Kobai-zaka Slope - Chiyoda City

3.5/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Kobai-zaka Slope

住所 :

4 Chome Kanda Surugadai, Chiyoda City, Tokyo 101-0062, Japan

Postal code : 101-0062

4 Chome Kanda Surugadai, Chiyoda City, Tokyo 101-0062, Japan
MM KK on Google

It is a hill on Ochanomizu Station side of Nikolaido.
林雅彦 on Google

It is a slope from Ochanomizu Station on the way to Nicolai Dodo.
孝弘 on Google

The slope is a steep slope
ponsuke Ponsuke on Google

御茶ノ水駅からニコライ堂方面に向かおうと思っていたらたまたまあった坂でした。 梅の木がある訳でなく、本郷通りからちょっと脇に入っただけでとても静かでした。
It happened to be a slope when I was thinking of heading toward Nikolai-do from Ochanomizu Station. There was no plum tree, and it was very quiet just a short walk from Hongo-dori.
伊集院忍 on Google

御茶ノ水駅から近すぎて、まさか坂に名前が付いているとはほとんどの人が知らないでしょう。 でも、それに気付く少数派に入る自分に少しだけ優越感。
Most people wouldn't know that the slope is named because it's too close to Ochanomizu station. However, I feel a little superior to myself who is in the minority who notices it.
伊藤善久(Yoshihisa Ito) on Google

この辺りは嘗て紅梅町と呼ばれていた事から、 紅梅坂と言う名前になったと言われている。 シンプルな理由。 すぐ横に東京復活大聖堂教会 いわゆるニコライ堂がある。 お茶の水駅 新御茶ノ水駅から徒歩数分。
Since this area was once called Koume Town, It is said that the name was changed to Koumezaka. Simple reason. Right next to the Tokyo Resurrection Cathedral Church There is a so-called Nikolai hall. A few minutes walk from Ochanomizu Station, Shin-Ochanomizu Station.
まさ・なち on Google

It is a slope that goes up from Hongo-dori to the front gate of Nikolaido. Until the end of the Taisho era, it was connected to the ghost slope on the east side, but it was cut off when Hongo-dori opened.
直哉 on Google

もとは埃坂と呼ばれていました。しかし、明治維新後、付近の町名が紅梅町に変わると坂の名前も紅梅坂となりました。 関東大震災後の復興道路計画で坂の途中を横切る形で本郷通りが開通し、東側200mが幽霊坂、西側50mニコライ堂の前を上る緩やかな坂が紅梅坂となりました。
Originally it was called Dashizaka. However, after the Meiji Restoration, when the nearby town name changed to Koume Town, the name of the slope became Koumesaka. Hongo-dori was opened in a way that crosses the hill in the reconstruction road plan after the Great Kanto Earthquake, with a ghost slope on the east side 200m and a gentle slope on the west side 50m in front of Nikolai Hall.

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