Deux Cochons

3.7/5 に基づく 6 レビュー

Contact Deux Cochons

住所 :

Mukadeyacho, Nakagyo Ward, 〒604-8214 Kyoto,Japan

電話 : 📞 +87
街 : Kyoto

Mukadeyacho, Nakagyo Ward, 〒604-8214 Kyoto,Japan
Takuya Kubota on Google

Reika F on Google

In the calm atmosphere, I enjoyed the delicious wine and felt happy.
A. H on Google

It's a mediocre comment, but the food, wine, atmosphere and customer service were excellent. This street where the shop is located is also astringent. I will definitely go there again when I travel to Kyoto.
Isamu Iwanari on Google

数年ぶりくらいにひとりで足を運んだ。この店ができたころくらいからたまに足を運んでいた。 そのときいわれたことは、「1名では入店不可。二名以上」。絶望の雨。ヴァンナチュールmais 客えらーぶ。そんなに大勢の3蜜希望の店だったのか。 この店のポリシーは 「一人でいるものにワインを飲む権利はない」 そういうことです。
I went alone for the first time in a few years. I've been visiting this shop once in a while since it opened. At that time, it was said that "one person cannot enter the store. Two or more people". Rain of despair. Van Natur mais guest selection. Was it a store with so many three honey hopes? The policy of this store is "Those who are alone do not have the right to drink wine" That's it.
Kazunari Hoshino on Google

オープンして13年か…早いなぁ オトナのいい感じのワインバー 料理がどれもいい感じ この夏、ナスのグラタンは絶品 ソースはお楽しみ 笑
It's been 13 years since it opened... Adult-friendly wine bar Every dish feels good The eggplant gratin is excellent this summer Enjoy the sauce lol
kenjiro yamashita on Google

It was near the hotel and after a full meal so I had sparkling wine and pickles. A delicious menu is on the blackboard. I'm curious about DENON's analog player and stereo deck. I will definitely stop by this time (^^)

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