
4.2/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact ぼんち食堂

住所 :

Katsurakinoshitacho, Nishikyo Ward, 〒615-8072 Kyoto,Japan

電話 : 📞 +878
街 : Kyoto

Katsurakinoshitacho, Nishikyo Ward, 〒615-8072 Kyoto,Japan
Tommy K on Google

昭和感満載の何となく懐かしくもある食堂です。 口コミにもあった唐揚げ定食と唐揚げ焼魚定食です。 コスパも良く味も美味でした。これから通います! 食べたいものが沢山あり楽しみです。 厨房から見えるおとうさんとおかあさんも素敵な感じですよ?
It is a dining hall that is quite nostalgic and full of Showa. There are also fried chicken set meal which was also found in the word-of-mouth as well as fried roasted fish set meal. Cospa was also good and the taste was delicious. I'm off to go now! There are lots of things I want to eat and I am looking forward to it. Dad and mother seen from the kitchen are also nice feeling
きいろいとり虎命 on Google

さんぽを終えて近場の銭湯でホッコリした後に晩御飯。 前からクルマで前を通る度気になっていたぼんち食堂さんへ、夕方だけど数量限定のお刺身定食(あ刺身とカキフライの定食)を注文。 友がカキフライをお願いしたので唐揚げに変更して美味しく楽しんできました。 近くにあったら週三ぐらいは寄りたいお店ですね。
After having finished Sanpo and having a hot spring in a nearby public bath, we have dinner. I ordered a limited number of sashimi set meals (a set of sashimi and oyster fries) in the evening, but only for the evening at the dining room where I had become obsessed with passing cars in front of cars. My friend asked for oyster fry, so I changed it to fried and enjoyed it deliciously. It would be a shop I would like to visit about three weeks a week if it was nearby.
森本ゆみこ on Google

食べログを見て行って来ました。 昔ながらの食堂でした。人気店なのか食べに来る人の多いのには驚きました。鯖焼き定食を頂きました。 食べるのに夢中で?撮るのを忘れてしまいました(笑)。
I went to see the tabelog. It was an old-fashioned dining room. I was surprised that many people come to eat because it is a popular restaurant. I had a mackerel grilled set meal. I was so absorbed in eating ? I forgot to take a picture (laughs).
JSDLTUBE on Google

The menu is abundant and each is delicious.
Satoshi Yamamoto on Google

刺身と唐揚げの定食の刺身は日によって魚の内容が違うが今回の刺身はカンパチで新鮮かつ美味しく、揚げたての唐揚げも美味しかった❗ また追加の中華そばは、スープがあっさりだがとても胃に優しい感じで、麺との相性も良く、最後は美味しすぎてスープを全て飲み干してしまった‼
The contents of the sashimi and fried chicken set meal differ depending on the day, but this time the sashimi was amberjack, fresh and delicious, and the fried chicken was also delicious ❗ In addition, the additional Chinese noodles have a light soup but are very gentle on the stomach, and go well with the noodles. At the end, it was too delicious and I drank all the soup!
坂M on Google

お刺身定食が食べたくて2度目の訪問。 本日の刺身=カンパチ+唐揚げのセット定食¥1,120円。 平日11:50に入店後ぞくぞくとやって来るお客さん。 大テーブル以外は満席となりました。 毎回の大テーブル風景ですが お昼なのに一品と共にビールやハイボール 飲みながらってお客さんがおられます♪ そんな昭和感溢れ落ち着く美味しい定食屋さん。
This is my second visit because I want to eat a sashimi set meal. Today's sashimi = amberjack + fried chicken set set meal ¥ 1,120. Customers who come to the store after entering the store at 11:50 on weekdays. All tables are full except for the large table. It ’s a big table scene every time. Beer and highball with one dish even though it is lunch There are customers while drinking ♪ A delicious set meal restaurant with a sense of Showa era.
Nb Iw on Google

久々のぼんちさん。 昨今の事情か…メニューは値上がり傾向で仕方ないよねー、といったところです。 今回は天然ハマチにベーコンエッグ 大体何頼んでもベーコンエッグはつけてる気がするな…ちょっと塩胡椒効きがちな濃ゆい味付けが好きです。 駐車場も7.8台あるけど、お昼時は満車満席の盛況っぷりです。
Bonchi-san after a long time. Is it the situation these days? The menu is on the rise and it can't be helped. This time, bacon and eggs on natural yellowtail I don't feel like I'm wearing bacon and eggs no matter what I ask ... I like the rich flavor that tends to be a little salt and pepper. There are 7.8 parking lots, but it is full at noon.
ヤマモト on Google

鰤の刺身と唐揚げ 豊富なメニューをなかなかのボリュームのお刺身と組み合わせられるのが魅力的。 ただ、お刺身を組み合わせると大半が千円を超えてくるので、頻繁に足を向ける選択肢からは外れてくる。
Yellowtail sashimi and fried chicken It is attractive to combine a rich menu with sashimi that is quite volume. However, most of them cost more than 1,000 yen when combined with sashimi, so they are not an option to visit frequently.

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