牧場直営焼肉 七福

4.1/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact 牧場直営焼肉 七福

住所 :

Kenpuku, Honjo, 〒367-0044 Saitama,Japan

電話 : 📞 +897899
Webサイト : http://shichifuku1129.com/
街 : Saitama

Kenpuku, Honjo, 〒367-0044 Saitama,Japan
小竹克英 on Google

It's delicious and I'm repeating, but this time it was quite frustrating because I didn't get the order properly because it was a part-time job. Regardless of meat, waiting on customers is disappointing ... (-.-)
taka o on Google

Delicious and good cospa! !
Akiko Shimizu on Google

昨日友達と行きました、肉が最高!? とても美味しいです。また行きたいと思います?
I went with my friend yesterday, the meat is the best! Moth It is very tasty. I want to go there again
q clinical. on Google

土曜日の19時頃近くの焼肉を探していて空いてるとの事で入店。腰は低いが頭金髪、ピアスの兄ちゃん登場。店内客入り少ない。ちなみに1件目は満卓で待ちいる盛況ぶり。ここ大丈夫か?と半信半疑中。 メニュー。なかなか値段高め。空いてるから提供までは時間かからず出てくる。武州牛との事。脂は甘みあり味は美味しい。上カルビはサシがすごい。 キムチ系は口に合わなかった。カクテキは水っぽいしオイキムチは浸かりがあまい。ハクサイキムチは粉っぽい。コムタンクッパ頼んだが、テールが入って無かった。こんなの初めて。もやしたっぷり入っていて安価食材で値段高め。 極めつけは水頼んだら金取られた。ここ居酒屋?キャバクラ?説明無かったんだけど。 だからゴールデンタイムなのにガラガラだったんじゃないのかな??リピなしです。
I entered the store on Saturday when I was looking for a barbecue near 19:00 and it was vacant. He has a low waist, but has a blond hair and pierced brother. There are few customers in the store. By the way, the first case is a great success waiting at the table. Is it okay here? I'm half suspicious. menu. The price is quite high. It will be available in a short time because it is free. With Bushu beef. The fat is sweet and the taste is delicious. The top ribs are so delicious. The kimchi system didn't suit me. Kakuteki is watery and Okimuchi is soaked. Chinese cabbage kimchi is powdery. I ordered a comb tank top, but there was no tail. This is my first time. It has plenty of bean sprouts and it is cheaper and more expensive. When I asked for water, I was robbed of the money. Is this an izakaya? Cabaret club? There was no explanation. So I think it was rattled even though it was golden time? ? There is no lipi.
根岸良仁 on Google

武州和牛のおいしいお肉をいただけます。 焙り和牛寿司が絶品です。
You can enjoy delicious meat of Musashi Wagyu beef. Roasted Wagyu sushi is excellent.
嶋崎綾 on Google

味さいこう!! コスパ良し! 接客サービスも良し! 文句なしの焼肉屋さんでした☆ 子供用の食器や アイスの無料サービスも嬉しかった!!! オーナーさんの父が牧場を経営しているらしく、 そこから牛を仕入れているので、 良質なお肉を低価格で提供できるそうです!! 特に厚切りの幻の牛タン 生でもいけるレバーは絶品でした。 ぜひお試しあれ!! 早くまた行きたい♪♪♪
Let's taste it! ! Cospa is good! Good customer service! It was a yakiniku restaurant without complaints ☆ Children's dishes and Ice free service was also happy! ! ! It seems that the father of the owner runs a ranch. Because we are purchasing cows from there It seems that you can provide good quality meat at a low price! ! Especially the thick-cut illusion of beef tongue The lever which can be raw was excellent. Please do try that out. ! I want to go back again soon ♪ ♪ ♪
森下(Almighty) on Google

日曜日の18時に来店。 来店30分ほど前に急遽5人でお願いしたものの、快くOKしてもらえました。 牧場サラダ、という4から6人前のサラダはかなりの量。 大人の男性が腕で丸を作ったぐらいの大きさに入ってくるサラダは圧巻。 これで1000円を切る値段でありながら、野菜は新鮮でとても美味しい。 肝心のお肉は七福セット?的なものと、鶏肉、牛タンをオーダー。 お肉の質はとても良く、何を食べても美味しい。 そんな中、一番驚いたのは鶏肉の美味しさ。 脂ののり。柔らかさ。味。 今まで食べた鶏肉の中で一番美味しかった。 食後にはデザートとしてアイスがついてきます。 このアイスは味も5種類ぐらいから選択可能。 5人で少し控えめに食べて、30000円弱ぐらいのお会計でした。 店内も綺麗で対応も硬すぎず。それでいて丁寧。 また機会があれば伺いたいです。
Visited at 18:00 on Sunday. About 30 minutes before coming to the store, I asked for it with 5 people in a hurry, but they were happy to accept it. A considerable amount of salad for 4 to 6 servings called ranch salad. The salad that comes in the size of an adult man making a circle with his arm is a masterpiece. The vegetables are fresh and very delicious, even though the price is less than 1000 yen. Is the essential meat the Shichifuku set? I ordered chicken and beef tongue. The quality of the meat is very good and it is delicious no matter what you eat. Meanwhile, what surprised me most was the deliciousness of the chicken. Fat glue. soft. taste. It was the most delicious chicken I have ever eaten. After meals, ice cream is included as a dessert. You can choose from about 5 flavors of this ice cream. Five people ate a little modestly, and the bill was about 30,000 yen. The inside of the store is clean and the correspondence is not too hard. Still polite. I would like to ask if there is another opportunity.
yu- on Google

本庄が意外と焼肉屋さんが多かったので良さそうな所を探してたら見つけたお店。 武州和牛を使ってるとの事で肉質はかなり期待できそう。 予約をして到着。 まずは諸々注文。 まず紹介したいのがレバーの存在感。 写真の通りかなりの厚切り。 ぷりっぷりのレバーを炙ってごま油で頂く。 これが歯ごたえもあり、旨みも全開の絶品! 絶対頼んだ方がいいです。 そして長谷川ビーフ印の焼きしゃぶと極カルビは色からして食べる前にわかる旨み。 焼きしゃぶは卵につけてタレと絡めて。 卵と旨みとタレの甘み、肉の旨みがまじる絶品。 その他どれも高クオリティー。 少しお値段は張りますが、その価値ありのお店です。
Honjo had a lot of yakiniku restaurants, so I found a restaurant when I was looking for a good place. It seems that the meat quality can be expected considerably because it uses Musashi Wagyu beef. Arrived after making a reservation. First of all, various orders. The first thing I would like to introduce is the presence of the lever. As you can see in the picture, it's a fairly thick slice. Boil a generous amount of liver and serve with sesame oil. This is chewy and delicious! You should definitely ask. And the grilled shabu-shabu and polar ribs of Hasegawa beef are so delicious that you can tell from the color before eating. Put the grilled shabu-shabu on the egg and entangle it with the sauce. An exquisite dish that mixes the sweetness of eggs, umami and sauce, and the umami of meat. All others are of high quality. It's a little pricey, but it's worth it.

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