Kinmanken - Toshima City

4/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Kinmanken

住所 :

リビックオオノビル 2F 1 Chome-21-3 Nishiikebukuro, Toshima City, Tokyo 171-0021, Japan

電話 : 📞 +8977
Postal code : 171-0021

リビックオオノビル 2F 1 Chome-21-3 Nishiikebukuro, Toshima City, Tokyo 171-0021, Japan
ハロヲタのシンプリストを目指す人 on Google

お昼何食べようと考えながらPayPayクーポンで表示されていた為坦々麺もいいなぁと思い行ってきた。麺大盛りは可能でご飯は現在提供していないとの事。定番であろう重慶坦々麺の中辛を注文。サイドでヨダレ鳥。パクチーがめちゃくちゃ香り後から山椒が効いていて辛さも良く美味しい。胡麻を感じながら、最後まで美味しく頂けました。 ヨダレ鳥は山椒の影響かあまり辛さを感じず。それでも美味しい。ゴチ!
While thinking about what to eat for lunch, I thought that dandan noodles would be nice because it was displayed on the PayPay coupon. A large serving of noodles is possible and rice is not currently offered. I ordered the medium spicy Chongqing Tantan noodles, which would be a classic. Yodare bird on the side. After the coriander is insanely scented, the Japanese pepper is effective and the spiciness is good and delicious. While feeling the sesame, it was delicious until the end. Yodare birds do not feel too spicy due to the influence of Japanese pepper. Still delicious. Gochi!
中川ゆうひ on Google

汁なし坦々麺をいただきました! 自分たち以外みなさん中国の方みたいだったし、口コミに本場っぽい味とあったのでどきどきでしたが、個人的に今まで食べた坦々麺の中でいちばんおいしかったです(^^)! 辛さは初心者向けにしましたが、全然大丈夫だったので次回はもっと辛いのに挑戦してみたいと思います♪ 提供スピードはみなさん書いてらっしゃるようにゆっくりなので、お腹ぺこぺこより前で行くのがおすすめです!
I had Tantanmen without soup! Everyone except ourselves was like Chinese people, and I was thrilled because the word of mouth had a genuine taste, but personally it was the most delicious dandan noodle I had ever eaten (^^)! The spiciness was made for beginners, but it was okay at all, so next time I would like to try something more spicy ♪ The speed of provision is slow as you write, so it is recommended to go before your stomach is full!
ひそひそ on Google

池袋は本当に中華屋が多い。日本人に食わせなくても中国人相手でもやっていけるのだろう。よって、案外本格的な味がする店が多いような気がする。 そんななか、今回はこの「老四川麺館」のなんとかと言うところに入ってみました。 コロナの影響でしょうが、お客さんはまばらでした。 黒ゴマ担々麺の汁アリと羊マーラー麺、あと鳥もも揚げをオーダーしました。 辛さは2/5で。 旨かったですよ。 マーラー麺と担々麺では麺も違ったりして、なかなか旨い。 鳥ももはもう少し香辛料を減らしてもらってもよかったような気がします。 また行くと思います。 日本語が少しおかしいところもあって、それは微笑ましい。 牛すじっぽい麺…食えば良かったかな…
There are really many Chinese restaurants in Ikebukuro. Even if you don't feed the Japanese, you can do it with the Chinese. Therefore, I feel that there are many stores that have an unexpectedly authentic taste. Under such circumstances, this time I went into the place called "Old Sichuan Noodle Museum". The audience was sparse, probably due to the influence of Corona. I ordered black sesame dandan noodle soup ants, sheep marla noodles, and fried chicken thighs. The spiciness is 2/5. It was delicious. The noodles are different between Marla noodles and Dandan noodles, so it's quite delicious. I feel that I should have had the bird thighs reduce the spices a little more. I think I will go again. There are some places where Japanese is a little strange, which makes me smile. Beef tendon-like noodles ... I wonder if I should have eaten ...
apsvvfb R on Google

I ordered Chongqing small noodles (large portion) and black sesame dandan noodles (medium portion). The medium spicy is quite spicy, and the beef tendon (a bit sweet) was also ordered. The sauce left over from the rice noodles is quite delicious. I don’t know why there are so few people on Saturday night, and the taste is pretty good.
1111 selfish on Google

池袋駅の北側の繁華街は中華料理屋が増えてるので店選びも苦労しますが、本格的坦々麺が食べられるお店を探して行き着いたのが小さなビルの二階にある老四川麺館 正に狙い通りでこの坦々麺はあまり日本人に媚びた味では無い方だと思う? 若干苦手なパクチーが多い気がするがそれでも痺れと辛さは日本人の自分には程良い 他にも羊系の串が結構あるのでそちらも試してみても面白そう
Since the number of Chinese restaurants is increasing in the downtown area on the north side of Ikebukuro Station, it is difficult to choose a restaurant, but I arrived at the old Sichuan noodle building on the second floor of a small building looking for a restaurant where you can eat authentic Tantan noodles. Do you think that this dandan noodle is not so popular with Japanese people, exactly as you intended? I feel that there are many corianders that I am not good at, but the numbness and spiciness are still moderate for me as a Japanese person. There are quite a few other sheep-based skewers, so it would be interesting to try them as well.
shake kawa on Google

ペイペイで20%還元やってたこともあり、ランチで四川担々麺、850円税込を注文、ごまもきいてて大変おいしかった。ご飯も食べ放題でお得。スタンプカードがあり、1スタンプでトッピング無料、なので2回目の来店時には利用できる。3スタンプでソフトドリンク、5スタンプではおつまみ、7スタンプでは麺類1杯無料と書いてある! 麺はもっちりしていて、やわらかくなく、ちょうどいい。この辺りの中華屋さんはなぜか麺がやわらかいので、麺かため、と注文しようとしたが、言わなくて良かった。 今後もまた来店したいと思うお店でした。
I had a 20% reduction with PayPay, so I ordered Sichuan Dandan noodles and 850 yen including tax for lunch, and it was very delicious with sesame seeds. All-you-can-eat rice is a great deal. There is a stamp card, and one stamp is free topping, so you can use it when you visit the store for the second time. It says that 3 stamps are soft drinks, 5 stamps are snacks, and 7 stamps are 1 free noodle! The noodles are chewy, not soft and just right. The Chinese restaurant around here tried to order the noodles because the noodles were soft for some reason, but I didn't have to say it. It was a store that I would like to visit again in the future.
A allure on Google

慶州式担担麺とのことで、初めて頂きました。調べたら慶州エリアのラーメン全般をそう呼ぶようですが、成都式との違いはイマイチわからず…。ただ、本格的な辛さで今回追加料金の大辛を頂きましたが…辛い!結構辛いのは大丈夫な方ですが辛かったです。激辛はどうなることやら。とはいえ、味はバッチリ美味しく頂きました。 大盛り、ライスが終日無理もいいですね?
It was the first time for me to have Gyeongju-style dandan noodles. When I looked it up, it seems that all the ramen in the Gyeongju area is called that way, but I don't know the difference from the Chengdu style ... However, due to the full-fledged spiciness, I received a large spicy extra charge this time, but ... it's spicy! It's okay to be quite spicy, but it was spicy. What will happen to the spicy food? However, the taste was delicious. It's okay to have a large serving of rice all day long ?
Eric Chen on Google

Terrible, not honest

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