Chinese restaurant You 3 - Toshima City

3.9/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Chinese restaurant You 3

住所 :

2 Chome-54-2 Ikebukuro, Toshima City, Tokyo 170-0014, Japan

電話 : 📞 +89897
Postal code : 170-0014

2 Chome-54-2 Ikebukuro, Toshima City, Tokyo 170-0014, Japan
北村大志 on Google

前々から気になっておりました中国家庭料理 楊さん。辛いのは苦手分野なのですが、汁無し坦々麺をいただきました。具材と麺を良く混ぜ合わせて…じわじわくる山椒の辛さは、あとを引く美味しさ! 麺は中太だけれど少し茹で過ぎな感じがしたかなぁ。でもまた通いたくなる味です! バンサンスーも一緒にいただきました。
Mr. Yang, a Chinese home-cooked dish that I have been interested in for a long time. I'm not good at spicy food, but I had soupless dandan noodles. Mix the ingredients and noodles well ... The spiciness of the Japanese pepper that slowly sprinkles is delicious! The noodles were medium-thick, but I think they were a little too boiled. But it's a taste that makes you want to go again! I also had Bansan Sue.
渡邉慶太 on Google

家庭料理の店と云うだけあって、アットホームな雰囲気です? イチオシの『汁なし担々麺』は胡麻とナッツを砕いたペーストを混ぜていただきます? 濃厚で細いパスタのような麺とよく絡んで美味しいです? 辛さや痺れの案配も調整できます? 一緒にいただいたのは水餃子。 こちらは中国の黒酢でいただきます?️ 皮がモチモチ❤️ 辛い担々麺の箸休めにちょうど良いですね~
It's a home-cooked restaurant, so it has a cozy atmosphere ? The recommended "Shirunashi Tantanmen" is a mixture of sesame and nut crushed paste ? It's delicious because it's often entwined with thick, thin pasta-like noodles ? You can also adjust the spiciness and numbness ? I had dumplings with me. This is Chinese black vinegar ?️ The skin is chewy ❤️ It's perfect for resting the chopsticks of spicy dandan noodles ~
Shogo T on Google

中国料理店あるあるで、店員さんは確かに騒がしいです。 しかし、片言の日本語であるものの、とても丁寧な接客でした。 孤独のグルメで汁なし担々麺が名物扱いですが、この店は中国家庭料理の店であり、麻婆豆腐や焼餃子の方がおすすめだと思いました。 汁なし担々麺は、量がとても多く、二人でシェアでちょうどいいくらいです。 モチモチ麺のため、苦手な方もいるかもしれません、ご注意ください。 ちなみに常連っぽいソロ入りの女性は、炒飯と焼餃子を注文してました。
There is a Chinese restaurant, so the clerk is certainly noisy. However, although it was a little Japanese, it was a very polite customer service. It's a lonely gourmet and the soupless Tantanmen is treated as a specialty, but this restaurant is a Chinese home-cooked restaurant, and I thought that Mapo tofu and gyoza were recommended. The amount of soupless tantanmen is very large, and it is just right for two people to share. Please note that some people may not be good at it because it is a chewy noodle. By the way, a regular woman with a solo ordered fried rice and gyoza.
田原茂香 on Google

孤独のグルメを観て、念願の来店。 お店自体は街中華といったところで、片言の店員さんが一生懸命接客接客してくれます。 名物の汁無し坦々麺は、美味しいが好き嫌いが分かれるかと。量が多いのと、麺が汁と油を吸って早く食べないと膨張します。 普通の汁無し坦々麺を想像して食べると、ちょっと違うって思っちゃうかも。 シェアして食べるのがオススメです。 一押しは麻婆豆腐。辛めでいただきました。 ラー油多めでトウチありの本格派。 焼き餃子もお肉たっぷりモチモチで美味しかったです。
Seeing the gourmet of loneliness, the long-awaited visit. The shop itself is in a place like Chinese food, and the clerk in a single word will do his best to serve customers. The specialty soupless dandan noodles are delicious, but I wonder if they like it or not. If the amount is large and the noodles absorb juice and oil and do not eat quickly, they will swell. Imagine eating ordinary soupless dandan noodles, and you might think it's a little different. It is recommended to share and eat. One push is mapo tofu. It was spicy. Authentic school with a lot of chili oil and touchi. The roasted dumplings were also delicious with plenty of meat.
ヤマネコ YamaNeco on Google

コスパ良き大衆系中華食堂。『孤独のグルメ』に登場したのは2号店のほう。 【雰囲気】 ・いかにも!分かりやすく中華食堂 ・座席はカウンター&テーブルのハイブリッドで、どなたでも気軽に入りやすいはず。きっと。 【接客】 ・卒なく。店員さんは海外の方ですが、日本語で困ることはありませんでした。 【いただいたもの】 ・焼き餃子(5個)@590円 自家製の皮は、艶やかでみずみずしく。モチッとくる食感は、どこか小籠包的な表情を覗かせます。また、ギュッと詰まった餡は、粗めなニラの風味が1番前に出てくる印象。黒酢を垂らすことで味わいが覚醒します。 ・涼拌菜(中華風たたき胡瓜)@650円 粗微塵切りのニンニクがだいぶ効いており、胡瓜のキレの良い食感も合間って、消費が捗ります。あとひく感じが好印象。食後の口臭にはご注意をw ・甕出し紹興酒1合@490円 オーダー時に氷の要否を聞かれます。ボクは氷ナシ。常温でいただきました。紹興酒らしい余韻が良き。 ・汁なし担々麺@880円 辛味ダレを“まぜまぜ”していただく一品は、辛味よりも、四川山椒による痺れが印象的です。メニュー表の「刺激が強烈」の文字にビビりますが、個人的にそこまでは……という感じでした。また、丸麺にはコシのようなものはなく、ニュッとした食感が独特ですかね。 【その他】 ・メニュー表の写真撮影はNGとのことなので、ご注意ください。 ・紙エプロンが1枚20円します!w ・2021年3月訪問。平日ランチで。2名で。 【総評】 ・中華飲み、昼飲みスポットとしてもアリ。変わってなければ…きっと空いてて入りやすいはず(★4)
A popular Chinese restaurant with good cost performance. The second store appeared in "Gourmet of Solitude". 【atmosphere】 ・ Really! Easy-to-understand Chinese restaurant ・ The seat is a hybrid of counter and table, so anyone should feel free to enter. surely. [Customer service] ・ Without graduation. The clerk is from overseas, but I didn't have any problems with Japanese. [What I received] ・ Grilled dumplings (5 pieces) @ 590 yen Homemade skin is glossy and fresh. The chewy texture makes you look like a small basket. In addition, the tightly packed bean paste gives the impression that the coarse garlic flavor comes out first. The taste is awakened by dripping black vinegar. ・ Ryosui greens (Chinese style tataki cucumber) @ 650 yen The finely chopped garlic is quite effective, and the crispy texture of the cucumber is also in between, and consumption progresses. The feeling of pulling back is a good impression. Be careful of bad breath after eating w ・ Shaoxing wine 1 go @ 490 yen You will be asked if you need ice when ordering. I have no ice. I had it at room temperature. The finish that is typical of Shaoxing wine is good. ・ Shirunashi Tantanmen @ 880 yen The numbness caused by Sichuan pepper is more impressive than the spicy taste of the dish that you "mix" the spicy sauce. I was afraid of the words "stimulation is intense" on the menu table, but I personally felt that it was ... Also, there is no such thing as chewy noodles in round noodles, and the chewy texture is unique. 【others】 ・ Please note that it is NG to take pictures of the menu table. ・ A paper apron costs 20 yen per sheet! w ・ Visited in March 2021. At lunch on weekdays. With 2 people. [Overview] ・ It is also an ant for Chinese food and lunch spots. If it hasn't changed ... it should be vacant and easy to enter (★ 4)
戎八坂の on Google

テレ東の「孤独のグルメ」に出ていた池袋駅近くの汁無し坦々麺の楊さんの三号店に行ってみた。日曜の13時過ぎだが、偶然にも席が空いておりすんなり入れた。(その数分後に満席) とにかく初体験の汁無し坦々麺はキープして後は?と考えても出て来ず、ビールのお供焼き餃子をオーダーしました。 餃子は皮が厚く食べ応えがあり、本当なら餃子とビールで普段は十分な量と思えた。汁無し坦々麺は辛いと言うことを覚悟していたがそれ程でも無かった。正直、もう一度食べてみたいかと問われたら?…? 私的には名物ランクインは難しいかな。とりあえずご馳走様でした。
I went to Yang-san's third shop of soupless dandan noodles near Ikebukuro station, which was mentioned in "Gourmet of loneliness" in Tele East. It was past 13:00 on Sunday, but by chance the seats were vacant and I could easily enter. (Full after a few minutes) Anyway, what about keeping the soupless dandan noodles for the first time? Even though I thought, it didn't come out, so I ordered beer dumplings. The gyoza has a thick skin and is responsive to eating, and in reality, gyoza and beer seemed to be a sufficient amount. I was prepared to say that the soupless dandan noodles were spicy, but not so much. Honestly, what if you want to try it again? ...? Is it difficult for me to rank in as a specialty? It was a treat for the time being.
hippo you on Google

wrai ther (wraither) on Google

I was greeted by a black vinegar smell once I got inside the restaurant. I only ordered their no soup tantanmen but I expected a Szechuan style of spiciness. Their tantanmen was not spicy at all, rather the dominating taste were the peanuts. When I ate it, the peanut taste was too much it felt like I was eating peanut butter with noodles. Did not finish the plate. Should I have said spicier? Or should I have tried their dimsum instead?

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