Kasagi-dera - Soraku District

4.1/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Kasagi-dera

住所 :

Kasagiyama-29 Kasagi, Soraku District, Kyoto 619-1303, Japan

電話 : 📞 +87988
Postal code : 619-1303
Webサイト : https://kasagidera.net/

Kasagiyama-29 Kasagi, Soraku District, Kyoto 619-1303, Japan
N. on Google

You can come by car from Nara or Kizu. Parking lot, car 500 yen, motorcycle 200 yen. The admission fee is 300 yen per person, and there are many large monoliths, making it a historically dense place. It's very interesting to take a closer look at nature, feel the awesomeness, and the history that happened there. Any shoes that do not slip are fine. It's very impressive.
T Nobu on Google

I enjoyed the time and space worth more than 300 yen for admission. The power of a huge rock that is big enough to overlap, lie down, sit down, and look up. It was good to know that there is such a place in such a place.
ムッシュTanjima on Google

It is a temple whose principal image is the giant Maitreya Buddha (a Buddha statue carved directly on a natural rock wall), and it is quite spectacular. You can't go without a car.
T. Tsutsumi on Google

大きな岩に彫られた巨大な磨崖仏に圧倒されましたァ? 日本古来の自然崇拝である山岳信仰や巨石信仰が、シルクロードを通って伝播した仏教とこの地で融合し、新しい仏教思想を開花させたことに非常に興味を持ちました‼️ 思わず新型コロナウイルス感染の早期収束と一日でも早く元の日常生活が戻ってくることを願ってお祈りしました? 紅葉?の季節にもう一度来たいと思います( ^ω^ )
I was overwhelmed by the huge Buddha carved in a big rock ? I was very interested in the fact that the ancient Japanese nature worships of mountain worship and megalithic worship merged with Buddhism propagated through the Silk Road here, and a new Buddhist idea blossomed! ️ I prayed for the early convergence of the new coronavirus infection and for the return of my original daily life as soon as possible ? I would like to come again in the season of autumn leaves ? (^ ω ^)
KAZ on Google

I visited before the Corona disaster. It was a wonderful walking route while being surprised and impressed by the huge rocks with dogs. The autumn leaves ? are also beautiful and I definitely want to visit again. High heels ? looks tough, so sneakers ? are recommended ?
Noritaka Nakamura on Google

京都市内からも遠方にあり、アクセスはしにくい場所にありますが来る価値はあります。 拝観料300円かかりますが、綺麗な景色と紅葉だけを見せて拝観料500円とかのお寺よりは、ハイキングがてらというか、あちこち行けてアスレチック的な要素を含みますので面白かったです。 有名な胎内くぐりはあれ?っという感じですぐに終わってしまいましたが、山頂や弥勒磨崖仏など、寺でありながら自然信仰のアニミズム的神道との関わりも感じられる場所です。 紅葉の時期は夜間ライトラップもされていますし? 山頂近辺からは笠置町を見下ろす絶景が望めます。
It's far from Kyoto city and it's hard to access, but it's worth it. The admission fee is 300 yen, but it was more interesting because you can go hiking here and there and it contains athletic elements rather than a temple where you can see only the beautiful scenery and autumn leaves and the admission fee is 500 yen. What is the famous Tainai? It ended immediately, but it is a place where you can feel the connection with the animistic Shinto of nature worship, even though it is a temple, such as the mountaintop and Miroku Magaibutsu. There is also a night light wrap during the fall foliage season ? From the vicinity of the mountaintop, you can enjoy a spectacular view overlooking Kasagi Town.
Carmel Veber on Google

Nice place
Eleazar Jimenez on Google

Careful with the ticket. No machines at all.

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