
4.2/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact 炭火焼肉てんぼう苑

住所 :

Jinboharamachi, Kamisato, Kodama District, 〒369-0305 Saitama,Japan

電話 : 📞 +897
Webサイト : https://www.instagram.com/tenbouen
街 : Saitama

Jinboharamachi, Kamisato, Kodama District, 〒369-0305 Saitama,Japan
ホーリー on Google

Cospa is a high-quality, clean restaurant. There are no "greasy cushions" or "museful smoke" often found in cheap barbecue shops, and it's a nice shop where you can enjoy barbecue. It is a shop worth visiting once.
Wave Honda on Google

Salmon pickled ribs are particularly good. Other than that, it is generally delicious. The large space of the private room is taken so that the space can be relaxed. It is recommended because the service is good. It is a top-class taste among other yakiniku restaurants along No. 17.
十年桜 on Google

鶏肉が解凍されてなかったです 厚切り牛タンも中が凍ってました
Chicken was not thawed Thick sliced ​​beef tongue was frozen inside
norinori on Google

It's been a while since the yakiniku restaurant itself. I was interested in thermal power. I can't say anything about Toshiro, but MAX was also weak. Is it because it's a charcoal fire? Because I was an old person, I ate it by baking it over high heat, so there was something missing. Not only the meat but also the salad and kimchi were delicious. I mean, I only asked for this much, so what else? (Laughs) After that, the rib ramen was delicious ~.
IGARASHI M. on Google

お肉も美味しくて安いですが、辛い系のスープメニューは絶品です(^-^) 夜しか営業してないのがとても残念…
The meat is also delicious and cheap, but the spicy soup menu is exquisite (^-^) It's a shame that it's only open at night ...
Rachel Marron on Google

同僚のおすすめで初訪問。 予約しなければ入店は難しいくらい店内は賑わっていて、美味しそうな煙りと香りが食欲をそそる。 オーダーは、レギュラーコースに酒飲み放題×1、ソフトドリンク飲み放題×3、で、2時間少々。 席は少し前から予約していた。 予め他者のレビューは確認していたが、どの肉も質、味、ボリューム共に満足の行くものであった。 この値段で柔らかさ、厚さ、美味さが私好み。 更にコスパが高い。 まだこのお店を知らない人にも教えてあげたくなる。 一人焼肉は恥ずかしいので、次は他の宴会で利用させていただきます。 美味かった! また来ます‼︎
First visit with a recommendation from a colleague. If you do not make a reservation, it is difficult for you to enter the store, and the shop is crowded, and delicious smoke and aroma are appetizing. The order is a regular course with all-you-can-drink x 1 and all-you-can-drink soft drink x 3, and it is a little over 2 hours. Seats had been reserved for a while. I had already checked the reviews of others, but all meats were satisfactory in quality, taste and volume. I like softness, thickness and taste at this price. Furthermore, cost performance is high. I want to tell people who don't know this place yet. I will be embarrassed for roasting meat alone, so I will use it at another banquet next time. It was delicious! I will come again! ︎
かかなや葛西 on Google

思ってた以上に美味かったです! 17号の並びには美味しいものなし、と思っていたのですが、いい意味で期待を裏切りました。 火は弱めかな、でもまぁ焼けるのでヨシ! ウーロン茶のピッチャーが大きくてよいコスパ! 注文したのが15分後にも届かなかったのでキャンセルしたのを除けば完璧でした!
It was better than I expected! I thought that the line of No. 17 was not delicious, but in a good way I was disappointed. The fire is weak, but it can be burnt, so Yoshi! Cospa where the pitcher of oolong tea can be big! I didn't receive my order after 15 minutes so it was perfect except I canceled it!
MK2順 on Google

余命幾ばくもない食の良い年寄りです。 旧友の爺さんと伺う。土日に限りだか夕方4時から呑めるのは嬉しい! カルビ、ハラミ、豚トロとオオダアしたが、まぁ普通といった感じ。 逆に安いホルモン4種盛りがどれも美味かった! 相方の爺さんが食ったクッパスウプは絶品だったらしい。うんめぇ!こりゃうんめぇな!イマラァ!と咳き込んでいた。 留守番の婆さん用にテイクアウツのお弁当も頼んだか時間掛かった割には焼肉が冷え冷えだったらしい。土曜日の鬼混み時間であったからいた仕方ないとは思うが。これで温かかったら最高だったそう。チンした次第(因みに店舗から家まで5分の距離) 年寄りの戯言失礼。ご馳走さまでした。
A good old man with no life expectancy. I'm going to talk with my old friend's old man. It's nice to swallow from 4 pm on Saturdays and Sundays! I had a lot of ribs, halami, and pork jowl, but it was normal. On the contrary, all 4 kinds of cheap hormones were delicious! It seems that the cuppasup that my partner's old man ate was exquisite. Yeah! This is awesome! Imara! I was coughing. I asked for a take-outs lunch box for my answering machine, or it took a long time, but the yakiniku was cold. I think it can't be helped because it was a busy time on Saturday. It would have been great if it was warm. As soon as I chin (By the way, 5 minutes from the store to my house) Excuse me for the old man. It was a feast.

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