黒塀屋 本庄店

3.3/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact 黒塀屋 本庄店

住所 :

Kenpuku, Honjo, 〒367-0044 Saitama,Japan

電話 : 📞 +89
Webサイト : https://www.bashamichi.co.jp/kurobeiya/ku1071/
街 : Saitama

Kenpuku, Honjo, 〒367-0044 Saitama,Japan
jun m on Google

The entrance to the parking lot is difficult to understand.
Rachel Marron on Google

仕事納めの日に毎年来店している。 喫煙席が小上がり席に限定されて足が伸ばせず窮屈。 肉は、和牛ハラミが美味かったが、他はそれなりと感じた。 残念なのは、和牛の厚切りタン。利休と比べてはいけないのだろうが、値段の割には質、味とも不満。噛み切れない分厚いタン?和牛じゃなくても良いのでは。
I come to the store every year on the day I finish my work. Smoking seats are limited to slightly raised seats and I can't stretch my legs and I'm cramped. As for the meat, Wagyu Harami was delicious, but I felt that the others were reasonable. Unfortunately, the thick-sliced ​​tongue of Japanese beef. It shouldn't be compared to Rikyu, but I'm dissatisfied with the quality and taste for the price. Thick tongue that can't be bitten? It doesn't have to be Japanese beef.
永井正俊 on Google

Bad correspondence of chain shop-like correspondence. I heard that there is only this place in this district, or pride is spreading to Mr. part-time job manager. Although I have used it twice, the response as usual, the attitude is as it is and the operation continues well and it was just a question left. However, the meat quality was exquisite and tasty compared with the meat quality of Yasudakatei and the chain stores there, and there was also a sense of affinity. Just as expected, it is judged that it grew up in the environment where only the shop gathered in the group gathered in the group, only manager who started the store manager is soldered. Recommended for those who can taste good service but can not stand it.
十年桜 on Google

リーズナブルです 2020/2/21 肉質がかなり落ちましたね…
Reasonable 2020/2/21 The meat quality has dropped considerably ...
Rieppe on Google

サラダの食べ放題が好き。 ただしテーブル毎に注文だから 子ども分も頼む必要あり。 今回はテーブル別れた。 あとは値段相応かな。
I like all-you-can-eat salads. However, because it is an order for each table It is also necessary to ask for children. This time the table broke up. The rest is a good price.
四葉達也 on Google

There is a private room ❗ I can't be guided even though the seats are vacant ❗ It seems that there are only 3 employees. After waiting for an hour, I called out from here and finally went to see the table. I went home without eating! There is no next
ひかり on Google

There was a lunch menu and there were 2 or 3 dishes, and there was meat to choose from, so it was cheap and delicious. I have 2 items. Beef loin. I ordered ribs and the meat is tender and I have been to eat several times. Private rooms are also good except for table seats. You can eat with a little peace of mind with the current corona sickness ...
小林士郎 on Google

I ordered a 250g special lunch, but I was satisfied with the amount of ribs. The large serving of rice was free. This is 990 yen. I also added pig's trotter to the cheapness! It was pull-pull ?

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