五郎田 - Nishio

3.6/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact 五郎田

住所 :

Yonezucho, Nishio, 〒445-0802 Aichi,Japan

電話 : 📞 +8
Postal code : 445-0802
Webサイト : http://wasyoku-gorouta.jp/
街 : Aichi

Yonezucho, Nishio, 〒445-0802 Aichi,Japan
めぐ on Google

When I heard that an eel specialty store came out next to me, I heard that it was only done at noon. Even though it was charcoal-grilled, the head family Gorota said that there was only electric-grilled eel, and when I ordered it, it was as delicious as charcoal-grilled. ,
小林徹也 on Google

The freshly baked unaju was crispy and crispy, and it was very delicious ?
Yuko Sugiura on Google

海老フライ定食を食べました。 美味しい海老フライを求めていたので、 やっと出会えて感動!! エビフライが食べたくなったらまた来ます。 他にも松花堂弁当やランチメニューもありましたが、気になったのは 稲庭うどん。 次回は稲庭うどん食べに行きます!
I ate a fried shrimp set meal. I was looking for a delicious fried shrimp, so I was impressed to finally meet! !! I will come again if I want to eat fried shrimp. There were also Matsukado lunch boxes and lunch menus, but what I was interested in was Inaniwa udon. Next time I will go to eat Inaniwa udon!
Hideaki Takahashi on Google

美味しい食事のできるお店で、何回か寄らせていただいています。 松花堂弁当をいただきました。 料理人の作る料理で、見た目も味付けも納得です。 ただ、毎回残念に思うのは、料理提供の時間が長すぎる点です。料理提供まで、食前のドリンクやちょっとしたお菓子を出すだけでも印象が違ってくるのではないかと思います。
It's a restaurant where you can enjoy delicious meals, and I've visited there several times. I received a Shokado lunch. It's a dish made by a cook, and it looks and tastes good. However, I regret that every time I serve food for too long. I think that the impression will be different just by serving pre-dinner drinks and small sweets until the food is served.
army I on Google

魚も肉も、良いものがそろってる、さすがに良いものは値段は高いね。ステーキ頼んでも美味いし、うなぎも美味い。しゃぶしゃぶ最高、鍋もいい。食材良し、腕も良し ああ、鍋の付けつゆが最高に美味しい。味ぽんの数倍美味い ^^;
Good fish and meat are available, and the good ones are expensive. Even if you order steak, it's delicious, and the eel is also delicious. Shabu-shabu is the best, and the pot is also good. Good ingredients, good skill Oh, the soup in the pot is the best. It's several times more delicious than Ajipon ^^;
フードマニア on Google

Refreshing eel grilled with a roaster!
林玉巳 on Google

稲庭うどん(冷)セット 丼が選べる〜かき揚げは単品でも付いてきます〜残暑で10月でも冷たいうどんを選びました〜
Inaniwa udon (cold) set You can choose a bowl ~ Kakiage comes with a single item ~ I chose udon which is cold even in October due to the residual heat ~
Atsushi MASEGI on Google

西尾市街地から米津橋を渡って北上すると右手にある和食処。随分と昔からある老舗料理店です。部屋数、席数も抱負なので団体利用には良いのかもしれません。歴史のある料理店ということは本当に美味しいのかと考え訪問をしました。 注文は、和牛ステーキセット(3,500円)。お刺身、茶碗蒸し、赤出汁、ライス、デザートが付きます。和牛ステーキはほぼ脂。まぁ、再訪はないでしょう。
Cross the Yonezu Bridge from downtown Nishio and head north to the Japanese restaurant on your right. It is a long-established restaurant that has been around for a long time. The number of rooms and seats is also aspiration, so it may be good for group use. I visited a restaurant with a long history, thinking that it was really delicious. The order is a Japanese beef steak set (3,500 yen). Comes with sashimi, chawanmushi, red soup stock, rice and dessert. Wagyu steak is almost fat. Well, I won't come back.

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