旨里豊橋 割烹一平 - Toyohashi

4.4/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact 旨里豊橋 割烹一平

住所 :

Matsubacho, Toyohashi, 〒440-0897 Aichi,Japan

電話 : 📞 +8
Postal code : 440-0897
Webサイト : http://www.kappoh-ippei.com/
街 : Aichi

Matsubacho, Toyohashi, 〒440-0897 Aichi,Japan
山田一晶 on Google

I had it before the rakugo party. It was delicious.
森田敦子 on Google

It was really delicious. Especially the taste of the sea urchin and Junsai soup is excellent.
黒田努 on Google

Counter is recommended. You can see the fish in front of you and if you ask, it will tell you about the fish. Of course, the food is excellent.
いいひひ on Google

管理の出来ていない高いだけの店 知人がネット予約をしたら、後日休業で受けれないと言われた。 このご時世、ネット予約は当たり前❗️ 雨夜久場予約が入ればいい程度の登録は辞めてもらいたい❗️
Only expensive stores that are not managed If an acquaintance made an online reservation, he was told that he would not be able to take the holiday at a later date. In this era, online reservations are commonplace. I would like you to quit the registration just enough to make a reservation for the rainy night.
やむひろ on Google

It was a very elegant and responsive store
Yummmiiia on Google

This time I visited the puffer fish course. It's really delicious and I'm satisfied.
森下義章 on Google

テイクアウト出来てよかったと思いました。妻はフグ刺身は大好きなので食べましたけど今まで食べた味が違うって言われた(笑)その後料理長から連絡あって知りました。料理長のポリシーは鉄刺の厚みなので!!妻は厚みより薄く鉄刺の方が好みだった。‪( •̥ ˍ •̥ )‬ちょっと残念でした。 注文する時厚みか薄くか注文したらいいと思います。 テイクアウト出来て嬉しいけど出来れば皿より使い捨て皿の方が欲しかった。一部だけ訂正しましたm(_ _)m
I'm glad I was able to take out. My wife loves blowfish sashimi, so I ate it, but I was told that the taste I had eaten was different (laughs). After that, the chef contacted me and found out. The chef's policy is the thickness of the iron sashimi !! My wife preferred the iron sashimi to be thinner than the thickness. It was a little disappointing. When ordering, I think you should order whether it is thick or thin. I'm happy to be able to take out, but if possible I wanted a disposable plate rather than a plate. Only partly corrected m (_ _) m
立松直文 on Google

この値段では安過ぎる。 まず最初の茶碗蒸しから他店とは全く次元が違う食感と味付け。 京都の名店の流れをくむ味付けと盛り付けはまさに芸術品。 ランチには少し値が張るが、この内容とボリュームなら、安いと感じた。豊橋には足を運ぶ予定があれば、ぜひ予約の上訪れて欲しいと思う。 決済はPayPay等の電子マネー類の対応はなく、現金またはクレジットカードです。 駐車場は隣のコインパーキングが提携している様子。 名店だよ。
This price is too cheap. First of all, from the first chawanmushi, the texture and seasoning are completely different from other stores. The seasoning and presentation that follows the flow of famous stores in Kyoto is truly a work of art. Lunch is a little pricey, but I felt it was cheap with this content and volume. If you plan to visit Toyohashi, please make a reservation before visiting. Payment is not compatible with electronic money such as PayPay, but cash or credit card. The parking lot seems to be affiliated with the coin parking next door. It's a well-known store.

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