
4.1/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact 福力食堂

住所 :

Katsurainuicho, Nishikyo Ward, 〒615-8086 Kyoto,Japan

電話 : 📞 +87979
街 : Kyoto

Katsurainuicho, Nishikyo Ward, 〒615-8086 Kyoto,Japan
Masters Meg on Google

味は並です。定食屋が少ないこのこのご時世では貴重なお店かもね。 食べたのはカツ丼 少しカツが塩辛かったです。
The taste is average. There may be few set meal shops, so it may be a valuable shop in this time. I ate the cutlet bowl and the cutlet was a little salty.
和彦田中 on Google

A lot of volume is delicious
一番星あきら on Google

ここでは毎回瓶ビール、とんかつ定食、中華そばを 食べます! 今度は新しいのに挑戦! お店も綺麗で愛想もいいです!
Here you can enjoy bottled beer, pork cutlet set meal, and Chinese noodles every time. eat! This time I will try something new! The shop is beautiful and friendly!
ひがしだかずひさ on Google

昔ながらの定食屋 早い安い旨いの基本の店
Old-fashioned set meal shop A basic shop with fast, cheap and delicious taste
坂M on Google

I usually get a mixed fry set meal of 1,000 yen, but today it is Tonkatsu set meal of 800 yen for the first time in more than 5 years. Satisfaction ?
0808健吾 on Google

こじんまりとした綺麗なお店。 お店の方も愛想良く席に案内して頂きました。 値段はそこそこしますが、また行きたいお店。
A small and beautiful shop. The shop staff also kindly guided me to the seats. The price is reasonable, but I want to go there again.
Masato M on Google

It is a clean dining room. It's delicious and there are many menus, so it might be a good idea to go when you're wondering what to eat.
s o on Google

It's an old-fashioned dining room, but the building is new and the inside is beautiful. It has a nostalgic taste and is delicious, but the price is reasonable.

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