
2.9/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact 春日部駅

住所 :

Kasukabe, Saitama,Japan

街 : Saitama

Kasukabe, Saitama,Japan
Mayu on Google

Kasukabe ? There was an eco bag vending machine that collaborated with sweets on the station platform ? If you think it's sweets lol Eco bag ?
ゆかこゆかりき on Google

下りたらヒマワリちゃんがお出迎えしてくれました。 アナウンスBGMが「おらは人気もーのー」ってやつでなつかしさを感じました…しんちゃんといえばこの曲ですね。 アーバンパークラインへの乗換駅なので、降りる人が多いです。
Sunflower greeted me when I got off. The announcement BGM was "Ora is popular" and I felt nostalgic ... Shin-chan is this song. Since it is a transfer station to the Urban Park Line, many people get off.
研ぎ師孫八 on Google

ある意味良い味、風情を出してる、ある意味ボロい、これでターミナル駅? クレヨンしんちゃんで全国区な知名度の駅です!。 立ち食いそばでは無く、立ち食いラーメン、The昭和!良いんじゃない。
In a sense, it has a good taste and taste. Crayon Shin-chan is a nationally famous station! .. Not stand-up soba, stand-up ramen, The Showa! Not good.
神田翔太郎 on Google

You shouldn't expect convenience. It is a very unsanitary station with a bad smell always coming from the toilet.
ママ on Google

The station staff is kind. The Tobu Noda Line is kind everywhere. Kasukabe Station has a police box in front of the station, so you can rest assured. There is also a thirty one, a delicious bakery, and a favorite coffee shop. I wonder if the landowner is also a good person because the stores do not change frequently. There is also a delicious standing-eating ramen shop on the platform, and I envy it at the calm station.
かずまる on Google

10年間春日部駅を利用しています。 [良い点] ・ない。 [悪い点] ・不便この上ない。 東西を抜けることができず反対口に出るためには入場券を払うか、離れた地下道を通ることになる。 ・狭い。 通路・ホーム・改札全て狭い。 ・動線は最悪。 目的地が人の流れと逆転だと辿り着くのが難しい。双方避けることも難しい。 ・身勝手な利用者。 朝夕を中心に余裕がない人間が多い。一方、昼間のベンチは老人が荷物を置いて占拠している。 駅の構造がそうさせるのか、いかれた人間が多いのかは不明。とにかく割り込みが多い。
I have been using Kasukabe Station for 10 years. [good point] ·do not have. [Bad point] ・ It is inconvenient. If you cannot go through the east and west and go to the opposite exit, you have to pay an admission ticket or go through a distant underpass. ·narrow. The passage, home, and ticket gates are all narrow. ・ The flow line is the worst. It is difficult to reach if the destination is a reversal of the flow of people. It is also difficult to avoid both. ・ Selfish users. There are many people who cannot afford it, especially in the morning and evening. On the other hand, the bench in the daytime is occupied by an old man with his luggage. It's unclear if the structure of the station makes it so or if there are many crazy people. Anyway, there are many interrupts.
ゲネラルパウゼ on Google

本当は☆ゼロが妥当な主要駅 / 東口 ⇒ 西口の往き来が、とにかく不便も良いところ。今どき、駅の通り抜けに150円の入場券買わせる考え自体が、地域発展に歯止めを掛けています。40年以上前に親類の家へ遊びに行った頃にも、東武線の高架線計画とうたわれていました。あれから約半世紀経ち、漸く高架線計画が決まったとの話し(笑)。駅前のロータリーも、ただ馬鹿デカいだけ。自家用車のない方は、引っ越さない方が良いですよ。東口も西口も、とにかく駅から至近距離の買い物がしずらく、悲しい気持ちになります。特に、西口が酷いです。独り暮らしの方で、車を持たない方は、とにかく不便なのでお薦め出来ません。東口に有った《オリジン弁当》も撤退してしまい、歯医者になりました。唯一のお薦めは(笑)、美容院がやたら目鱈うじゃうじゃある事と、野田線ホームにある《立ち食いラーメン》が美味しい事ぐらいです。あくまでも、噂ですが…地主がケチで、家賃が高くて営業が成り行かなくなるらしいです。とにかく車のない方は、引っ越さない方が良いですよ。
Actually ☆ Zero is a reasonable main station / East exit ⇒ West exit is inconvenient anyway. Nowadays, the idea of ​​having people buy an admission ticket for 150 yen through a station has put a stop to regional development. Even when I went to a relative's house more than 40 years ago, it was said that it was an elevated line plan for the Tobu line. About half a century has passed since then, and it is said that the elevated line plan has finally been decided (laughs). The roundabout in front of the station is just stupid. If you don't have a private car, you shouldn't move. At both the east and west exits, it's hard to shop at a close distance from the station, which makes me sad. Especially the west exit is terrible. If you live alone and do not have a car, we do not recommend it because it is inconvenient. The "Origin Bento" at the east exit also withdrew and became a dentist. The only recommendation (laughs) is that the hairdresser is crazy and the "Stand-up Ramen" at the Noda Line platform is delicious. It's a rumor to the last, but it seems that the landowner is stingy and the rent is high and the business will not be possible. Anyway, if you don't have a car, you shouldn't move.
Venantius Jong-Hwan Na on Google

I could see characters in Shinchan in the station.

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