Kitchen Senga - Gamagori

3.8/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Kitchen Senga

住所 :

Wakamiya-95 Miyacho, Gamagori, Aichi 443-0021, Japan

電話 : 📞 +89889
Postal code : 443-0021
Webサイト :

Wakamiya-95 Miyacho, Gamagori, Aichi 443-0021, Japan
今村正典 on Google

本日、夕方に行きました。 家族4人で各々注文したら 凄くボリュームがありました。 皆、お腹一杯で宿に戻りました。 味も美味しかった。(≧∇≦)b
I went in the evening today. If you order each with 4 family members There was a lot of volume. Everyone returned to the inn with full stomach. The taste was also delicious. (≧ ∇ ≦) b
N W on Google

The chief chef I asked for a recommended lunch. 1800 yen? Is it worth it? . . Hamburger hard. The fry was thick and people who ate it together were stripped ('· ω ·). I wonder if the timing I went was bad.
全包公園糞 on Google

割高。 牛豚合挽のハンバーグ。 食べ慣れていないハンバーグ なので個人的に口に合わず。 それ以外のモノは無難に旨いが、 コスパ的に良いと言えない。 『料理面』ハンバーグは牛100%が良い 『接客面』フツー 『衛生面』清潔感有り☆1 以上により、☆1
Expensive. Beef and pork hamburger steak. Unfamiliar hamburger So I personally don't like it. Other things are safe, but It cannot be said that it is good in terms of cost performance. "Cooking" hamburger is good with 100% beef "Customer service" "Hygiene" Cleanliness ☆ 1 From the above, ☆ 1
鈴木正一 on Google

Now that I have a Gamapon, I can finally visit this shop that I was curious about. So, I ordered a kitchen Senga platter set meal. The main course was hamburger steak, fried shrimp, cream croquette, etc., and it was voluminous and satisfying. With this, 1700 yen is a great deal. However, in terms of location, I can't feel free to come. It's located in a corner of the Domy Miya store parking lot, and it's convenient by car, but it's a hassle to visit by train or bus. Mikawa-Miya station is near, but you will have to walk a lot. Most of the customers are local customers, and I was the only one who brought Gamapon to the store. Gamapon service had coffee. The store opens from 9 am and it seems that you can get a cheap morning set, but it is a delicate time to come to the store for the purpose of morning. I thought that Gust, which opens from 7 am, is more convenient. I think it's better to quit the morning and go to a restaurant for lunch and dinner. To be honest, if I didn't see Gamapon, I would have ended my life without knowing this shop.
浜條淳 on Google

You can see how busy the preparation is! Still this price! !! The ingredients are fresh and I would like to stop by when I go to Gamagori!
KytROU on Google

どれもとても美味しくて、ボリュームがすごかったです!! ステーキ丼をお願いしましたが、カレー皿の様な大きさにお野菜もご飯もたくさん盛ってくれてました。ステーキも柔らかくて美味しかったです!お腹いっぱいでしたが、お米が美味しくて残さず全部食べてしまいました。
Everything was very delicious and the volume was amazing! !! I asked for a steak bowl, but they served a lot of vegetables and rice in a size like a curry plate. The steak was also soft and delicious! I was full, but the rice was delicious and I ate all of it.
よっしぃ〜“よっしぃ〜” on Google

去年の8月に行った際コロナ禍の短縮営業時間になったところで、少し遅れてしまい、店員が飛び出てきて営業終わりましたということで、遠くまで来たのに入店できず、やっと本日再トライできました。 数限定の幕内弁当が終了してしまったため、シェフおすすめメニューを注文。カキ?の苦手な私でもとても美味しく食べることができたカキのバター焼き。最高?。アサリの味噌汁も最高?焼き鮭やエビフライ?、カニクリームコロッケ?、ハンバーグなどなどボリューム満点の料理に満足?と満腹になりました。 店員さんたちも親切でとても良かったです。 次回は幕内弁当を食べに来ようと思っています。
When I went to the store in August of last year, when the business hours of Corona were shortened, it was a little late, and the clerk jumped out and the business was closed, so I could not enter the store even though I came a long way, and finally today I was able to try again. Since the limited number of Makunouchi lunch boxes have ended, I ordered the chef's recommended menu. I'm not good at oysters ?, but I was able to eat oysters with butter. The best ?. The miso soup of Asari is also the best ? I am satisfied with the hearty dishes such as grilled salmon, fried shrimp ?, crab cream croquette ?, hamburger steak ? and I am full. The clerk was also kind and very nice. Next time I'm thinking of coming to eat Makunouchi lunch.
Richard N on Google

Wow. I had the chef's recommended today's set, which was HUGE!!! So much food for 1800 Yen! Delicious. Excellent cospa. Too much to eat! Today's set included a big hamburg steak, two ebi fry, two kaki fry, spicy fish, daikon with fish, shredded cabbage, potatoes and broccoli, miso soup, rice, etc. Wow! See photo.

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