Akirahakusan Saimyo Temple - Sanjo

4.4/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Akirahakusan Saimyo Temple

住所 :

193 Innai, Sanjo, Niigata 955-0115, Japan

電話 : 📞 +87
Postal code : 955-0115
Opening hours :
Saturday 8AM–12PM
Sunday 8AM–12PM
Monday 8AM–12PM
Tuesday 8AM–12PM
Wednesday 8AM–12PM
Thursday 8AM–12PM
Friday 8AM–12PM

193 Innai, Sanjo, Niigata 955-0115, Japan
zazi ban on Google

I was attracted to the beautiful approach to the cedar trees and visited. Moss is also beautiful.
田中くじら on Google

近くの、いい湯らてい(温泉施設)のレンタルサイクルで、自転車を借りてぶらぶらしている時に偶然見つけました。 木々がとても美しい場所です。
I stumbled across a rental cycle of a nearby hot spring (hot spring facility) when I was renting a bicycle and hanging out. It is a place where trees are very beautiful.
阪東太郎 on Google

越後三十三観音霊場 33番札所 真言宗智山派 千手観音菩薩
Echigo Thirty-three Enemyba  33 Banzansho   Shingon Buddhism Chiyama School   Senju Kanon Bodhisattva
てけもてけも on Google

真言宗智山派 越後三十三観音丗三番 千手観世音 庫裏改装中
Shingon School of Chisan Echigo Sanban Thousands of hands 観世音 Curry is refitting
トラえもん on Google

Saimyoji Temple was founded in the first year of Tenpyo (729) by Jintai, and is said to have begun to house the Senju Kanzeon Bodhisattva, which is said to be made by Gyoki Bosatsu. The grounds are wrapped in silence, and the atmosphere is very calm with the sacred air of a power spot. Thank you very much, I received the red stamp of "Sente Kanzeon" at the 33rd bill of Echigo 33 Kannon Sacred Ground.
渋谷静明 on Google

One of the thirty-three Kannons in Echigo, No.3 at the third billhouse
マツコ on Google

道路を走っていると山門とその先に杉並木が見えました✨『おーっ❗これは行かねばならぬ‼️』とUターンしようと少し走ると『最明寺→』の看板があったので行ってみると目の前に本堂が? そこから山門まで歩いて戻るには私には結構な距離で?? 本堂とその奥の千手観音堂でお参りをして、こちら側から山門を眺めて帰って来ました? きっと山門から杉並木を歩く方が雰囲気あって良いと思います?
When I was running on the road, I saw a mountain gate and a row of cedar trees in the end ✨ “Oh ❗ This must go!” When I run for a while to make a U-turn, there was a sign of "Saimyoji →", so when I went there, the main hall was in front of me ? It was a pretty distance for me to walk back to the Sanmon ?? I visited the main hall and the Senju Kannon Hall in the back, and looked back at the mountain gate from this side ? I think it would be nice to walk the cedar tree line from the mountain gate ?
かにや on Google

The row of cedar trees leading from the main street to Kannon-do is wonderful. If you park in the parking lot in front of the main hall, you will enter from the middle (side) of the cedar trees. The scent of wood and the faint scent were very good, and I went back and forth to the entrance of the tree-lined trees. I never get tired of staying there. The scenery along the river on the way to here was also amazing!

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