わいんばー りゅうちゃん

4.3/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact わいんばー りゅうちゃん

住所 :

Kashiwayacho, Shimogyo Ward, 〒600-8498 Kyoto,Japan

電話 : 📞 +87788
街 : Kyoto

Kashiwayacho, Shimogyo Ward, 〒600-8498 Kyoto,Japan
mk yasakatei on Google

とあるソムリエに勧められたけど可もなく不可もないレベル 客層がちょっと、品がない 再訪はないなぁ
Recommended by a certain sommelier, but a level that is neither good nor bad The customer base is a little out of stock There is no revisit
Ryu on Google

In the bright and calm shop, the wine offered by the glass changes every time the bottle is empty, so you can enjoy a once-in-a-lifetime experience every day.
齋藤彰訓 on Google

グラスワインを800円位から楽しめる。 ラザニア、アヒージョ、生ハム等アラカルトも充実していて、空いていればストレスなく出て来る。
You can enjoy a glass of wine from around 800 yen. Lasagna, ajillo, prosciutto and other a la carte are also available, and if they are free, they will come out without stress.
しんがポール on Google

It was nice to be able to drink quietly over the weekend, and it was nice to be able to consult casually on what to do with wine and pasta. We enjoyed wine and penne. Both the store and the toilets were clean.
*e* on Google

Everything was delicious! I will definitely go again ♪
Yoshihiro Sono on Google

2019.06.01 友人の紹介で初めて伺いました。カウンター6席、ボックス席1つのお店でした。ドアがガラス戸で中が見えるので、入りやすいお店でした。鮮魚のカルパッチョ、雲丹のクリームパスタを頂きました。1人で切り盛りされてるお店なのに激ウマでした。 予約してから行った方が良いお店です。
2010.06.01 We asked for the first time by introduction of friend. There were six counters and one box. The door was a glass shop, so it was easy to go in. We had fresh fish carpaccio and sea urchin cream pasta. Even though it was a shop that was built by one person, it was intense. It is a good shop to go after booking.
川田由樹 on Google

一見、定食屋という内装、、。でも、とにかく、美味しかったです。メニューも、どれもこれも、たのみたい内容でした。ワイン意外の飲み物もあります。 マスター?かな?は、淡々とされた方です。(個人見解)
At first glance, the interior is a set meal restaurant. But anyway, it was delicious. The menu was just like that. There are also drinks other than wine. Master? Wonder? Is the one who was taken carelessly. (Personal opinion)
Pelle Ravn on Google

Very chilled and relaxing atmosphere, and the wine and chocolate dessert was very good.

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