy. The miso was sweet, so it was hard to adjust. If you think of local cuisine, you can understand. The horse sashimi and the chicken roast were fresh and super good. I want to go eat again.
片桐克寿(二代目佐々木金五郎) on Google

都内のお客様と夕食をいただきました。 地酒のオバステ正宗をいただいて気分は上々。 イナゴの佃煮で盛り上がって、馬刺しの切り身の大きさ、厚揚げに添えた大根おろしの辛味、つくねの七味、色々と感動していただきました。 締めにはもちろん「おしぼりうどん」。釜揚げでいただきました。 店内は囲炉裏もあって、更科の食文化を味わうには雰囲気は最高です。
We had dinner with customers in Tokyo. I am very happy with the local sake, Obaste Masamune. I was impressed with the size of the horse sashimi fillet, the spiciness of grated daikon radish added to the deep-fried fried fried chicken, the seven tastes of Tsukune, and so on. Of course, "Oshibori udon" is used for the end. I had it in a kettle. There is also a hearth inside the store, so the atmosphere is great for enjoying Sarashina's food culture.
Hiroyuki Atobe on Google

おしぼりうどんと言えばここ。 お酒も肴も過不足無く、戸倉上山田温泉に泊まり、宴会料理を堪能したあとの二次会には、ここで日本酒を飲みつつ、締めにおしぼりうどんにしておけば問題なし。
Speaking of wet hands udon here. There is no problem if you drink sake as a drinking sake here while drinking sake here and staying at Togura Kamiyamada hot spring and enjoying the party cuisine without excess or deficiency.
めーぐる on Google

An izakaya with a hearth where you can enjoy Shinshu's specialty, Oshibori Udon. Boiled soup with a mixture of grated daikon radish and miso. Thick udon noodles are also rare and have a satisfying taste. Besides, I also got sweetfish and so on, which was very delicious.
rudolf iron on Google

囲炉裏があって風情のある店内。 名物のおしぼりうどんは辛味が強いけれど、味噌や薬味を和えて美味しくいただきました。 他にも長野県の名産品がいろいろあるので、お酒がすすむ良い店です。
There is a hearth and the interior is tasteful. The specialty Oshibori udon has a strong spiciness, but it was delicious with miso and condiments. There are many other Nagano prefecture specialties, so it's a good place to drink.
Joe Collins on Google

Pretty tasty, if a little confusing at first. Very nice staff

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