Monument of Ōkubo Hikozaemon's Residence - Chiyoda City

3.5/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Monument of Ōkubo Hikozaemon's Residence

住所 :

2 Chome-2-29 Kanda Surugadai, Chiyoda City, Tokyo 101-0062, Japan

Postal code : 101-0062

2 Chome-2-29 Kanda Surugadai, Chiyoda City, Tokyo 101-0062, Japan
Jake on Google

It is only a monument.
五十嵐正臣 on Google

He was a TV drama model. I did not know until now.
林雅彦 on Google

This is where the residence of Okubo Hikozaemon was. It is on the other side of the road of Meidai Academy Common.
山田万歳 on Google

One of Mikawa warriors who served Tokugawa from generation to generation, it is said that the Mikawa Monogatari is said to have written the mastery of Mikawa samurai.
神山博光 on Google

Apparently there was a merchant next to Okubohiko Saemon's residence, and the daughter there threw a nose from the second floor of the merchant. Hikozaemon who saw it seemed to have shot and killed it with a gun, but he seemed to have no virginity. It seems that the nose paper was caught by a pine tree in the garden, but the pine tree was worshiped by Ieyasu Tokugawa. There are a number of episodes as the opinion numbers in the world, but I don't know how much is true. That's how much the people loved.
ponsuke Ponsuke on Google

大久保彦左衛門こと忠教(ただたか)は永禄3年1560年~寛永16年1639年までというちょうど戦国時代後半から江戸時代前年に生きた武将です。 家康、秀忠、家光の徳川3代に仕えて沢山の武功があったのに大名になるのは断り、旗本の身分のままでいました。 三河物語の著者で、天下のご意見番として有名です。
Okubo Hikozaemon, also known as Tadataka, is a military commander who lived from the latter half of the Warring States period to the previous year of the Edo period, from 1560 in Eiroku 3 to 1639 in 1639. Although Ieyasu, Hidetada, and Iemitsu served the third generation of Tokugawa, he refused to become a daimyo even though he had many martial arts, and remained in the status of Hatamoto. He is the author of Mikawa Monogatari and is famous as the opinion number of the world.
松平高矩 on Google

江戸時代から伝わったものとして本当の幅広い歴史学で三河等々を掲載して居ますが、 その内容は三河譜代といった在りもし無い神話の著書です。巷では大久保彦左衛門を事はマスコミやドラマ等々との人物とは異なりました。 講談で有名になったせいか、大久保彦左衛門がやマスコミ等で書き残した物として有名ですが、その内容は「この一書は吾が子孫の他は絶対にみせるべからず、もし見つかりそうになった時は燃やすべし」と、 前書がしてある割には、現在活字本で復刻版となっている物もご座居ます。 「神君家康公物語」であって「われ老人の事なればしかとは書け無いが、当今は御主君さまや旗本どもとて筋目も知らずに、 三河者ならばみな御譜代の衆のごとく、誤って思い込んでしまっているが、そうではない事を明白にしておく為に書き残すした事実の成り行きです。 勿論「他へ見せる為の物ではなく門外不出のものゆえ、 他人には書かぬ」と書きだしているくせに、後に書き直されたのか、唯神君家康公より代々の将軍家の仁慈をのべて、わが子孫はおおいに忠節を尽さればならぬという教訓めいたことで終始しています。 此の時、大久保彦左衛門が血相を変えて江戸から駿府へ駈けていったので、天下の一大事かと、正か大久保彦左衛門がこのとき自分のことで乗り込んだとは知らず、皆を驚かしたものだと広く伝わっております。 「天下の御意見番」といったような講釈談話になったのも、この誤伝からの伝承だったようです。しかし、その様に言っておりますが、徳川家光と一心太助、大久保彦左衛門の時代劇はバランス等が取れて面白いと思います。 行き違い等々の切はご容赦下さいませ。本所亀沢町6代末孫
Mikawa and others are posted in a wide range of true history as being transmitted from the Edo period, but the content is a book of a myth that does not exist, such as Mikawa Fudai. In the streets, Hikozaemon Okubo was different from the people in the media and dramas. Perhaps because it became famous in the storytelling, it is famous as something that Okubo Hikozaemon left behind in the media, etc. In spite of the previous book, there are some print books that are currently reprinted. It is a "Kamikun Ieyasu story" and "I can only write about the old man, but now I don't know the story of the lord and Hatamoto, and all Mikawa people are like the people of the Fudai daimyō. I misunderstood it, but it is the course of the fact that I wrote down to make it clear that it is not. Of course, even though I wrote that "I will not write it to others because it is not something to show to others, I will not write it to others", Ieyasu Yuigami may have rewritten it later. And all my descendants have learned that they must be very loyal. At this time, Okubo Hikozaemon changed his blood phase and went from Edo to Sunpu, so I didn't know if it was a big deal in the world, or if Okubo Hikozaemon got on board at this time, and surprised everyone. It is widely known. It seems that it was a tradition from this misrepresentation that it became a lecture discourse such as "Opinion number of the world". However, as I said so, I think the historical drama of Tokugawa Iemitsu, Isshin Tasuke, and Okubo Hikozaemon is well-balanced and interesting. Please forgive me for any misunderstandings. Honjo Kamezawa Town 6th grandson
乙名丹次郎 on Google

大久保彦左衛門も、半世紀近く前のテレビ時代劇では活躍していたものだが、いまや大衆的知名度もひどく低下したのではないか。思えば時代考証もデタラメな芝居だったが、面白かったな。 徳川家康の家来として数々の戦で活躍し、二代将軍とともに江戸に入ってからは「天下のご意見番」として柔弱になる世を諌め、魚屋の一心太助と仲良くなって町の悪を懲らしめ(のあたりは河竹黙阿弥の創作らしい)、晩年は常陸国の領地に隠棲し、武士の心得を説く『三河物語』を著した。 ここは、江戸にいた時分の屋敷跡。もちろん、看板のみ。杏雲堂病院の敷地の植込の中に碑がある。
Okubo Hikozaemon was also active in the TV era drama nearly half a century ago, but it seems that the popularity of it has declined significantly. If you think about it, it was a play that wasn't a good idea, but it was interesting. Tokugawa Ieyasu's servant was active in many battles, and after entering the Edo era with the second shogun, he gave up the world of becoming weak as "the opinion number of the world", and became friends with Taikosuke of the fish store and the evil of the town. Disciplined (it seems to have been created by Mumuami Kawatake), and in the latter years he retired to the territory of Hitachikukoku and wrote "Mikawa Monogatari," which preached the knowledge of samurai. This is the ruins of a mansion in Edo. Of course, only the signboard. There is a monument in the plantation on the site of An Undou Hospital.

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