
4.2/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Akapiment

住所 :

Kawashima Arisugawacho, Nishikyo Ward, 〒615-8191 Kyoto,Japan

電話 : 📞 +878
Webサイト : http://www13.plala.or.jp/akapiment/
街 : Kyoto

Kawashima Arisugawacho, Nishikyo Ward, 〒615-8191 Kyoto,Japan
琉球moon on Google

Sticking to materials and seasonings, there is a taste that is made with little time and effort.
野田聡子 on Google

It was a store that happened to be in, but I felt that the food was delicious and gentle and I wanted to go there again. I would have been nearby
博司江川 on Google

色々なメニューがあり撰ぶのに迷います。 色々食べてみたいです。
There are various menus and I am at a loss to choose. I want to eat various things.
S Miyuki on Google

ごはんは美味しかった。 慣れてないのかわからないけど、定員さんが人が並ぶと落ち着いてなかった
The rice was delicious. I don't know if I'm not used to it, but I wasn't calm when the number of people lined up
T Kanda on Google

いつも利用させていただいてます。 他とは、全く違う心のこもった料理の品々 料理教室も参加したいなと思っています。 男子厨房に立とう!
I will always use it. A hearty dish that is completely different from the rest I would like to participate in a cooking class. Stand in the men's kitchen!
伊南智寿 on Google

Ordered Renkon hamburger lunch set with miso soup (1100 yen). The vegetables were large and the flavors were well-balanced, body-friendly and very delicious. I would like to come again
赤松美憂 on Google

たまたま通りすがりで入ったお店ですが大当たり! 栄養がたっぷり取れそうなランチメニューで美味しかったです。 店内の雰囲気も良いのでまた行きたいです。夜も行ってみたい♡
It happened to be a shop that I passed by, but it was a big hit! It was delicious with a lunch menu that seemed to get plenty of nutrition. The atmosphere inside the store is good, so I want to go there again. I want to go at night too ♡
on Google

丹波地鶏のからあげ 柔らかくてメチャ美味いです。 ガレージ少ないですが是非食べて欲しいです。
Tamba chicken fried chicken is soft and delicious. There isn't much garage, but I definitely want you to eat it.

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