Kannai Clinic - Yokohama

3.3/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Kannai Clinic

住所 :

明治屋尾上町ビル 3F 5 Chome-76 Onoecho, Naka Ward, Yokohama, Kanagawa 231-0015, Japan

電話 : 📞 +87
Postal code : 231-0015
Webサイト : http://www.kannai-iin.com/index.html

明治屋尾上町ビル 3F 5 Chome-76 Onoecho, Naka Ward, Yokohama, Kanagawa 231-0015, Japan
みゆゆ on Google

先生とかは何も問題無しですが 診察の順番待ちよりも 会計待ちの時間の方が 長くかかりすぎます 何とかして下さい
There is nothing wrong with the teacher, but it takes too long to wait for the checkout than to wait for the consultation. Please do something about it.
286 jswsc on Google

下肢静脈瘤が専門で、その患者をあぶりだすために他の症状の患者を集めているように感じられました。それなら、あれもみますこれもみますとか書かないでほしいです。 しかも態度の悪い先生で、椅子にふんぞり返って、こちらの話をほとんど聞いてくれません。なんでうちにきたの?とまで言われました。病院でそんなこと言われたの初めてですf(^_^; お望みの症状の患者じゃなかったみたいです。 先生は何人かおられるので良い方もおられるのかもしれませんが…
He specializes in varicose veins of the lower extremities and felt like he was gathering patients with other symptoms to expose them. If so, I'd like you to see that too. Don't write that you'll see this too. Moreover, he is a teacher with a bad attitude, and he turns back to his chair and hardly listens to this story. Why did you come to us? I was even told. It's the first time I've been told that at the hospital f (^_^; It seems that he was not the patient with the desired symptoms. There are several teachers, so there may be some good ones ...
Ryo (Ryo) on Google

先日、腹痛と下痢の症状が続くため、関内医院を受診しました。 診断後、診断結果や原因について私からいくつか質問しましたが、先生は丁寧に答えてくださり、また胃腸に優しい食べ物なども教えてくださいました。 処方してもらった薬の服用・食事の改善を始めて数日経ちましたが、症状もだいぶ落ち着きました。 的確な診断・処方、丁寧な説明をしてくれる先生なので、皆さんへ強くお勧めします。
The other day, I visited Kannai Clinic because my symptoms of abdominal pain and diarrhea continued. After the diagnosis, I asked some questions about the results and causes of the diagnosis, but the teacher answered me carefully and also told me about gastrointestinal friendly foods. It has been a few days since I started taking my prescription medicines and improving my diet, but my symptoms have calmed down considerably. He is a teacher who gives accurate diagnosis, prescription, and polite explanation, so I highly recommend it to everyone.
σ σ on Google

11月6日現在、インフルエンザ予防接種は高齢者のみ受付とのこと。 次のワクチン入荷予定は決まっておらず、しばらくして問合せして頂きたいとのこと。 予約は行っていないとのことです。
As of November 6, influenza vaccination is only accepted for the elderly. The next vaccine arrival schedule has not been decided, so please contact us after a while. I heard that I have not made a reservation.
Calu on Google

Many doctors and nurses are enrolled and open every day except on public holidays. Furthermore, it is very helpful to see me until Sunday. In addition, when the schedule is not convenient, there are hospitals that are linked to each other so that you can proceed with treatment while sharing your medical records. You can nominate, but I am relieved to do my best no matter what teacher. It ’s always crowded, but it ’s here that helps me. Thank you very much.
ゆゆゆ on Google

昔からある病院なのかもしれませんが... 院内の清潔感は全くもって0でした... 静脈瘤と診断されましたが、あまり丁寧な診察とは思えず他の病院に行ったら手術しなくて大丈夫と言われました。 もうここには行きません。。。
It may be an old hospital, but ... The cleanliness of the hospital was completely 0 ... I was diagnosed with varicose veins, but I didn't think it was a very careful examination and I was told that if I went to another hospital, I wouldn't have to have surgery. I won't go here anymore. .. ..
Hawaii Foster on Google

Not recommended. Everyone was good at responding by phone, but there was a mistake in the details and confirmation of the important reservation, which was a waste of time. It was unclear whether it was inconsistent or if the width of the hand was too large.
K NAMI on Google

初めて痔になってしまい、お世話になりました。先生は女性でとても優しくてきぱきとそして的確に説明してくださり大変安心しました。 薬もちょこちょこもらいに来なくていいようにたくさん出してくれました。 1つ残念だったのは受付の方の対応です。 痔だったので受付ではお伝えしたくなく、後で先生にお伝えするで大丈夫ですか?と聞きました。 風邪とかじゃないですね?といわれ、そのときはそれなら大丈夫ですと言われたのに、他の受付の方との会話をしたあとに保険証を返されるときにまた症状を聞かれました。 他にも患者が待ち合いにいるところでプライバシーを守ってもらえずとても残念でした。 色んな症状の患者さんがこられるとおもうので 先に症状を知るべきなのであればwebや紙の問診票をつくったらいいと思います。
I had hemorrhoids for the first time, and I am indebted to him. The teacher was a woman and was very kind and quick and accurate, and I was very relieved. He gave me a lot of medicine so that I didn't have to come here and there. One disappointing thing was the response of the receptionist. I didn't want to tell at the reception because I had hemorrhoids, is it okay to tell the teacher later? I heard that. Isn't it a cold? At that time, I was told that it was okay, but when I returned my health insurance card after having a conversation with another receptionist, I was asked for symptoms again. It was a pity that I couldn't protect my privacy when the patient was waiting. I think that patients with various symptoms will come. If you should know the symptoms first, I think you should make a web or paper questionnaire.

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