Kanehi - Gamagori

4/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Kanehi

住所 :

3 Chome-63-1 Miyacho Yayoi, Gamagori, Aichi 443-0021, Japan

電話 : 📞 +88
Postal code : 443-0021

3 Chome-63-1 Miyacho Yayoi, Gamagori, Aichi 443-0021, Japan
SHO OHSUKA on Google

You can eat Unaju (1 animal) for 2800 yen, and the sauce is less sweet and delicious.
遠藤豊紀顧 on Google

うな重は、ご飯がめっちゃ多いなと見るからにぎっしり入っていました。タレは辛めでそんなには甘くない感じでした。 食べていたら、中にまたうなぎが一切れ入っていて、美味しく頂きました。 子供はうなぎが食べれないので、エビフライにしようと思ったら無かったので天婦羅にしました。 大葉とか食べた事がなかったけど、カリカリで美味しかったようで、椎茸とかも食べてくれました。
Unaju was packed full because I saw that there was a lot of rice. The sauce was spicy and not so sweet. When I was eating, there was another piece of eel inside and it was delicious. My child couldn't eat eel, so I didn't want to make fried shrimp, so I chose tempura. I had never eaten Ooba, but it seemed to be crispy and delicious, and he also ate shiitake mushrooms.
163 MAMEO on Google

たれも甘すぎず最後まで美味しくいただけました。肝焼きは絶品❗ お店の方の接客も素晴らしかったです。
The sauce was not too sweet and was delicious until the end. Liver grill is excellent ❗ The customer service of the shop was also wonderful.
幡本真知子 on Google

綺麗な料理で 子供達も大はしゃぎでした。丼のような大きな茶碗蒸しに喜んで食べていました。鰻やさんと思うけど 天婦羅や 刺身など選べるので皆で要っても困りません。
The food was beautiful and the children were very excited. I was happy to eat it with a large bowl of chawanmushi like a bowl. I think it's eel, but you can choose tempura or sashimi, so it doesn't matter if everyone needs it.
阿部忠行 on Google

I used to say that Kanehi eel is the best in the world ?, so I ate eel today ? The outside was crispy and the inside was fluffy, and the eel was double-tiered ? Saiko ??? Also I want to go ? October 3rd I ate a tempura set meal ? Eel tempura ? Crispy eel to the tail ? Completed without leaving ? All ? Crispy ❗️ It was crispy and really ⤴️⤴️ ??? October 28th If you pass in front of the store, you can take it home ? There was an advertisement ✨December 20th Today, I ate Kanehi set meal ✨Sashimi ? Grilled eel ? Grilled eel around the liver ? Grilled eel with tempura ? Sucker ? Pickled ? White rice ? Very satisfied ? ? ? It was a set meal ✨ Also, I would like to go to eat today ? I ate a large serving of eel ✨ A cup of cold eel Masamune ? Deep-fried eel bones ✨ While pinching, I enjoyed the large serving of eel ? ?
ますだみえこ on Google

うなぎの看板を見つけて、初めて入ったお店 うな重の2800円は安すぎる? そして美味しい? ラストオーダーギリギリ?️?に入店 快く受け入れて頂きました☺️
The first shop I entered after finding the eel sign Unajū's 2800 yen is too cheap ? And delicious ? Enter the last order ?️? I was happy to accept it ☺️
じゅろ on Google

うな重と肝焼きをいただきました。 口コミ通り。味、接客言うことなしです。 パリパリ好みの連れが、特に絶賛をしていました。 リピーターになりそうです。
I had Unaju and liver grilled. According to word of mouth. There is no need to say the taste and customer service. The crispy companion was particularly acclaimed. I'm going to be a repeater.
ku-san on Google

うなぎ、天ぷら絶品☆ 接客も良く、とても良い時間を過ごすことができました。呼出しベルがあるので個室からもすぐに対応してくれました。 大将もとても良い方で趣味の多肉のお話を聞かせていただきました。 一緒に行った母もとても喜んでいました。 また行きます! ありがとうございました(^^)
Eel and tempura exquisite ☆ The customer service was good and I had a very good time. Since there is a call bell, he responded immediately from the private room. The general is also a very good person and told me about his hobby, succulents. My mother who went with me was also very happy. I will go again! Thank you (^^)

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