RAKUZO - Toshima City

3.4/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact RAKUZO

住所 :

YKDビル 3F 1 Chome-21-1 Nishiikebukuro, Toshima City, Tokyo 171-0021, Japan

電話 : 📞 +899
Postal code : 171-0021
Webサイト : http://rakuzo.dkdining.com/ikebukuro/

YKDビル 3F 1 Chome-21-1 Nishiikebukuro, Toshima City, Tokyo 171-0021, Japan
mitsuhiro on Google

Plenty of food and all-you-can-drink can be ordered until the end ?
昌代五十嵐 on Google

It is a completely private room and you can order with a hatch panel, so you can come to the store with confidence. The food was delicious too!
フライとん1101 on Google

昨年末に訪問致しました。 3時間ほど滞在させて頂きましたが、可もなく不可もなくと言った所ですかね。 値段はさほど安いわけではありませんが、全席個室な所がいい所ですかね。 そこまで混んでいなかった事もあり、お酒もスピーディーに提供して頂き、食事の量も値段に見合ったものだったと思います。 また、時間のある時にゆっくりと訪問させて頂こうと思っています。
We visited at the end of last year. I stayed for about 3 hours, but I guess it was not bad or bad. The price is not very cheap, but is it good to have a private room with all seats? It wasn't crowded so much, so we offered alcohol quickly and the amount of meals was worth the price. In addition, I will visit slowly when I have time.
XYZ ABC on Google

When I made an inquiry by phone, I was unilaterally hung up before the requirements were completed. The worst response.
しんすけ on Google

早割適用だと段違いにオトク。 17時までに開始という条件はあるが、値段が安くなるだけでなく、プレミアム飲み放題へのグレードアップがあり、またお客も少ないため、ドリンクの到着が早い。 店員さんの接客がかなり丁寧なのも好感度が高い。 料理は可もなく不可もなく……ではあるが、不味い!というものはなかった(大崎店のほうが美味かった気がするが、コース内容が異なるからか?)。 飲み放題のコスパはかなり良いかと(ビールは発泡酒ではない、瓶又は生となる※生はプレミアム飲み放題にて提供?)。 コースのボリュームは結構なものなので、そこは注意(有り難い話ではあるが)。 コースは3人以上の場合にオススメで、事前予約しておくと、DKポイントというもの(第一興商のポイント)が貯まる。 難点は、料理の提供スピードが早いこと。ボリュームがあるため(品数が多いため)、机がどんどん埋まっていく。 可能であれば、オプションでも良いので、大皿ではなく個別に配膳してもらえると有り難い。 コースとして使うのであれば、満足度は高いかと。
If you apply early discount, you can save money. There is a condition to start by 17:00, but not only the price is cheap, but there is also an upgrade to premium all-you-can-drink, and there are few customers, so drinks arrive early. It is also highly likable that the shop assistants are very polite. Cooking is neither good nor bad ... but it's not good! There was no such thing (I feel like the Osaki store was delicious, but is the course content different?). Is all-you-can-drink cospa pretty good (beer is not a sparkling liquor, it is a bottle or raw? The volume of the course is quite good, so be careful (although it's a nice story). The course is recommended for groups of 3 or more. If you make a reservation in advance, you can collect DK points (Daiichi Kosho points). The difficulty is that the serving speed is fast. Because of the volume (because of the large number of items), the desk is filling up more and more. If possible, an option may be used, so it would be appreciated if you could arrange it individually rather than on a platter. If it is used as a course, is satisfaction high?
小山優 on Google

20代男性、デートでの利用、お値段は4000円✕2人 雑居ビルの中ということで最初はあまり期待してなかったんですが、料理も美味しく、店員さんの対応も雰囲気も良かったので大満足でした! ただ、一応掘りごたつ個室だったんですが、浅めの掘りごたつ+かなり厚めのクッションだったので、所謂掘りごたつと言われてイメージした部屋ではなかったので、そこだけ注意です あと、入った部屋の建て付けが悪かったのか、片引戸が勝手に開いちゃう時があったので直してほしいです。
Men in their 20s, use on dates, price is 4000 yen ✕ 2 people I didn't expect much at first because it was in a multi-tenant building, but I was very satisfied because the food was delicious and the staff and the atmosphere were good! However, although it was a private room for digging, it was a shallow digging + a fairly thick cushion, so it was not a room that I imagined as a so-called digging, so be careful only there. Also, maybe the room I entered was badly built, and there were times when the single sliding door opened without permission, so I'd like you to fix it.
S YAGI on Google

すき焼きはお肉が柔らかく、絶品でした! 天ぷらは、サクサクしてて美味しかったです!
The sukiyaki had tender meat and was excellent! The tempura was crispy and delicious!
なっぱあやぱんまん on Google

お料理はどれも美味しかったですが、お値段もまあまあ割高な印象。コスパは良くないかと。 席と飲み放題プランでネット予約し、電話の応対はとても親身で好印象でしたが、いざ行ってみたら接客最悪でした。 席に通されたけど早々お姉さんは説明とかご案内的なの一切なく居なくなり、来たと思ったらおしぼりとお通し置いて退散。 飲み物もまだ頼んで無いけど…。 ピンポン押して注文しようとしたら別のお姉さんが来て「ご注文はタブレット…あれ?タブレットないですか?」って持ってきて、じゃそちらから!って感じで居なくなった。 それでもお料理頼みながら楽しんでたけど、いきなりお姉さんが来てお会計勝手に締められてて伝票持ってこられ「こちらお会計になります」って言われて 相方とびっくりしてポカンとしてたら「あ、延長されますか?30分ごとで○○円ですけど〜」って。 飲み放題のラストオーダーのアナウンスも無ければ、アナウンスしないから自分で注意してねとかも一切なし。 帰りの出入り口は誰も居なくて、エレベーター乗る直前にチラッと顔出す感じで「ありがとうございました〜」って。
All the dishes were delicious, but the price was reasonably expensive. Isn't cospa good? I made an online reservation with a seat and an all-you-can-drink plan, and the telephone response was very friendly and impressed, but when I went there, the customer service was the worst. I was taken to the seat, but soon my sister disappeared without any explanation or guidance, and when I thought that I had come, I left it with a hand towel and left. I haven't ordered a drink yet ... When I tried to place an order by pressing ping-pong, another older sister came and said, "Your order is a tablet ... that? Isn't there a tablet?" I felt like I was gone. Even so, I enjoyed it while asking for food, but suddenly my sister came and was tightened by accounting and brought me a slip and said, "This is the accounting." When I was surprised by my partner, I said, "Oh, will it be extended? It's XX yen every 30 minutes." If there is no announcement of the last order of all-you-can-drink, there is no announcement because I will not announce it. There was no doorway on the way back, and I felt like I was glancing at the elevator just before I got on the elevator and said, "Thank you."

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